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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Posie Parker rally: Calls to identify puncher – new video released

Posie Parker assault case news

Photos and video of the man who was seen punching an elderly woman at the Posie Parker rally last Saturday are being circulated in an effort to identify him.

As of today there has been no confirmation of charges being laid in relation to the incident.

The man is seen in videos repeatedly punching an elderly women.

Some counter-protest supporters had blamed the woman for charging the man, but new video of the savage incident shows the man busting through temporary fencing and launching into her while her back was turned in an unprovoked attack.

The man was featured on this morning’s ‘Face of the Day’ on The BFD.

Anyone who knows the man is asked to contact their local police station.

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  1. contact the pLICE that should have protected the innocent? what a waste of time that will be. pLICE attacked people at freedom camp how do we know it wasn’t the LICE in this instance – natural justice is what is required here. just like karma got disgusting embarrassment that is davidson, the same will happen to these dangerous thugs and all the other woke idiots. Terrorist’s they are and mainstream media once again have blood on their hands for inciting the last three years of lies! I want my country back!

  2. This creature looks like a human / goat chimera…
    Perhaps the Luciferians and foreskin-consuming Zionistas are experimenting once again.
    Don’t confuse this creature with the Chupacubra, or ‘Goat Sucker’…!
    Maybe it’s tucked-away in the luggage compartment on the flight to New York with wanted International Criminal Eli Rubashkyn…


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