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Local Government leaders send warning to Luxon, Peters and Reti over WHO Pandemic Treaty

WHO Pandemic Treaty news

As New Zealand prepares to participate in the Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly (WHA77) starting on May 27, 2024, significant concerns have been voiced by a group of local government representatives regarding potential commitments that could affect the nation’s sovereignty.

A letter signed by a Mayor, Councillors and Community Board Members from around the country highlights considerable alarm about the country agreeing to major amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR), and the adoption of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s convention on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response – known widely as the ‘WHO Pandemic Treaty’.

The group said the IHR amendments and the Pandemic Treaty pose a major threat to New Zealand’s independence, granting the World Health Organisation (WHO) an unprecedented level of authority and influence over the country’s domestic affairs under the premise of declaring ‘Emergencies.’

The letter, which reflects widespread public concern from New Zealanders of various political and social backgrounds, points to dissatisfaction with the WHO’s performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. The global health body’s recommendations were seen as causing more harm than good.

‘The WHO demonstrated through the COVID period that its global approach to providing recommendations to respond to actual or perceived public health emergencies consistently resulted in more damage than was prevented and has caused untold losses both economically and socially,’ the group wrote.

Legal and procedural issues have also been raised. The WHO’s constitution designates it as an ‘advisory’ body only without the jurisdiction to implement treaties that extend beyond advising on health services. Furthermore, the group argued that the amendments to the International Health Regulations were not presented within the required timeframe, making their approval at WHA77 procedurally invalid.

The letter urged the government to reject the proposed IHR Amendments and Pandemic Treaty at the upcoming assembly. Alternatively, it calls for a postponement of the voting process to allow more time for thorough review and consideration of the significant reforms, the majority of which were ‘unacceptable to many New Zealanders’.

Voices for Freedom are encouraging New Zealanders to email their local MP to express their views on the WHO power grab. Lists containing MP email addresses and email templates are available on the VFF website. A downloadable copy of the local government leaders letter is also available at the same link.

VFF said it was, ‘crucial that New Zealand’s representatives either vote against the proposed reforms or delay the vote to provide all countries, regardless of size or resources, enough time to assess and comprehend the implications of the treaties being proposed.’

A direct link to the shareable letter can be found here.

Full text of letter

24 May 2024

The Hon Prime Minister Christopher Luxon

The Hon Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Winston Peters

The Hon Minister of Health Shane Reti

By Email Only

Dear Prime Minister, Minister of Health and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade

WHO Pandemic Treaty Reforms

New Zealand is set to take part in the Seventy-Seventh World Health Assembly (“WHA77”) beginning on 27 May 2024.

We are deeply concerned that the New Zealand Government may be considering agreeing to and committing New Zealand to:’

  • Significant amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (“IHR Amendments”); and
  • The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (“WHO Pandemic Treaty”), (Pandemic Treaty Reforms).

The instruments referred to above pose a significant threat to New Zealand’s autonomy and independence on the global stage. If adopted, and implemented into New Zealand domestic law, the World Health Organisation will hold an unacceptable level of authority, power and influence over New Zealand’s affairs under the guise of declaring “Emergencies”.

We have received a large volume of correspondence from New Zealanders who are of no specific political persuasion who are rightly concerned about the Pandemic Treaty Reforms. This is reflected in the Government’s own public submission campaign, where feedback was sought on earlier versions of both instruments.

The WHO demonstrated through the COVID period that its global approach to providing recommendations to respond to actual or perceived public health emergencies consistently resulted in more damage than was prevented and has caused untold losses both economically and socially.

Moreover, there are jurisdictional issues which ought to prevent the IHR Amendments and WHO Pandemic Treaty from being agreed to at WHA77.

The WHO’s constitution establishes the WHO as an advisory and coordinating body only, the function of which is to “assist Governments, upon request, in strengthening health services”. The WHO has no power or jurisdiction to implement a WHO Pandemic Treaty which goes well beyond its jurisdiction.

Schedule 2, Article 55 of the International Health Regulations require all matters being voted on to be circulated four months in advance of any meeting. The IHR Amendments have not been presented in their final form within that time frame (or even at the date of this letter) and therefore cannot be agreed to at WHA77.

In the 25 November 2022 version of the WHO Pandemic Treaty Zero Draft, the final draft was to be delivered 29 March 2024. The final version of the WHO Pandemic Treaty was not presented in final form within this timeframe (or even at the date of this letter) and therefore cannot be agreed at WHA77.

Article 21 of the WHO Constitution provides authority for the World Health Assembly to make regulations such as the International Health Regulations. This power is specifically limited to adopting regulations with respect to international matters only and does not provide any authority for IHR Regulations which dictate to member states how they must respond to health “emergencies” domestically.

The Pandemic Treaty Reforms will transform the WHO from an advisory organisation to a supranational health authority dictating how governments must respond to emergencies which the WHO itself declares.

For the reasons above, that outcome is well outside the jurisdictional competence of the WHO and the WHA, and in any event, is unacceptable to many New Zealanders. We call on the Government to reject the IHR Amendments and the WHO Pandemic Treaty at WHA77, alternatively, to insist that voting is postponed so sufficient time can be given to reviewing and considering the Pandemic Treaty Reforms.

Yours faithfully
Council Watch New Zealand

Concerned local government representatives:

Craig Jepson – Kaipara District Council Mayor

Jaspreet Boparai – Southland District Councillor
Marie Farrell – South Waikato District Councillor
Brent Mackie – Clutha District Councillor
Andy Wichers – Western Bay of Plenty District Councillor
Tracey Coxhead – Western Bay of Plenty District Councillor
Robert Lee – Rotorua Lakes Councillor
Duncan Campbell – Taupo District Councillor
Fiona Underwood – Manawatu District Councillor
Lee Vandervis – Dunedin City Councillor
Steve Bielski – Manawatu District Councillor

Fiona McCabe – Waihopai Toetoe Community Board Member
John McIntyre – Waihopai Toetoe Community Board Member
Chris Herud – Oreti Community Board Member
Dave Diack – Oreti Community Board Member
Katie Allan – Oreti Community Board Member
Tracey Kennedy – Oreti Community Board Member
Karen Maw – Oreti Community Board Member
Gill Booth – Teviot Valley Community Board Member
Tane Webster – Bell Block Community Board Member
Sally Whitaker – Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board Member
Kane Titchener- Te Awamutu-Kihikihi Community Board Member
Sarah Brunton – Waipuna Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton Community Board Member
Ivan Campbell – Rangiora-Ashley Community Board Member
Tim Bartle – Kaiapoi-Tuahiwi Community Board Member
Caroline Hobman – Mercury Bay Community Board Member

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  1. Well done to all those fine people who put their name to fighting the monsters from the WHO.
    I see you Ashley Bloomfield, burning at the stake.

  2. Let me be clear. If the NZ Government allows any such transfer of sovereignty, that will signal those in business to transfer their significant wealth investment, qualified expertise and themselves to a country that has not caved in. It will not be an environment anyone with a brain will tolerate. Civil unrest is upon thee.

    When the people are afraid of their government, that is tyranny. When the government is afraid of its people, that is democracy.

  3. I will never comply with WHO ‘health’ directives and/or mandates.

    End of.

    These scumbags are evil, perverted, corrupt and stupid in equal measure.

    Have a nice day 🙂

  4. Any attempt to adopt this treasonous fraud will be met with crowd funded h1tmen.
    Self defence against pre meditated mass murder.

  5. Surely there is a an obvious need to pause here until our own country’s Covid Commission of Inquiry is complete. Only then will this Government identify with the ensuring shambles created by the WHO.
    Stay away from them…let’s go it alone with a pandemic response that suits the need of all New Zealanders without interference.

  6. The NZDSOS Newsletter posted this morning in our e-mail has been forwarded to Peters, Reti & Luxon.
    The above has been copied & pasted to them in the event that certain parties are being blocked…


  7. Unless our govt. stand up and tell the who to bugger off there is no reason to take them seriously on anything as all it will prove is they are nothing more than globalist puppets.

    I did not before and I never will consent to anything the WHO demand……as far as I’m concerned the who and any NZ govt that support them or any other globalist institution or individual can get stuffed.

  8. Our LOCALl government, i.e. my family, but even including friends and neighbours, sends out this warning to the waspnest: F**k with our lives and livelyhoods at YOUR own peril!

  9. I hope that all people commenting on this and all people reading this have sent an email to the government. I have just now, a message in my own words. Let’s hope this WHO power grab is rejected world-wide.

  10. Since when does NZ hand over its sovereignty to an outside source. We are a country in our own right and are quite capable of handling any problems that arise in our country re our health. We are a unique country and people and sure as hell do not need the likes of WHO dictating how we handle, God forbid, any future pandemics or health issues.
    What works for one country doesn’t necessarily work for our country.
    The last government turned into a dictatorship over covid and ran the country to its knees we sure don’t need to sign up to an outside source telling us what to do. A lot has been learnt over the covid years and we shouldn’t be putting our health issues within our country into the hands of these people at the WHO.

  11. The WHO is for those who have nothing, 3rd world countries.
    There’s no need for the WHO in developed countries with established healthcare!

    • Well, yes, but the WHO are only there to exploit those 3rd world countries. I guess they are wanting to expand their tentacle hold onto everyone else now.

  12. Did you know our treasonous politicians just submitted with France and Kenya a new amendment to the International Health Regulations?

    “The IHR are an instrument of international law that is legally-binding on 196 countries, including the 194 WHO Member States. The IHR grew out of the response to deadly epidemics that once overran Europe. They create rights and obligations for countries, including the requirement to report public health events.”

    So much for Winnie and Luxon looking out for Kiwis, lol

    Details here:



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