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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

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Man sentenced to nearly 10 years for brutal assaults on defenceless toddler

Bridjid Tamihana news
Bridjid Tamihana (Inset).

Bridjid Tamihana has been sentenced to nine years and nine months in prison for a series of violent assaults on a 23-month-old girl over a three-month period.

Tamihana, who offered “no real explanation” for his actions, inflicted severe and sustained violence, including punching the toddler, smothering her, and causing life-threatening injuries such as significant brain damage and spinal fractures. The assaults were so brutal that Crown solicitor Amy Alcock remarked the injuries were worse than some child fatalities.

Despite pleading guilty, Tamihana’s attempts to justify his actions were dismissed by the court, which recognised the seriousness of his crimes and his high risk of reoffending.

During his sentencing in the Hamilton District Court, Judge Stephen Clark rejected requests for leniency, citing the need to protect the community from Tamihana’s violent tendencies.

According to a report in legacy media the court heard harrowing details of the abuse, including instances where Tamihana stomped on the child, threw her against a wall, and left her lifeless in a cold bath.

Tamihana’s sentence includes a minimum non-parole period of just over five years. The toddler, who suffered lasting physical and psychological damage, is expected to face long-term consequences from the injuries inflicted by Tamihana.

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  1. You would get at least half that much for doing the same to a dog, no wonder Commies would off usefull idiots the first chance they get.

  2. Keith – I did not miss that one incident. The husband didn’t stick around for long did he? Probably frightened he was going to be sharing the blame.
    Neither have I missed the constant charges of cruelty not only to infants, toddlers, girls and women brought against men on an almost daily basis. Nor have I missed the number of children who end up in Starship hospital with injuries for which charges are never brought. Nor have I missed the overcrowding in Women’s Refuges.
    But no matter how society is damaged by male cruelty, no matter how many children are left dead or maimed for life, there is always the man who will search the archives to find something he can hold up and cry out – Look! Look at what this woman did!


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