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Israel strikes Lebanese capital

Israel - Labanon news
Image – @sahouraxo, X.

The IDF has confirmed a targeted attack on a Hezbollah commander.

A building in Beirut, Lebanon has been destroyed in what Israel said was a targeted attack on a Hezbollah commander. The strike has raised concerns of a wider war in the region.

Lebanese media reported the explosion in the Beirut neighborhood of Haret Hreik on Tuesday evening, while Israeli outlets identified the targeted area as Dahieh. It was unclear whether airplanes or drones were involved.

At least one person has died and ten have been injured, according to RT Arabic.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) confirmed the strike and said it targeted the Hezbollah commander responsible for Saturday’s attack on a village in the Golan Heights “and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians.”

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said that by striking the village of Majdal Shams, Hezbollah had “crossed the red line,” echoing recent comments by Foreign Minister Israel Katz.

Twelve people died in the Druze village of Majdal Shams on Saturday, most of them children, when a rocket hit a football pitch. The IDF blamed Hezbollah, which denied responsibility. The Shia militant group has said that it would respond to any Israeli strike.

Israeli media outlets have named the target as Fuad Shukr, alias Hajj Mohsin, describing him as a “senior advisor” to Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, commander of the group’s precision missile project, and someone wanted by the US for his role in the 1983 role in the bombing of the Marine barracks in Beirut.

Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged rocket and drone fire for months, forcing the evacuation of almost 200,000 residents on both sides of the border.

West Jerusalem has threatened a military operation against Hezbollah for months, even as it continued the offensive against Hamas in Gaza. President Isaac Herzog said in early June that Hezbollah’s “terrorist aggression must be stopped” and that the world should not be surprised when Israel acts.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Israhell drills paranoïa and hatred into it own kids. No wonder its goes on killing every living soul around. Used to live in a ghetto for centuries, and not able to live otherwise than in a ghetto
    Peace will return when israhell is completdly erased.

  2. I’ve seen reports that the Biden-Harris administration told Israel specifically not to strike that region of Beirut, which is interesting because that was precisely where the Hezbollah terrorist was hiding.

    We’re perhaps seeing the same pattern again where the US “deep state” who puppet Biden-Harris do not mind if Israel strikes tit-for-tat some low-level Hezbollah in the middle of nowhere. They do seem to mind if Israel strikes at the Hezbollah top-dogs. The “deep state” wants this to continue and seemingly does not want Israel to finish off Hezbollah. Perhaps the same reason why under Obama, a request from the Iranian people for help was denied whilst Obama sent plane loads of shrink-wrapped cash on pallets to the Iranian regime. Then under Biden, a request was made again from the Iranian people for help which was again denied whilst Biden eased up sanctions on Iran.

    Allowing Israel to finish off Hezbollah and the US providing direct aid to the Iranian people would end this “forever war”. In the opposite case, discouraging Israel from finishing off Hezbollah and giving cash and easing sanctions on Iran ensures the “forever war” continues. The end of a “forever war” is not good for business for the MIL Industrial Complex – how do you sell bullets, bombs and missiles if nobody is using them?

    When the “deep state” is removed I expect there will be almost complete peace in the Middle East, and perhaps almost everywhere else on Earth.

      • The “deep state” is global and has personnel and assets in many countries. The “deep state” started about 6000 years ago in ancient Sumer and was controlled by Enlil who was part of the Anunnaki. Although the bad E.T.’s have now been removed from our Sol system, their “minions” in the form of the “bloodline families” remain. Although you might then say that the bloodline families are mostly Jewish, I would ask you, “Are they?” Have you heard of the Kazarian’s or “name stealers”: They assumed Jewish identity about 1000 years ago after an ancient king got sick of their activities. The Kazarian people would basically kill traders and then assume their identity, henceforth trading as them.

        Look at how they are trying to “get” President Trump, so the “deep state” is in the US.
        Look at where the Rothschild bankers and WEF live, so the “deep state” is in Europe.
        Look at how they run tanks over people and kill and organ harvest Falun Gong and put Muslims in internment camps and have prototype physical and virtual 15-minute cities in China, so the “deep state” is in China.

        Nobody including you or I really know if the “deep state” has a main “capital” country or is decentralized. My money is on Europe, and in particular Switzerland. Look at how bankers from Europe funded both sides of the 1860-1864 US civil war, then between 1871 to 1878 managed to pass legislation that (apparently) changes the US into a corporation with Washington DC as a parcel of land that is technically not US territory and is owned by the European bankers. Same situation for the City of London and Vatican City.


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