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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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‘Safe & Effective’ Roadshow – a one day event supporting those with vaccine injury

‘A Quest for Common Sense, Compassion & Justice. Searching for truth, impacts & solutions around the outcome of New Zealand’s COVID Response.’

Full text of press release:

Despite the desire of many to return to normalcy after the tumultuous past four years, the stark truth in New Zealand is that many individuals find themselves unable to resume their usual lives and work. For them, COVID-19 is far from over; its repercussions are just beginning, altering their lives in unforeseen and permanent ways.

Increasing evidence suggests that the mRNA vaccine is linked to a rising number of individuals experiencing severe and persistent symptoms.

More serious side-effects after the initial vaccine and boosters include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, myocarditis, pericarditis, brain fog, muscle fatigue, joint pain, extreme debilitating exhaustion, recurring viral illnesses, paralysis and more.

The COVID-19 vaccine has also been linked to the many ‘sudden deaths’ we are seeing reported in the media over the past couple of years.

Paradoxically, when visiting their doctor, these people are often being told there is nothing wrong with them, some even being diagnosed with ‘vaccine anxiety’ and told to see a psychiatrist.

This leaves them distraught and confused, not knowing where to turn for help.

It seems the government and many medical centres are turning a blind eye.

Yes, we know, this information is not palatable to hear. We’d all much rather bury our heads in the sand and get on with life. But we cannot.

Once you’ve heard a first-hand account from an mRNA injured person, and how their life has been irrevocably changed, or destroyed, you can no longer ignore what is happening.

Some of the speakers include:

Barry Duffield, the hulking actor known for his roles in ‘Spartacus’, Young Hercules and Xena: Warrior Princess, reduced to a weak wreck in his hospital bed post-vaccine, who will share his ‘safe and effective’ vaccine story at the Roadshow.

A Quote from Barry

“I was hesitant to call this a vaccine injury until I actually knew, so I had my blood tests done and my bloods came back with 11 times the amount of spike protein antibody in my system, that I would have if I had a raging covid infection”.

“To put it in easy terms If I had covid I would have had somewhere around 179 to 300 millilitres of blood. I have 3102.8 to 300 millilitres of blood in my system 2 years later with no infections”.

Gary Moller, a forensic health expert and one of the speakers at the Roadshow, has seen many vaccine-injured patients, including a family member resuscitated 3 times from near-death.

  • Peter-Ray of Queenstown, a former fire-fighter and apnea depth-diving expert, found himself hardly able to walk up a slight incline, necessitating several emergency hospital visits for his heartbeat irregularities and neurological symptoms.
  • Heiko, a former elite triathlete in Norway, shared how he went from winning medals at extreme sports events to hardly able to walk down the stairs.

And thousands of more stories like this around New Zealand.

So, you see, this issue is a local and worldwide problem.

Recent NZ ACC statistics also tell a story:

  • ACC vaccine-related injury claims have risen significantly in recent years, increasing from $146,449 in 2018 to $4.55 million ($4,551,458) in 2023. As of July 1, 2024, these claims total $10,660,284.
  • Since it’s exceptionally difficult to have a C19 vaccine claim accepted by ACC, with many hoops to jump through, this may be just the tip of the iceberg.The dam is breaking.

Is it time to admit this novel mRNA technology is not as ‘safe and effective’ as the New Zealand public were promised?

To address this critical issue, a number of brave and concerned doctors, health professionals and citizens, including vaccine-harmed, are coming together around New Zealand this November to bring clarity, support and solutions.

The theme of the ‘Safe and Effective’ Roadshow is A Quest for Common Sense, Compassion & Justice ~ Searching for truth, impacts & solutions around the New Zealand COVID Response.

The four full-day events are being held in:

Dunedin, Queenstown, Nelson and Wellington between 9-15 November 2024.

You can find details of the ‘Safe & Effective’ roadshow here.

You can check more vaccine injury truth bombs here.

You can download the media pack here.

And you are welcome to reach out to the event management team here.

It’s time for people to get the help they need.

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  1. Heads need to roll
    But it hasn’t even stopped yet
    And in a diabolical response continues on and propagandized as safe proven and effective
    This needs to stop and should never have started
    It was a PCR plandemic and not a viral pandemic because covid as such does not exist as a specific stand alone virus
    Never having been isolated separated nor identified although erroneous claims to the contrary
    Which is why it had to be created on a computer as a model construct
    Lets just all hope the ex supermarket checkout counter operator whom I doubt was ever even elected
    Is enjoying ‘its’ thirty pieces of silver
    A sellout worthless pitiful excuse for a human being
    Like its sidekicks who have all lied through their teeth in administering the WHO WEF UN agenda of population reduction and in destruction of the economy and peoples lives
    We are surrounded by lying lackeys under corporatism masquerading as a democracy
    The whole notion is absurd and a monstrous heinous lie

  2. I envisage we will be seeing these ACC costs for vaccine injuries exponentially increase.
    Historic New Zealand media reports quoting ‘experts’ indicated that studies around Covid 19 vaccine could take up to 10 years to complete. It would be useful to know why.
    Imagine in another 7 years time when the immune systems of individuals break down and the only attributable cause relates back to the immune system response as being impaired and caused by ‘vaccine’ . By then, Covid vaccine won’t be the only vaccine in the spotlight….but who will own up?
    New Zealand needs to undertake the research and publicly report the findings with urgency.

  3. Why is it $95 to attend? Vaccine injured people are already forking out on all sorts of therapies to alleviate their suffering, $95 is eye-watering.

    • Hopefully they’re just covering costs.

      The organisers do need to be completely transparent on this.

      As we’ve found out during covid, human nature generally speaking can be somewhat ugly.


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