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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Ruapehu search warrant uncovers drugs and cache of stolen goods

Ruapehu crime news

Three men are due to reappear before the court in the coming weeks on drug and firearm related charges following several Central North Island search warrants.

Ruapehu Police have been and continue to work tirelessly conducting several investigations which resulted in the seizure of methamphetamine, cannabis, five firearms, and stolen property including power tools.

Over the past two weeks Ruapehu Police were assisted by the Whanganui Armed Offenders Squad, and a Wellington based drug detection dog in the execution of four warrants in Ohakune and Taumarunui. 35 grams of methamphetamine and 2.7 kilograms of cannabis was seized.

Senior Sergeant Grant Alabaster, Ruapehu Response Manager says: “I would like to commend staff on excellent work and a fantastic result.

“It is always good to get unlawfully possessed firearms off the street as it ultimately leads to the community being a safer place.

He also said the sizable seizure of methamphetamine and cannabis would prevent further social harm to our communities. I was surprised to see cannabis packaged in lolly packets, something new that we haven’t seen before, and it really shows you what length criminals will go to.”

Three men, between the ages of 21 and 27 are due to appear in the Ohakune and Taumarunui District Courts on drug related offences/ unlawful possession of firearms and dishonesty offences a total of 20 charges between them.

Enquiries are ongoing and Police are not ruling out further arrests.

Ruapehu crime news

Police are committed to reducing drug related harm in our communities by targeting those who gain money through supplying drugs with the potential to cause serious harm into our communities.

If you have any information that may assist Police in identifying and locating suppliers of drugs into the community, please contact Police on 105 or online.

Alternatively, you can report information anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. Wow!!! Look at all of those toys in the last photo…just in time for July Christmas Shopping!
    The first photo is most excellent as well; one could call this the ‘Cuzzy-Bro Action Set’ with ‘Shotgun Ammo Sold Separately’…


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