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Luxon and Peters to head to Tonga next week

Tonga news
A beach in Tonga.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Foreign Minister Winston Peters will travel to Tonga next week to meet with Pacific leaders on priority regional issues, including climate change, security and development.

The 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders’ Week brings together leaders from 18 Pacific countries, including New Zealand.

“This meeting is our region’s opportunity to come together and help chart our collective future,” said Luxon.

“As a region, we are working towards a peaceful, secure and prosperous Pacific. New Zealand stands ready to advance this agenda with our partners this week, through dialogue, respect and goodwill.

“Since taking office nine months ago, the Government has been demonstrating New Zealand is an active, engaged and interested partner to every country in the Pacific Islands region,” said Luxon.

Winston Peters says New Zealand’s high-level participation in Leaders’ Week reflects the importance the Government places upon deepening its relationships in the region.

“We will be listening and engaging frankly next week on the issues that matter to each Forum member.

“Our collective unity is critical to the region’s efforts to tackle the challenges that confront us, such as climate change mitigation, development needs and regional security.

“We look forward to discussing these issues with our neighbours, as well as the constructive role the Forum can play supporting ongoing peaceful efforts towards a mutually agreeable way forward in New Caledonia.”

Mr Peters will be accompanied by Minister for Pacific Peoples, Dr Shane Reti who commended Tonga, in its capacity as this year’s host, for making regional resilience a key theme, including in relation to improving health outcomes.

“We want to continue to contribute actively to initiatives that foster long-term resilience and enhance the health and well-being of Pacific communities,” Dr Reti says.

Ministers Peters and Reti will attend the first half of Leaders’ Week, departing New Zealand on 24 August and returning 27 August. The Prime Minister will attend the second half, departing New Zealand on 27 August and returning on 30 August.

Image credit: Vince Russell

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  1. Spreading lies and fraud.
    Sad and sickening to see these demons spreading their filth under our name.
    Disgusting cultist fraudsters.

  2. Is that their main transport in the headlined picture?
    After all, the RNZAF aircraft are always breaking-down due to age…
    & yet, the ‘Executive Cabinet’ has yet to investigate the purchase / lease of a Gulfstream G-800.
    Notice that the boat is in the colours of the criminal J3wi$h ‘State of Ukraine’???
    Nothing like subtle sub-conscience programming via the Zionist-owned MSM…!


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