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Tommy Robinson jailed for 18 months

Tommy Robinson news
Image – @benonwine, X.

British activist and filmmaker Tommy Robinson has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after airing a documentary that included allegations about a Syrian student involved in a past legal dispute.

Robinson argues he was targeted for “speaking the truth.”

The controversy began in 2018, when Robinson shared claims on social media suggesting the student, who was a victim of bullying in a Yorkshire school, had previously been involved in violent behaviour toward female students.

Robinson was later sued for libel and ordered to pay £100,000 in damages, with a court order not to repeat these claims.

Despite this, Robinson persisted, claiming he had uncovered further evidence of a prior police caution given to the Syrian teen. At a recent London demonstration, Robinson screened a documentary presenting these allegations, which led to his breach of the court’s order.

During sentencing at Woolwich Crown Court, Justice Johnson stressed the importance of upholding court orders in a lawful society, stating, “Nobody is above the law. Nobody can pick or choose which laws or which injunctions they obey.”

Robinson’s lawyer, Sasha Wass, argued he acted out of a deep-seated commitment to free speech, citing what Robinson believed was a cover-up of the student’s behaviour by school employees.

“He acted in the way that he did, and he accepts his culpability because he passionately believes in free speech, a free press, and an overwhelming desire to expose the truth,” she stated.

Robinson, who has previously experienced solitary confinement due to safety concerns, is expected to face similar conditions this time. His lawyer described his previous experiences in isolation as mentally taxing, resulting in symptoms of trauma and depression.

Justice Johnson issued an 18-month sentence, with Robinson eligible for release after nine months. Notably, the court and government prosecutors did not dispute the factual details presented in Robinson’s documentary during the hearing.

After his sentencing, Robinson released a statement calling himself a “political prisoner,” asserting that his case exemplifies government suppression of free speech. He pointed to others similarly jailed for their public statements in recent times, linking his punishment to a growing trend of political repression.

Thousands gathered in London in a show of support for Robinson before his sentencing, with minor arrests reported by police at both the main event and a nearby counter-protest.

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