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Parents vow to continue landmark legal fight to stop 5-11s vaccine rollout despite setback

Late yesterday 1 February Justice Ellis delivered her interim judgment declining to halt the roll out of the Pfizer vaccine to 5-11 year olds until a full substantive hearing is heard.

Justice Ellis found that Medsafe’s decision to approve the vaccine for 5-11 years was based solely on the therapeutic benefits of the vaccine to this age group and no other considerations.

Parents vaccine case news

As to the applicants’ concerns about effective mandates excluding unvaccinated children from society, her Honour noted that the government’s recommendation was that children in this age group should not be denied access to locations or events based on their vaccination status.

A spokesperson for The ‘Hood said; “We are very disappointed but are not surprised at the decision today.

“While we are concerned the Judge did not act in a precautionary way, by temporarily halting this roll out until the matter could be heard in full, our case remains compelling.”

“We are concerned that the government continues to state that this vaccine is safe and effective, when on its own evidence, in less than two months of the vaccine roll out in the United States, over 100 severe adverse events have been reported. All we are asking is that, in light of the ever-increasing number of reports (in a short period of time), that we halt the roll out of this new vaccine technology to healthy young children who have the rest of their lives in front of them.”

The spokesperson said they are committed to continuing their fight.

“This does not in any way stop this landmark case to halt the roll out to children, due to serious concerns around the vaccine’s safety and efficacy.”

The interim case lodged by a group of concerned parents presented extensive evidence in support of four key claims:

  • The risk of COVID-19 in healthy children is nil to negligible (which both the applicant parents and government agree).
  • The benefits of the vaccine do not outweigh the risks in healthy children.
  • In the short time that the vaccine has been administered to 5-11 year olds, severe adverse events following the paediatric vaccine are being documented globally.
  • In these circumstances, judge should adopt the precautionary principle and halt the roll out until the substantive matter can be heard.

“Regardless of Justice Ellis’ decision today, this fight is by no means over.

“The next stage for the applicant parents – indeed all concerned parents – is a substantive legal hearing within the next couple of months on two key points:

Medsafe’s decision to approve the paediatric vaccine involved a trial for a different vaccine

  • In Pfizer’s own words, the company states “Limitations of the [Paediatric Trial] study include lack of longer-term follow-up to assess the duration of immune responses, efficacy and safety” – in other words, there is no safety data supporting giving the paediatric vaccine to children.
  • “Our evidence is compelling and clearly shows this vaccine is not sufficiently safe for healthy children to outweigh the risks from adverse events, let alone potential long-term negative health effects that cannot be known – and all this, while the risk of COVID-19 to healthy children is nil.

“To quote from the conclusion of one of our international experts who gave evidence:

It has only recently become apparent that these vaccines can cause serious life-threatening adverse reactions such as thrombosis and myocarditis at much higher rates than would be expected of other established vaccines used in childhood or adult immunisations programs, such as the hepatitis B and seasonal influenza vaccines. The extremely late identification of this serious mRNA vaccine-induced side effect raises the risk that there are other serious mRNA vaccine-induced side effects yet to be identified.”

“Another of the parents’ experts concluded:

There is no benefit for children or their families to vaccinate healthy children against the small risks of the virus, given the known health risks of the vaccine – as a parent, you and your children may have to live with for the rest of their lives. The risk/benefit analysis for vaccination of otherwise healthy 5-11 year children with the Pfizer Comirnaty mRNA vaccine technology is not even close.

The very nature of an mRNA vaccine means that a viral gene will be injected into a child’s cells. That gene forces the child’s body to make toxic spike proteins. These proteins can cause permanent damage in critical organs, including the brain and nervous system; heart and blood vessels, which could cause inflammation of the heart including blood clots; reproductive systems in both boys and girls, but predominantly girls.

T​he most alarming point about this is that once these damages have occurred, they are irreparable and cannot be reversed. The lesions within the brain cannot be fixed; the heart tissue scarring cannot be repaired; the reproductive damage could affect future generations to come.

The spokesperson said: “Of bigger concern was one of the Crown’s submissions was that if the court were to grant interim orders, ‘The logistics of the rollout would be severely disrupted at huge cost’.

“We find it disturbing that the Crown’s position could include a commercial and ‘convenience imperative’ to continuing the roll out where clear safety concerns are being raised. When it comes to children, their health is paramount and commercial considerations safety is, unsurprisingly, a key consideration, should be irrelevant.”

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  1. In the event our children suffer vaccine injuries – be it in the sort or long-term – Justice Ellis will rue the day she made this irresponsible call. And as for labelling the parents three times in court “anti-vaxxers”, there are no words….

    • How dare the judge label people anti-vaxxers. I can think of a lot of labels to call that judge, some that cannot be repeated on here.

      All that needs to be done is for our Govt, Pfizer or the judge to produce the long term safety data. If they can’t do that then they haven’t got a case for vaccinating children. End of story.

      The 9 pages of undisclosed side effects listed in Pfizer’s own documents are damning enough – they prove that informed consent cannot be given unless ALL these observed conditions are made available to the vaccine recipient. See below Link 17 November Pfizer documents post marketing experience:


      Furthermore this following documents which was released from the Japanese Government shows the immediate impact of the vaccine on the body and organs. Note the alarming increase in the ovaries.


      There is ONLY one reason for giving the children a vaccine and that’s to get them on a vaccine passport so the govt can implement their digital currency/social credit scheme. (Or are there other more nefarious reasons too?)

      This madness must STOP before our children are harmed permanently.

      Why on earth would ANYONE give a child who has a 99.98% chance of surviving an illness, a vaccine with NO along term safety data? WHY????

      The people pushing this have blood on their hands. Remember their names. ????????

    • The parents of young children who have died (the numbers will stagger you) from this jab are being paid hush money by the NZ Govt. of up to 450k to go away. How obsene. What a Genocidal obsene Govt. the NZ Govt. has really become. Parents also be aware that by accepting hush money and not speaking out that you are also part of the Genocide when Judgement day comes !!!

  2. OH MY!!!! PLEASE STOP THIS MADNESS!!! Oh parents please don’t inflict such atrocities on your poor, helpless child. Please do your own research…don’t believe only in one or two fake researchers. Don’t trust the drug companies with such poor morals and ethics. Read about these companies…OH my heart just breaks at the thought of what may come out of the mass vaccination of innocent babes. Please????????????????

  3. Why do they keep pushing that bullsh#t vaccination narrative, why when mounting evidence around the globe is saying somethings wrong here that this experimental therapy is doing irreparable damage that could effect future generations! Truly believe a sinister plan is afoot & years ago that wld of seemed crazy but now lol.
    The future has to be less populated according to sum elite hmmm
    Sinister times and dangerous powers.

  4. “Severely disrupted at huge cost?” What cost are they talking about, money? If that’s true, it’s plain to see they care more about money than public health!

  5. USA here. Our MSM has been absolutely WRONG about EVERYTHING the past 2 yrs!
    To cover up their incompetence they’re doing everything possible to shut down alternative news sights!

  6. I’m incredibly shocked by the reasoning of this decision. No Logic, no human compassion, cold bloody minded evil and corrupt. Words can’t describe the potential horrific consequences that may arise in the future from decisions like this. The evidence is mounting. STOP this before any child suffers unimaginably along with their parents who thought they were doing the right thing.

  7. I am so sorry the children have been put in such a dangerous position .
    May truth shine through the cracks of this bitter nastiness.
    With the power of God and love we will break the bad and return to Love light the truth forever more.
    We have spoken move aside negative controlling troubled greed masses you have pain and suffering of others on your souls .We have come to remove you and free the children of the world.
    The Time is Now.

  8. Lol, sorry peasants. The law isn’t there for YOUR benefit. The 21st century is here. Rights and civil liberties are so yesterday, rule via decree and mandate are where it’s at!!

    Money talks, and there’s a whole lotta talking going on behind the scenes right now. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it. The agenda rolls on with nothing to stop it.

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, anyone looking to pierce my (or my children’s) skin with a piece of metal will be responded to in kind. Fuckin bring it on.

  9. How dare the judge label people anti-vaxxers. I can think of a lot of labels to call that judge, some that cannot be repeated on here.

    All that needs to be done is for our Govt, Pfizer or the judge to produce the long term safety data. If they can’t do that then they haven’t got a case for vaccinating children. End of story.

    The 9 pages of undisclosed side effects listed in Pfizer’s own documents are damning enough – they prove that informed consent cannot be given unless ALL these observed conditions are made available to the vaccine recipient. See below Link 17 November Pfizer documents post marketing experience:


    Furthermore the following documents which was released from the Japanese Government shows the immediate impact of the vaccine on the body and organs. Note the alarming increase in the ovaries. Will this make girls infertile? Who would know as there is no long term data.


    There is ONLY one reason for giving the children a vaccine and that’s to get them on a vaccine passport so the govt can implement their digital currency/social credit scheme. (Or are there other more nefarious reasons too?)

    This madness must STOP before our children are harmed permanently.

    Why on earth would ANYONE give a child who has a 99.98% chance of surviving an illness, a vaccine with NO along term safety data? WHY????

    The people pushing this have blood on their hands. Remember their names. ????????

  10. How dare the judge label people anti-vaxxers. I can think of a lot of labels to call that judge, some that cannot be repeated on here.

    All that needs to be done is for our Govt, Pfizer or the judge to produce the long term safety data. If they can’t do that then they haven’t got a case for vaccinating children. End of story.

    The 9 pages of undisclosed side effects listed in Pfizer’s own documents are damning enough – they prove that informed consent cannot be given unless ALL these observed conditions are made available to the vaccine recipient. See below Link 17 November Pfizer documents post marketing experience:


    Furthermore this following documents which was released from the Japanese Government shows the immediate impact of the vaccine on the body and organs. Note the alarming increase in the ovaries.


    There is ONLY one reason for giving the children a vaccine and that’s to get them on a vaccine passport so the govt can implement their digital currency/social credit scheme. (Or are there other more nefarious reasons too?)

    This madness must STOP before our children are harmed permanently.

    Why on earth would ANYONE give a child who has a 99.98% chance of surviving an illness, a vaccine with NO along term safety data? WHY????

    The people pushing this have blood on their hands. Remember their names.

  11. I’m so angry that this judge has made the decision not to err on the side of caution. Did / has someone got to him? Has he been paid off? Has he been threatened? We’ll never know.

  12. Such a tragic ignorant, and I mean seriously ignorant government we are governed by today. With respect, and possible because I read about what’s happening overseas, NZ has become an embarassment . Yesterday my son in Henry Bennet was given yet another experimental gene therapy – with no respect to his parents..despite some time ago he had become fatigued. Some leaders in Wellington must really want us dead or maybe harmed and I’m beginning to suspect they may be evil bastards.

  13. Judge is corrupt and bought by pharmaceutical interests. We will fight on and finish the fight. God is on our side. We will we will rock them

    • Was just talking to my Partner Kieth, your name came up. It’s clear and it gives me the cold shivers.
      I am an onlooker I guess, I escaped some time ago but I look upon in horror and am appalled. I am afraid for people right now.

  14. The judiciary are just another branch of government.They are installed by their political masters to their positions to do as they are told

  15. It does seem odd for the Judge to reject stopping the vaccine rollout to 5-11 year olds, “until a “full substantive hearing is held,.”when there’s serious health concerns involved.
    If the Swedish government can decide not to vaccinate 5-11 year-olds, why can’t New Zealand?
    Congratulation to all concerned in taking this case to the courts!


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