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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

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Iranian foreign ministry says it won’t be sending forces to support Hezbollah in Lebanon

Iran news
Soldiers of the elite Saberin Unit, Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps. Image – @TheShiaResist, X.

Iran has announced it will not deploy troops to Lebanon or Gaza to confront Israel, despite escalating conflicts in the region.

In a statement made by Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani on Monday, Tehran reiterated its commitment to a safe and stable Middle East, emphasising that Lebanon and Palestinian fighters are capable of defending themselves.

“We do not seek war, but we are not afraid of it,” Kanaani stated, stressing there is no need for Iranian forces to intervene. He added that Iran has not received any requests for military support, and Hezbollah and other resistance groups are equipped to handle the aggression independently.

Israel has recently intensified airstrikes against Hezbollah and other militant groups in the region, sparking concerns of a broader regional conflict that could involve Iran and the US. Kanaani warned that Israel will face consequences for its actions.

The ongoing Israeli offensive has resulted in over 1,000 deaths in Lebanon and widespread destruction, raising fears of further escalation across the Middle East.

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  1. Iran doesn’t need to send in the troops, as Hezbollah has thousands of rockets and hundreds of ballistic missiles hidden under the landscape in which they can attack Israel in retaliation for Israel inducing ‘collateral damage and casualties’ as is their AI-led modus in Gaza and the West Bank.
    If Iran is directly attacked by Israel and it’s ‘Allies’ and ‘Supporters’, then the warscape changes massively.
    Israel would then have only minutes to exist. And…everyone knows this.
    Historically, Persians and Slavs have proven to be unbeatable. This still rings true to this day.
    Iran is still prepping to overwhelm Israel if the need arises. And, I don’t doubt that Iran has the Genie of mass destruction, that being small tactical nukes at the ready for local applications, or strategic cobalt-formulated nukes at the ready.
    I foresee a Gaza situation in Lebanon, whereas Israel attacks from the air and ly long-range artillery until Lebanon is completely destroyed.
    Then, Israel will turn it’s attention to Syria and Jordan. Egypt and Saudi Arabia will strike deals to cede land in order for the boundaries of ‘Greater Israel’ to exist in the Middle East.
    In Ukraine and western Russia, the J3w$ will continue to attack the Donbass and Western Russia in their quest to re-establish ;Greater Khazaria’ as per Chabad Rabbi Schneerson’s speech in 1994.
    Putin will thankfully and hopefully, not allow that to happen, as if such were to occur, another Zionist Talmudic-based Red Terror would re-emerge in Russia and the Ukraine.
    Zelensky has already leveled and destroyed the Orthodox Churches in the Ukraine, just as the Bolsheviks did, and has declared that he wants to make the Ukraine into ‘another Israel’ based on the history of ancient Khazaria.
    After the J3w$ enact their ‘dreams’ of J3wi$h ‘homelands’, they will then be coming after the rest of the world in order to impose deadly Noahide Law and Talmudic procedures. These run parallel to Islamic Sharia Law in the execution and effect imposed on a population.
    Let’s hope that Putin can stop f@#king around with the J3w$ in his inner circle, like what happened to Trump via Kushner, and get a decisive victory.
    BTW, money and weapons being gifted to Israel and the Ukraine will not change when / IF Trump is voted into office…
    But, that is another story which we will see play out to the deniers who insist that ‘nothing is wrong’ and continue to close their eyes to reality.

  2. Iran knows that as a key part of the failing US empire, Israel is on borrowed time. Netanyahu already faces significant opposition in his own country and israel has little international support. Iran doesnt have to do anything to emerge victorious in the long run and just needs to maintain a cool head, all the while weakening israel and the US through its proxies. Israel’ s only option is to engineer another false flag. It wants all out war, and all Iran has to do is deny that to them and it will win.

  3. Curious the IDF is already characterising the invasion as a “limited incursion” because the reality is the Israeli army is full of nappy wearing soy boys who are going to get their asses kicked!

    • Scott Ritter pointed this out 6 months ago about Israeli Reservists being called-up.
      They donned 40kg backpacks, and had to run 30 meters at a time thru the wreckage that they created in order to engage an elusive enemy.
      After :30 minutes of run / cover / run again, these soy boys were exhausted, from all of the bagels and Starbucks kosher Lattes that they consumed in another life.
      The Hamas fighters are in no way going to be defeated; they are employing a desert version of Vietnam-guerilla tactics above and below ground, and are knowingly, ethically and legally fighting to regain their land that was stolen under the interpretations of International Law via the illegal ‘Balfour Declaration’.

  4. It seems to me that all the western political establishment all animals by supporting the genocide escalation of Israelis IDF. Hitler was a saint comparing the leader of Israel.


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