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Top 10 most embarrassing moments from the Democratic National Convention today

Democrats fumble through Convention with gaffes and awkward moments.

The Democratic National Convention was intended to be a showcase of unity and strength, but it turned into a series of cringeworthy moments that left observers questioning whether the party has lost its way. Here are the top ten most embarrassing moments from the event, according to The Vigilant Fox:

  • #10 – Jen Psaki’s Self-Own: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki kicked things off with a zinger aimed at Republicans, saying, “Trump and Vance speak to a tiny, tiny portion of the public.” The irony was palpable, however, as she delivered the line to a half-empty room. It seems the “tiny, tiny portion” might have been in attendance at the DNC.
  • #9 – Republican Truth Bomb: A Republican commentator on CNN didn’t hold back, offering a brutal assessment of President Biden’s exit from the race. Describing Biden as being “bullied out” and giving his own “career eulogy,” the commentator dismissed the narrative that Biden’s departure was voluntary or gracious. The truth stung, but it was hard to argue with the blunt honesty on display.
  • #8 – Biden vs. Teleprompter: In a battle that’s become all too familiar, Joe Biden struggled with the teleprompter during his speech. What started as a discussion on women’s rights quickly devolved into a confusing mix-up between “electrical” and “electoral,” leaving Biden to give up mid-sentence. The crowd might have been left wondering what kind of power Biden was really talking about.
  • #7 – Whitmer’s Accidental Insult: Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer meant to pay a compliment to Tim Walz but ended up emasculating him on national television. Comparing him to herself in a way that even her daughters found amusing, Whitmer inadvertently made it sound like Walz was merely a male clone of her.
  • #6 – Jill Biden’s Fairy Tale: First Lady Jill Biden tried to put a heartfelt spin on Joe’s decision to not seek re-election, claiming she watched him “dig deep into his soul” to make the choice. The story might have been more believable if it didn’t sound like it was written for a Hallmark movie.
  • #5 – AOC’s Standing Ovation – for Nothing: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez managed to receive a standing ovation without actually saying anything of substance. The applause was thunderous, but what exactly were they clapping for? It seems that even a few vague platitudes are enough to get the crowd going.
  • #4 – “We Love Joe” Chant Fizzles: An attempt to start a “We love Joe” chant fell flat, with the few voices that joined in sounding more desperate than enthusiastic. It was a sad echo of the enthusiasm that once surrounded the President.
  • #3 – Biden’s Big Pharma Victory Lap: Joe Biden proudly declared, “We finally beat Big Pharma!” while conveniently forgetting that his administration mandated government-paid COVID vaccines for millions of Americans. The contradiction was lost on no one, except maybe the President himself.
  • #2 – Hypocrisy Alert: A state senator warned that Trump could “weaponize the Department of Justice to go after his political opponents.” The irony was rich, given that this is exactly what Democrats have been doing to Trump.
  • #1 – Jake Tapper’s Unintentional Slam: CNN’s far left socialist commentator Jake Tapper might have thought he was praising Kamala Harris when he said, “That fear about [the Democrats’] nominee speaking is gone.” But in doing so, he unintentionally slammed Biden, reminding everyone of the collective anxiety that used to accompany his public appearances. Tapper’s words cut deep, perhaps even more than he intended.

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  1. I believe our ex PM old horse face was stable enough to find enough oats in her equine tank to attend the DNC – Demonic Narcissist Conference, and kindly spread hate.


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