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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Stuff.co.nz staff restructure meeting a stuff up

Stuff.co.nz news

State-subsidized legacy mainstream media outlet Stuff.co.nz plans to reduce staff numbers, despite receving millions of dollars in taxpayer funding.

An organisation-wide meeting today called by Stuff boses has been characterised by an employee as ‘unbearable’.

The employee spoke to the NZHerald today after the meeting had finished. Discussion about the restructure only lasted about ‘three minutes’ before moving onto other topics.

‘People in the office were offended and horrified,’ the employee said. ‘The tone was so off… it was unbearable.’

Another Stuff journalist told the NZHerald that staff ‘were crying in the office when they received the outline [of the meeting] today.’

He also said the changes proposed by Stuff management would not be of any benefit, ‘People are stressed, obviously. It’s been a weird few years, but we got through it because the rhetoric has been that it’s going to be so positive on the other side. Then you come along and say ‘sorry but we’re gutting your newsroom, but by the way we still want all this lovely regional journalism.’

Stuff has received millions of dollars in taxpayer funding through the NZ On Air Public Interest Journalism Fund, including more than $300,000 for the widely criticised mockumentary ‘Fire & Fury’, seen by many as a state-funded hitpiece on government opponents.

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  1. Will anybody feel sorry for these poor stressed journalists? They worked so hard making up names for people who wouldn’t be injected, and promoted the Covid propaganda 24 hours a day seven days a week ‘because the rhetoric has been that it’s going to be so positive on the other side.’ Well tough times ahead for you Stuff writers. Now you know what you really are. You compromised your ethics – pretty much like the dancing nurses who also thought they were part of the club – and many of you didn’t even write very well.
    Hope you saved your pennies because the Job Seekers doesn’t pay much.

  2. Well it had to come. Do I shed a tear? Not one. We just hope those on the chopping block will include at least some who caused considerable damage to reputations, and put New Zealanders at risk.

    Maybe they will now reflect on the last few years and think about how they could have been so much better. Perhaps with some time on their hands, they will discover what is really going on, and how so many lives have been affected by Jabby and her cohorts. And think about the role they played, hopefully with a little remorse…

  3. Well I don’t feel sorry for any of you. It gives you a chance now to tell public how much sh*t of narrative you had to push the last few years.

  4. “Whoever causes the upright to go astray in an evil way, He himself will fall into his own pit; But the blameless will inherit good. – Proverbs 28

  5. CNN is going in the drain in US. Our version of CNN is STUFF. Full of lies, propaganda, virtue signalling, woke sh*t, promotion of deviant sexual behaviour from time to time, copy cat articles based on US media on gender ideology, abortion etc, stenographer reproduction of International news from the Corportate media, using fake experts who are lowly qualfied or agents of Big pharma and the list can go on. Many kiwis know stuff is a liar media who works for the London and NY based coporate masters who offer cheap web hosting in return for private data collection using third party scripting. It is not a surprise the readership has hit a low figure and many of the hits were by overseas bots. The sooner STUFF dies, the better for NZ journalism.

  6. I don’t even have time to read through that article for what it calls ‘journalists’. They are nothing but media whores and presstitutes! They had it coming! Same with the propaganda slingers at The NZ Herald. LOL, they are all guilty of being corrupt! How can they look themselves in the mirror I cannot comprehend. Low morals? No spine? Sycophants? Half wits? You tell me.

  7. Ohhh poor stuff ????????????????????????????????????????????⚰️⚰️???????? yahoo!!!!! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? couldn’t have happened to a more deserving bunch. The kick in your guts you are experiencing is a minuscule taste of how your cruel and ugly comments have hurt people. Your smear campaigns, lies and witch-hunt’s, your fake news and bs propaganda oh and your arrogance!!! Your morally bankrupt souls who lack compassion, you are anti freedom. So now here you are blubbering and crying for your pitiful selves and situation, and try as I might, I cannot muster any sympathy for any of you. But you were good little minions, reading your script and throwing your speech poison at any and all who shared views in opposition to yours. Your filthy platform has no place in this country we are hurting enough as it is.

  8. I guess now that the covid scam is over, there’s no more government advertising cash rolling in.
    Good luck with the job hunting. I wonder if there’s much demand for corrupt unthinking propagandists.

  9. STUFF still has hiuge borrowings from Banks to be repaid. Remember Banks forced the sale of STUFF and it was bought for a dollar. The printing press operation was sold to reduce the debts and STUFF started paying for their print media instead. Pandemic propaganda funding, and low interest rates as well as adverts helped in the recent years. The situation is fast changing because of inflation and interest rate are on the rise. If OCR hits 5%, which will happen in the next year, STUFF has to pay over 7.5% interest on its debts. Its advert revenue is falling because of its low readership. The government funding is also not expoected to go up unless STUFF becomes Jacind Arden’s 100% Pravda outlet which will sink its readership further. The begging bowl strategy pleading for its readers to donate is just a show and it is not going to rescue STUFF. If they introduce subscription to readers like NZ Herald, and ODT, they dont stand a chance. The reality will bite next year and STUFF will be bankrupt and commercial banks will force a sale. Wiating for STUFF’s demise and I will celeberate it.

  10. Disappointing that the Trusted News Initiative does not bail them out. Stuff have been following the TNI propaganda line carefully. Promoting Medical Apartheid and all.

  11. The ousting of staff signals a doubling down and increased nazi style propaganda. Its about govt taking full direction. Those losing their jobs will have been identified as potential risks

    • Absolutely agree. The gloves will be coming off any day now. The idea that Stuff is in any financial difficulty is wishful thinking, they have recently upgraded and overhauled their print floor. Reporters come and go but the hardware remains…

  12. Stuff writers participated in the biggest medical crimes propaganda probably in our history. How many naive readers went and had the jab based on what Stuff was writing? How many unwitting people lost their lives or have disabilities as a result of Stuff articles? Of course, the PM, MPs, Pfizer, govt officials, MOH, MEDSAFE, Medical Council can all deny the jab was responsible but the writing is on the wall with more and more evidence coming out daily.

    How many knowing people were treated like lepers, lost their jobs, homes, friends, family, were separated from society by the PM, local councils, the list goes on and on even today and we still have restrictions! You supported and promoted it.

    Karma is a b**ch. I have no sympathy for all those at Stuff who participated in these lies and deliberate targeting of heroic and innocent people trying to speak out to help their fellow men, and all the other anti-social campaigns media whores at Stuff participated in. You sold your souls, ignoring the hurt and pain you caused and some even relishing in it, and now you have to pay.


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