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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

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New Zealand moves to Orange in time for Easter

Kiwis will be able to enjoy the long weekend with greater freedoms across the country from 11:59pm on Wednesday as New Zealand moves to Orange, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins announced today.

“The revised COVID-19 Protection Framework we introduced three weeks ago has effectively managed the Omicron outbreak at Red,” Chris Hipkins said.

Orange traffic light news

“Over the past few weeks we’ve seen a sustained reduction in cases and hospitalisations despite the relaxation of settings, so we’re confident a move to Orange can lock in those gains while helping the country return to a greater degree of normality.

“Under Orange there are no indoor capacity limits and the seated and separated rule for hospitality venues lifts, so bars, cafes and restaurants are able to fill up again.

“Wearing a face mask at Orange is still important, especially with capacity limits removed.  People are required to wear a face mask in many indoor settings. Next to being vaccinated and having a booster, face masks are our main defence against COVID-19 at Orange.

“We know this shift down to Orange will be welcome news to many as we head into Easter weekend and the school holidays and connect with loved ones.

“But there is still Omicron in the community, and the threat of new variants arriving here is still risk, so I urge everyone to continue to be cautious and think about the health of others, especially those who are immunocompromised or at higher risk of long-term health impacts from infection.

“It’s also important to make a plan in case you get COVID-19 on holiday. If you’re not using your own vehicle to travel – such as being reliant on airplane or public transport – you need to make sure you can isolate where you are,” Chris Hipkins said.

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  1. This whole ‘traffic light’ system is a joke.

    The only people I know to have had ‘covid’ are vaccinated people.

    As for the mask thing. I can understand public transport and medical settings but honestly- why do people in retail still need to mask when cafes and schools don’t? Make it make sense. My local cafe owner remarked that they have been SO much busier now the vaccine passes aren’t required – so seems there are more unvaccinated people than we are led to believe huh?

    Here’s another interesting fact for you to discuss Daily Mail, on average, every day in New Zealand 95 people die from all causes. Approx 35,000 every year. People need to put ‘covid’ in perspective. If you ask most people they have no clue that that many people die normally anyway. But our media reports 13 deaths ‘related to covid’ etc? I mean what does that even mean? ‘Related’ could mean they got a vaccine for covid and they died couldn’t it?

    Overseas all cause mortality has actually risen since the vaccines were rolled out. has increased by up to 40%. Does that sound like an effective vaccine? Effective at what exactly?

    And why suddenly is our media talking about vaccine injury after completly ignoring vaccine injured people and treating them like dirt for months? Just appalling.

    • Well said …thank you. People are quite oblivious to the number of people passing away due to all causes yearly. The reason media keeps putting covid deaths daily is only to install fear and encourage the jab. My heart broke when I read about a teenager passing due to myocarditis…..when will they stop trying to get esp the young to get the jab?

      • I know it’s terrible all the vaccine harm and deaths.

        My only child left at home is unvaccinated as I knew he was at higher risk of harm from the vaccine than he was of covid. My own parents called me an anti vaxxer (despite knowing I have had all my children vaccinated for other things), a conspiracy theorist and numerous other derogatory names. This was in September last year when I first told them of myocarditis and pericarditis. Now it’s all coming out I have had no apology from them for keeping their grandson safe from that harm.

        My heart breaks for all his mates who got vaccinated. They don’t know what/how their bodies will react/respond or suffer because of being pressured to have it. Shame on the school for pressuring them as well. Disgusting. They kept sending us emails saying they needed to know who was vaccinated etc. we just ignored the emails. I was fully prepared to take my son out of school if it came to it. Nothing and I mean NOTHING is more important than having good health.

        I especially take my hat off to one girl in my sons class. Both her parents were pro vax but she did all her own research and decided it wasn’t for her. She also has never worn a mask at school. Now THAT is a brave and smart girl. She will go far in life.

    • “Make it make sense”.

      The simplest answer is they want to keep the fear alive. Hipkins let it slip yesterday when he said the reason you need a mask in a supermarket and not a nightclub is because you HAVE to go to a supermarket while a nightclub is optional. The excuse is that there’s supposedly likely to be more immunocompromised people at the supermarket, but that ignores the fact that all the club rats will go home at the end of the night to homes filled with immunocompromised families and little old grandparents. If there really was a pandemic happening, these people would all get sick regardless.

      So yeah, more bullshit ????

      The REAL reason they still want masks in places you HAVE to go is because they want it to stay fresh in your minds, they want the herd to remain afraid and dependent on them instead of asking how many WEF members are in cabinet.

      Behind the scenes they are practically salivating at what’s going on in China right now, and they’re keeping all these shiny new surveillance apps, mandates and laws in their back pocket to reinstate them later this year.

      This nightmare is nowhere near over.

      • Yes Let’s get to the bottom of this…..

        Just how many members of current and past Parliaments and Public Service officials are affiliated with the World Economic Forum and what are their names?

        Also how many people are affiliated with the WHO? Nikki Turner? and that Helen Pertousis Harris? Who else?

        New Zealanders have a right to know.

        I see a video on Twitter today of Jacinda Ardern discussing with Nano girl whatever her name is about how masks are useless. That didn’t age well did it?

        Hypocrites and liars. Time to end the mask mandates. If people want to wear mask then bloody well wear in but don’t make everyone else do it. We’re OVER it.

        Also let’s expose how the WEF has ‘penetrated’ our cabinet. Won’t our mainstream media report on this? Get into it Paddy Gower…..come on….you must have a lot of spare time now the vaxathon is over?

  2. He is but a boy and a perpetual liar.
    The traffic light system has been another complete waste of public money and makes no sense to anyone with an active brain cell.

    There are some that have worked out, that with just two alleged covid cases 24 months ago, the country was shut down and over the pursuing 24 months the economy has been devastated , jobs lost , health workers out of their careers for refusing the snake oil, a massive mental health crisis has been created, confused and damaged children + the segregation of society and any faith people had with the Police and Justice system now well and truly gone.
    And now, with thousands of covid cases , the country is opening up again. You could not make this stuff up!!

    The demon rats like little boy Hipkins, Bloomfield , Jabcinda and all of their advisors and cronies, before they run off to their multi-million dollar estates, will be held accountable.

    God pays debts without money

    • Convid mania is nothing but a hoax. WEF toadies like Jabcinda are in the positions they are, to carry out an agenda. That simple!!

      You absolutely right Troy, the economy is on its knees. It took us decades to get to where we were prior to Convid but the last 24 months of dictatorship has left us very much looking like a third world nation.

      Combine this with racist policies like 3 waters, separate health systems and the wider He Puapua framework implementation, the writing is on the wall. These policies combined with low wage/high living costs WILL lead to a massive brain drain. Whilst previously NZers came home at some stage after setting out discover the world, this time around there a lot good people who were the victims of the mandates who will move permanently.

      • Exactly. Jabcinda will make sure that most kiwis will be poor and wanting handouts to survive so that she can win elections. The middle class is disappearing in US and in the West. WEF mantra ” you will not own anything but you will be happy” will be enforced in NZ in a matter of time.

  3. Howdy Dooty meets the colour spectrum!!! Red, Orange and Green.
    Blue is reserved for the Police round-up of the non-vaccinated and non-compliant as they exercise their civil, human and medical rights!


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