New Zealand First has introduced a Member’s Bill that would return the power of fluoridation decisions to local communities, shifting authority away from central government.
The Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill aims to repeal the Health (Fluoridation of Drinking Water) Amendment Act 2021, which granted the Director-General of Health the authority to mandate fluoridation of local water supplies. Instead, the proposed legislation would require local councils to hold binding referendums on whether to fluoridate their drinking water.
According to NZ First leader Winston Peters, the Bill is about restoring democratic decision-making at the community level. “New Zealand First has always believed such a significant decision about local fluoridation needs to be decided by the people themselves,” he stated.
The party argues that public health measures like fluoridation should be determined through open debate and local input, rather than imposed by government officials in Wellington.
“The only people who would oppose this Bill are those who oppose democracy,” Peters added.
If passed, the legislation would amend both the Local Government Act 2002 and the Health Act 1956 to ensure that fluoridation decisions are made through public referendums.
NZ First Introduces Fluoridation Referendum Bill
New Zealand First has today introduced a Member’s Bill which would restore decision-making power to local communities regarding the fluoridation of drinking water.
The ‘Fluoridation (Referendum) Legislation Bill’ seeks to repeal…
— Winston Peters (@winstonpeters) February 10, 2025
Excellent!! It is poisonous. Let the people want it add it to their own water.
And the covid inquiry
Another rabbit hole
Poisoning with intent is part of the crimes act. Our government is doing this to us. Therefore they are criminals. Worse still is they are making us pa for it.
Whatever one thinks of Winston, the record shows he has, more often than not, stood for the right of the individual to make his of her own choices in a woke World increasingly oppressive in its drive towards herd-like conformity. Bless him.
well said Brewer
Excellent about time people had a bit of common sense.
No brainer
Good move Winnie. Now back off on your anti China BS
Great stuff. But when is he going to give the US the cold shoulder as our foreign minister. He said something about waiting to see the details about Trumps Gaza plans. Well, now it is plain to see Trump’s plan is ethnic cleansing.
Our government should be sending the US ambassador home. Stand up to the bully Winston.
The US under Trump is shaping up to be worse than the third reich
Take a deep breath.
And your medication.
ANY controversial public matter should be resolved via referendum.
Referenda are the closest form of citizens will.
The 3-yearly elections make mockery of de-mock-crazy.
It’s better than decrees from central government in Wellington, don’t get me wrong, but referenda and “democracy” (even when they’re NOT rigged) are just the tyranny of the masses. If enough people are sufficiently stupid enough to be duped, you suddenly find yourself back to living with lockdowns, MIQ and vaccine mandates again. No thanks.
The rights of the INDIVIDUAL should be what guides everything. I never ever want to hear that I’m too stupid to think for myself and that I need fluoride or a forced pharmaceutical product or censorship (and that it’s for “my own good”) ever again.
If they feel so strongly about it, let them put free fluoride tablets in all the stores and the idiots can have as much as they want.
Exactly- all this “All this for the benefit of the community” stuff is utter BS. For the good of the community Is collectivism, which is communism which is Marxism.
AGAIN responsible people are punished because of lazy people with poor dietary and oral health habits.
Where there is risk there must be choice.
RE “ANY controversial public matter….”
Thank you Quazzy for your argument. It changed somewhat my thinking.
Glad that Winston read our comments!
I’ll have to send ol’ Winnie a Berkey PF-2 Filter (which removes 99% of tap water fluoride) as a token of our appreciation!!!
Could Winstone be NZs Trump god knows we need one NOW good start Winstone.
Great move!
Smart politician.
Bloody fantastic news!
I just listened yesterday to the robot person they wheeled out from the MOH to present to Rotorua council. We are wasting our time appealing to the MOH or that hideous Diana Shartfarti. We need to get the legislation changed. They are completely ignoring all recent reports regarding the dangers of fluoride. Where there is risk there must be choice.
So glad I voted NZ First and fully intend to do so again.
These are the reasons Luxon is failing, because he won’t address issues like this. Likely national will never get my vote back. My youngest son (20) voted NZ first also and also intends to do so again.
Thank you NZ First!!!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌❤️
Those with bad teeth don’t drink water they drink soft drinks that’s why they have bad health so they will not get this medication.
Those that do drink lots of water have good health will now be over medicated and become unwell.
As normal everything the govt touches they f.k up.
everything the govt touches they f.k up….
Not according to their overlords. Debt peonage is increasing.
The question is, is this incompetence or deliberate?
Some say Fluoride is a neurotoxin, dumbs you down.
Is it feasible some of our leaders want to dumb us down easy to control?
Its certainly undemocratic, i smell a rat.
There should be a bill to ban fluoride those that want it can buy the poisons themselves. This poison has been around waaaaaaay too long!