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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Man sentenced for bizarre urinating incident and shoplifting spree across multiple stores

Duchaan Peter Priestley Fraser news
Stock photo.

32-year-old Duchaan Peter Priestley Fraser was sentenced in the Hamilton District Court for a series of thefts and a bizarre incident of urinating on supermarket shelves.

His crime spree began in August 2022, involving thefts from various stores, including Mitre 10, Woolworths, McDonald’s, Countdown, and The Warehouse.

The most shocking incident occurred on January 22, 2023, at a Woolworths store, where Fraser urinated on the health and beauty aisle shelves in front of shocked shoppers while continuing to load his trolley with goods. The spree, which totalled over $20,000 in stolen items and caused significant losses to the stores, also included walking out with bags of food meant for Uber Eats delivery and various grocery items.

During his sentencing Fraser’s counsel highlighted his efforts toward ‘rehabilitation’, including completing various courses and securing full-time employment.

Fraser, who cares for his son, expressed remorse and willingness to pay reparations.

Judge Arthur Tompkins, acknowledging Fraser’s rehabilitative progress, sentenced him to six months of community detention, nine months of supervision, and ordered him to pay $4000 in reparation. Fraser was also trespassed from the affected Woolworths stores.

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  1. Infowars is reporting a bizarre activity known as ‘nutting’, where men (mostly low IQ-types…you can guess what those are in the U.S….) walk up and ejaculate on a nearby woman.
    And then there’s the airline passenger who went around biting passengers, and dem sistas dey be’s brawlin’ in de airlines terminals!
    And then, there are the flash mobs that rob, steal, assault, etc.
    Here’s what’s needed….

  2. This is probably part of the ongoing ‘Covid Weaponised Vaccine’ with mRNA interlinked and reactive to 5G activation.
    Expect more of this as Vax Prions cross the blood/brain barrier, and human behaviours become more ‘Kensington’-like.
    Just the other day we discovered a steaming coil of human poo at a bus stop in the Wellington region…
    Maybe it’s the Green (Red Communist) Party way of demanding more public toilets for activities and events that are required to be hidden from public view???


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