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Sunday, October 20, 2024

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Kim Dotcom urges cancellation of NZ Herald subscriptions over ‘fake news’

Tech entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has hit back at recent legacy media reports involving a payment dispute with a gardener.

Dotcom accused the New Zealand Herald of publishing “fake news” and offered a free Premium X account to the first 100 people who cancelled their subscriptions to the legacy media outlet in protest.

The article which appeared in the Herald, detailed allegations that Dotcom had failed to pay a final invoice for landscaping work.

Tweeting about the article Dotcom wrote:

“The New Zealand Herald used anonymous sources and a lying contractor to write a hit piece against me. We uncovered the anonymous sources and released the evidence of blatant lies.”

In a subsequent post on his Substack, Dotcom provided his version of events, sharing screenshots of payment records and text messages as evidence.

Dotcom explained that the final invoice, received on September 16, 2024, totaled $28,000, but after adjusting for overcharges, the amount owed was reduced to $14,700.

He claimed the gardener had threatened him with legal action and media blackmail.

Dotcom also expressed frustration with the quality of the gardener’s work, adding personal allegations about the individual’s conduct on his property.

Dotcom said he and his family have always paid their contractors fairly for honest work but “won’t give an inch to threats or bullies”.

The dispute is now being handled by Dotcom’s legal team.

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  1. GOOD ON YOU, KIM!!!
    This is how the bastards infiltrate your everyday life and try to find ‘dirt’ on those who are Targeted Individuals.
    BTW, the attempt to extradite you back to the U.S. is illegal, based on the grotesque Human and Constitutional Rights violations that the torturous conditions of the ‘Super-Max’ prison conditions, (as noted by Amnesty International..) AND the un-Constitutional NDAA that Obama brought in that allows for ‘Indefinite Detention with no trial or court hearing”.
    Given the way things are going, Martial Law will soon be declared in the U.S. irregardless of who and what wins the (s)election, and Obama-inspired KIgali Principles will kick-in leading Targeted Individuals to be rounded-up, placed in Hellary Klinton’s ‘Fun’ (FEMA) Camps, and many executed and their body parts sold off after being guillotined.
    Kim, could you PLEASE do two things today-
    1. Could you please give us the name of your legal counsel, as many of us may need the same in the future, based on the NWO / WEF / WHO / Project 2025 / Agenda 2030 coming after some of us, and-
    2. Could you please insure your safety and the safety of your family by investigating the possibility of going to Russia where there is no extradition agreement? Ed Snowden, John Mark Dugan and Patrick Lancaster all seem to be thriving there, and there are many Targeted Americans and Canadians have left North Amerika and the insanity that has ensued there. Just a couple of thoughts/suggestions.
    The gardener seems to operate like a Mossad-type. We too have had people out to do work work, and they always seem to over-charge us, or they start running their mouths at the Masonic Lodge or at PROBUS Meetings.
    Please keep revealing the Zionist-based corruption that threatens us all with Talmudic Ops, and the imposition of genocidal Noahide Law that has been displacing Common Law at the expense of many populations.
    I have been hoping that both you and Elon Musk could set up a legal defence team that can help those who are targeted, or find themselves being persecuted and prosecuted as criminals by the PTB orchestrating these Noahide Laws laws that make criminals out of otherwise law-abiding people, ie ‘Hate Speech Laws’, ‘Anti-Semitism Laws’, ‘Firearms Laws’, etc., and eventually everyone will be ‘criminals’ via orchestrated / created hubris laws designed to silence and execute us all via FEMA-style camps that have hydraulic-powered smart guillotines!
    Thanks for all that you do, and God Bless!!!

  2. I don’t read Stuff or the NZ Herald. I watch even less TVNZ and the trashy game show reruns.
    Simon Shallow blatantly lies to the public, as does Melissa and the rest of the MSM hordes. Being paid big bucks to read from a teleprompter supports an arrogant lifestyle, but every time they open their mouths to spew off the lies, deceptions and deliberate censorship, that is considered to be ‘contracting’ which has legal ramifications if challenged.
    Alternative Media keeps us all informed and up to date so we can plan ahead for the PTB and their projected plans to interfere with humanity on many levels.
    Most Western Governments are demonic, imposing hellish conditions on their populations, and do not mind murdering you at every opportunity! The Ukraine is a perfect example, alongside Israel and their suppliers of weapons!
    Never forget how our government(s) have tried to kill us, both past and present!!!
    That’s enough for now…enjoy a week-end of truth!


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