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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Latest Roy Morgan poll – Labour dives below 30%

Roy Morgan poll news

The lates Roy Morgan political poll released today has support for Labour falling to 29.5%, it’s lowest level in nearly 3 years.

National – 36% (+1.5)
Labour – 29.5% (-4.5)
ACT – 12.5% (+1.5)
Greens – 12.5% (+2)
NZF – 3.5% (+2)

“Today’s Roy Morgan New Zealand Poll shows an increasing lead for the right-leaning National and Act NZ with the two parties now on 48.5% (up 2.5% points from August) and clearly ahead of the governing Labour/Greens on 42% (down 2% points) in September,” said Roy Morgan CEO Michele Levine.

“The drop in support for Labour came after Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern travelled to London for the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and then travelled to New York to address the United Nations General Assembly in mid-September.

“Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s overseas trips during September certainly haven’t provided a ‘boost’ in support for the governing Labour Party – their support dropped 5.5% points to 29.5% – the lowest level of support since Ardern became Prime Minister in October 2017.”


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  1. The one banner needs to be Matt King. He is the only one amongst them with experience and know how. Get to work Matt King. Make it happen.

    • Pathological liar JabSinDa admitted that the mental health of kiwis is declining and wants more “research”; see https://www.odt.co.nz/news/national/growing-problem-pm-rising-rates-mental-illness
      The root cause of this sorry state of mental health is caused by the woke policies and economic mismanagement that keeps people homeless, food insecurity and poor nutritive health. In other words, JabSinda and other WEF puppets are 100% reponsible for this. No research is needed for obvious matters. Only pathological liars such as JabSinDa would for such plots so that “climate anxiety” etc can be blamed for poor mental health of kiwis. JabSinDa is THE curse of NZ.

      • You’re right. Mental health of young people is declining in large volumes. The Labour government is also doing little to nothing about the continuing decline of literacy and numeracy in the same group. Forced revision of our nation’s history and constant commentaries on the Ukraine show how removed they are from what a government is meant to be doing. As we trade New Zealand for aotearoa, expect the polls to further show many people have had enough. A lot more damage can still be done before the election.

      • Nine out of 10 adults said ​they believed that there’s a mental health crisis in the US today. Asked to rate the severity of six specific mental health concerns, Americans put the opioid epidemic near the top, with more than two-thirds of people identifying it as a crisis rather than merely a problem. More than half identified mental health issues among children and teenagers as a crisis, as well as severe mental illness in adults.


        If JabSinDa regime continues, we will be soon like USA; 9 oiut of 10 kiwis will be suffering from mental health issues. Curse of NZ indeed.

  2. I see HeartlandNZ featured in recent polls. Might be worth thinking about them
    I think Winston is passed his use by date. Anyhow he will only do what is good for Winnie

  3. I don’t know how labour even get 29.5%
    It should be close to zero based on their incompetence and totalitarian tendencies


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