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Friday, September 20, 2024

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Kennedy endorses Trump

Robert F. Kennedy endorsement news
© X / @RobertKennedyJr/screenshot.

The former Democrat cited Ukraine, free speech and “war on children” as his reasons.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced he would back Republican candidate Donald Trump and end his independent run for president, but only in swing US states.

The son of Senator Robert Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy first tried to challenge President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination last April. Faced with obstruction within the party, he announced a third-party bid last October.

“Many months ago I promised the American people I would withdraw from the race if I became a spoiler,” Kennedy said on Friday afternoon. “In my heart, I no longer believe I have a realistic path to electoral victory.”

Kennedy said that three major issues led him to leave the Democrats: “free speech, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our children.” Trump, he explained, has “adopted these issues as his own to the point where he has asked to enlist me in his administration.”

The party two of his grandfathers helped build has become “the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money,” Kennedy said.

He also accused the US government – led by Democrats on both occasions – of staging a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and rejecting a peace plan in 2019, pushing Kiev into a conflict with Moscow that, according to Kennedy, has cost over 600,000 Ukrainian lives so far.

“Ukraine is a victim of this war, and it’s a victim of the West,” he said.

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Source:RT News

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  1. He also accused the US government – led by Democrats on both occasions – of staging a coup in Ukraine in 2014 and rejecting a peace plan in 2019,

    No, the Trump administration was in charge in 2019. Victoria Nuland as the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs was instrumental along with Hillary Clinton in formenting the coup.

    The Trump administration had plenty of time to sway Ukraine from killing its own between 2017 and 2020.

    “The party two of his grandfathers helped build has become “the party of war, censorship, corruption, big pharma, big tech, big money,” Kennedy said.”

    I can’t see how he thinks the Republican party is any different. Are Elon and Peter Theil not big tech/big money? Does X visibility filter tweets that are against the genocide in Palestine?

    Trump, Kennedy and Harris are all AIPAC ( American Israel Public Affairs Committee) endorsed. Documents have been leaked of US politicians helping AIPAC to avoid Foreign Agent Registration Act registration, and yet they back all the horses in the race and have the ear of most of the politicians in USA. Imagine if that was a Chinese or Russian political action group.

    In case anyone has missed it, a second aircraft carrier and accompanying fleet of destroyers and guided missile ships have just arrived in the med. Has anyone heard howls of dissaproval from Trump or Kennedy that the Biden admin could be about to start a war with Iran for Israel?

    Do people really think if Trump is elected he would stop a war already started and bring troops home?

    This Trump/Kennedy/Musk combo does not bode well IMHO

  2. RFK is a lawyer, where will Trump appoint him? hmmm
    The head of the CIA?
    The head of the Justice dept?
    The head of an investigation into the mRNA Vaccine?
    This is an interesting development, it could also get RFK JFK’d.

  3. We will see. I think it could be very interesting mix now. Both will need to look out for their lives. Israel may not be the winner as everyone thinks, time to put it it back in it’s can really. As for the Troglodytes and hairy Ishmaellites I think Europe they will be trying to look the other way and try to be more sneaky.

    The U.S. has to rebuild it’s economy so they will be a bit cap in hand. Already Trump is a different man he was 4-8 years ago. Cap in hand already. Not so orange and a littles less cheesey.
    I can’t see how the Dems can win now but there’s still cheating to be done.

  4. Great that Jeffrey Epstein”s old mates can all work together.
    Gates, clintons, trump, kennedy, obama, anal andy and pedoking charlie.
    All working along with israel to…. Keep us safe…
    So kind and thoughtful.

    The civilian population is draining a lot faster than any swamp….

    • Don’t think Trump was Epstein’s mate. The photo at Mar a Lago with Espstein Trump and his gorgeous model wife Melania was very cringy, as Melania looked very uncomfortable being so close to Epstein. They had to take another photo but it was just as bad and didn’t look any good either.
      Trump said he never had a friendship with Epstein. I can see that from the body language of Melania at the time.I mean would Trump let a creep like that onto their lives when he had at that time one of the most beautiful looking woman in the world right there at his side. She is still a remarkable looking woman with a tremendous amount of dignity and self respect.

      • Yes. He was epstein’s mate.
        Thats where he got Melania.
        Epstein admitted this himself.
        What else did epstein get him i wonder?
        Or should we say, what else did Israel get from epstein about trump.?
        Great to have these people in the bag when you’re herding humanity.
        Yeah. Epstein. Israeli agent. Kiddie dealer. Ooh blackmail tapes.. Oohhh anal andy’s blackmail tapes.

      • (copied)
        Epstein stated that he introduced Donald Trump in 1998 to his future wife Melania, a claim that has not been corroborated by any other source we are aware of.

        Epstein has long been accused of sexually abusing and trafficking young girls, although criminal proceedings against him in the mid-2000s concluded with Epstein being given a relatively lenient sentence, which has since been heavily criticized. He was again arrested in July 2019 and pleaded not guilty to federal sex-trafficking charges, facing up to 45 years in prison if convicted.

        Epstein’s most recent arrest renewed attention to his ties to wealthy and powerful men, some of whom have been accused of participating in Epstein’s alleged sex-trafficking and abuse activities. It also placed scrutiny on his past friendship with Trump. In 2002, Trump told New York magazine that he had known Epstein for 15 years, and that Epstein “likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

        Trump has acknowledged at the time of Epstein’s July 2019 arrest that the two shared a friendship but stated he “had a falling out with him a long time ago.”

  5. Given the way the utterly corrupt US electoral system and its MSM stenographers shuts out third party candidates, he hardly had much of a choice……

    • But a good decision nevertheless. Hopefully it will give him a voice, no joke intended. He’s already using this new found platform, Trump maybe not be what you like but he has done more for democracy in the U.S. than anyone else right now. He’s the man. The globalist empire is facing some setbacks.

  6. Here are the choices
    Faeces…. Or poo poo.
    No visible swamp drained but thousands dead by injection.
    Trump, RFK move looks like a play to revive the deception.
    Trump is merely stringing the mass along and avoiding all the real issues.
    Humanity is being played. Groomerica is a scripted reality tv show.


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