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Lebanon pager blasts ‘indistinguishable from terrorism’ – Snowden

Lebanon news
Image – @leekern13, X.

The remotely detonated explosions were “reckless” and indiscriminate, the former NSA contractor argued.

The wave of synchronized pager explosions in Lebanon was “reckless” because the method did not account for potential civilian casualties, Edward Snowden has said.

At least nine people were killed and some 2,800 were injured across Lebanon when handheld pagers used by Hezbollah members simultaneously exploded on Tuesday. The pro-Palestinian militant group has blamed Israel for “sinful aggression” and vowed to retaliate.

Israel has not acknowledged its suspected involvement in the blasts. The Jewish state, however, conducted airstrikes against Hezbollah members in the past and threatened more “military action” if the group did not stop its cross-border attacks against Israelis.

Writing on X on Tuesday, Snowden suggested the pagers had likely detonated due to “implanted explosives” rather than being hacked because there were “too many consistent, very serious injuries.”

“What Israel has just done is, via *any* method, reckless,” the former NSA contractor argued. “They blew up countless numbers of people who were driving (meaning cars out of control), shopping (your children are in the stroller standing behind him in the checkout line), et cetera. Indistinguishable from terrorism.”

Sky News Arabia cited its sources as saying that the Israeli spy agency Mossad placed “a quantity” of highly explosive material PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate) on the batteries of the pagers, and remotely detonated them by raising the temperature of the batteries. The rigged devices were reportedly part of a shipment that arrived in Lebanon earlier this year.

The Lebanese authorities said that civilians were among those injured. France 24 cited a Hezbollah source as saying that a 10-year-old daughter of a Hezbollah member was killed. The group acknowledged on Wednesday that eight of its members were killed, according to Sky News Arabia.

Former IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus pushed back against the accusations that the explosions were tantamount to “indiscriminate” attacks. “Indiscriminate?? This is as surgical as you could possibly get, only targeting Hezbollah operatives that were important enough to have been issued special comms devices,” he wrote on X. He added that Hezbollah has been “attacking Israel for over 11 months, forcing 70K Israelis out of their homes.”

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant warned on Monday that “military action” would be necessary to ensure the safety of Israelis living in the areas close to the Lebanese border. US officials, however, have publicly discouraged Israel from taking steps that could trigger a full-blown war in Lebanon.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Some interesting articles:



    Terrorist groups around the world now know that they will have to check EVERYTHING with a battery in order to verify that it actually IS a battery: Pagers, cell phones, laptop computers and, perhaps, even electric cars. Paranoia will now prevail.

  2. It’s unfortunate that Snowden has become part of the propaganda machine. His hosts have experienced terrible terrorist outrages and while I can understand the “My enemies enemy is my friend” thing, Russia quite – rightly I might add – used extreme prejudicial methods to combat its own terrorism problem and still is doing so using similar technology.
    Combating terrorism by any means is not a crime – it is essential. States that sponsor said terrorists ARE the criminal masterminds behind the criminal terrorists..

  3. Problem is, the Mossad’s Unit 8200 probably has hacked the nuclear launch codes at best, or at worse can detonate the same with a side-frequency command.
    Plus, the IDF now employs A.I. to do a lot of war and attack planning, and have been doing so for some months now.
    A.I. has the capability to go ‘Full Skynet’ and launch nuclear missiles without any input from the owners of the same missile systems.
    For A.I. to do this, Unit 8200 simply has to input their own code to over-ride the nuclear codes of the individual nations.
    In addition to that clear and present danger, Starmer and Chippy are on the ‘Global Stage’ conspiring to drag all of the British Commonwealth, the E.U and America into another war.
    Demoncrats and Labout Governments…does anyone see the same Modus of ‘progressive’ chicanery that is shared by these demonic entities?
    And…both of those men are still walking free after committing a massive injection-based genocide!

    • A.I. is very dangerous, particularly when you put a lot of trust in it. People’s thoughts seem to be, “Well, it produced good results this time so from now on we will rely on it without checking the results.”

      I’ve seen movies generated by A.I. For example, prompt the A.I. to “show someone pouring milk into a jar”. The result is generated and shows the milk appearing in the jar and the level rising BEFORE the person starts pouring it in.

      A.I. is lots of algorithms and neural networks that have been trained on lots of existing data. This does not mean that it will always produce meaningful results and does not mean that it has “common sense” – A.I. does not know what “common sense” is. Sometimes, the results are utter rubbish.


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