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Kim Knight at the “Safe & Effective” Roadshow: The hidden history of medicine and the future of health

Kim Knight news

“All truth passes through 3 phases: first it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, third it is accepted as self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer

Most people (including dedicated medical professionals) have grown up with faith and trust in the western healthcare system. However, few have any idea of the true, and mostly kept-secret, origins of modern medicine which are finally coming to light 150 years after their initial seeding.

​Fascinated always in getting to the root cause of problems, Kim (the Kiwi Health Detective) inadvertently found herself employing her ‘health detective’ skills to research the foundations of modern medicine, with its predominantly ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ medication- approach for dealing with physical and mental health problems.

As she explored the history of medicine, she discovered how ‘big pharma’ is inextricably linked with many other ‘big’ industries: ‘big food, big ag, big money, big oil, big media, big politics, big tech’ etc. As the dots connected, she began to understand why so many harmful substances have been increasingly introduced into crops, livestock, food, water, meds, the environment and more. It is little wonder so many people are sick: statistics show 80% of adults in the western world have a chronic health condition.

In her presentation at the “Safe & Effective” Roadshow, you will be taken on a condensed version of salient times in history which reveal this ‘hidden history of medicine’, to help put in context what has transpired over the past 4 years. She will finish by sharing what she believes it will take to create a truly authentic ‘safe and effective’ healthcare system, which as it happens has already been building in the background for decades, here now to be utilised by those who are ready to step into a more optimistic and healthy future for the human family.

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
George Santayana

About Kim

Kim Knight – aka ‘The Kiwi Health Detective’ – is a root cause and lifestyle medicine practitioner, working in clinical practice since 2006 helping clients to resolve complex health issues without medication or supplements, with a special focus on the emotional-stress-trauma causation of physical symptoms.

After being diagnosed in her 20’s and 30’s with several chronic health conditions, including clinical depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and fibromyalgia, which brought her dream career in film and television production to an abrupt halt, Kim intuitively felt medication wasn’t the right solution. ​

This led her on a long and difficult 20 year journey to uncover and resolve the real root causes, exploring over 250 different healing modalities in her quest for answers.

After bringing herself back to health, she inadvertently found herself qualified in several cutting-edge mind-body therapies, and began to help others with similar health challenges when they too were not having success through the conventional medical system. She has since developed her own signature TLH root cause and lifestyle medicine protocol, which teaches people how to restore health and prevent illness through positive lifestyle changes, stress management, emotional intelligence and more. She plans to shortly begin training health practitioners in the ’10 Pillars of Health’ TLH approach.

Her vision is to see a revolutionary new healthcare system established in the western world, whereby the patient comes to play the lead role in their own wellbeing through greater awareness and self-care. In essence we can, in many instances, ‘become our own doctor’.

This shift will require a transformation from the current ‘ambulance at the bottom of the cliff’ approach through significant re-education of both the public and healthcare professionals. She believes it will also require the merging of the best of modern medicine with natural healthcare, a topic she will touch on in her presentation.

Over the past decade she has given several presentations at mainstream medical conferences, all in the hope of inspiring the system to embrace these natural self-help approaches, and was often bemused as to why these solutions were not being better embraced. It was only when Covid hit and she started to dive deep into the history of medicine that she finally understood why!

Kim is also the founder of the Emotional Alchemy Academy, a suite of online self-help trainings which take people on a journey of emotional healing and empowerment to emotional freedom. She is a qualified Qigong and meditation teacher, certified in Ren Xue Yuan Gong, a comprehensive self-help system for uplifting all aspects of life.

In 2021 she produced the ‘AWAKEN Summit’, bringing together a group of teachers and visionaries to explain how the current world crises are part and parcel of a global ‘awakening’ and transformation process for humanity.

In 2011 she was one of 5 finalists for NEXT New Zealand Woman of the Year for ‘innovation and contribution in health’. Since Covid she has presented several times for the World Council for Health and other health freedom agencies on the ‘new healthcare system of the future’, and was a WCH Mind-Health Committee member from 2021-2024.

Kim is passionate about educating people on the innate self-healing powers of their body-mind, and wishes everyone could understand how they are able to engage their body’s natural ability to heal when they stop breaking ‘the laws of health’.

“Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe.” – Unknown

Register for the “Safe & Effective” Roadshow

Registrations for the “Safe & Effective” Roadshow be made online at the Safe & Effective Roadshow website, with events being held during November in Dunedin (9th), Queenstown (11th), Nelson (13th), and Wellington (15th).

Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with experts, hear testimonies, and gain insights into aspects of the pandemic response they feel were downplayed by mainstream media.

Organisers of the event advocate for the need for a compassionate, transparent dialogue about the impact of COVID-19 health policies on New Zealanders’ well-being.

The roadshow will cover a range of topics, from potential connections between vaccine side effects and sudden health issues to testimonials from medical professionals.

With a focus on supporting those seeking clarity and community, the event invites those who have experienced health challenges post-vaccination, as well as advocates for informed health choices, to participate in what organisers describe as “a journey of inquiry, knowledge, and support.”

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