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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

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TVNZ plans major overhaul, including scrapping 1News website

1News website news

Legacy media outlet TVNZ has announced plans to shut down its 1News website next year as part of a broader strategy to stabilise its financial situation.

The proposal, aimed at saving $30 million, was presented during a staff meeting held on Monday.

This proposal comes after earlier cuts to several news programs, including *Fair Go* and the network’s midday and late-night bulletins. According to RNZ, key measures outlined in the proposal include:

  • Shutting down the 1News website in February 2025
  • Outsourcing certain content workflows and technological operations
  • Streamlining business operations to better align with the company’s strategic direction
  • Focusing more resources on TVNZ+, the broadcaster’s on-demand service, with the creation of a new dedicated team
  • Adjusting staff rosters
  • Refocusing the youth-oriented *Re: News* platform exclusively on video storytelling
  • Establishing a “centre for excellence” focused on data, analytics, and artificial intelligence, alongside a “creative hub”

“We are now seeking feedback on the proposals, and no decisions will be made until all feedback is considered,” the company said.

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  1. How about this, close tvnz down that would save millions along with saving millions of people’s lives – save us from ALL THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA LIARS!!!

  2. Don’t bother TVNZ. I won’t watch you ever again after Covid OUT OF PRINCIPLE! My kids don’t watch you they aren’t interested in LIES and PROPAGANDA either.

    Stick your biased views, your agenda and your woke presenters and dumb “programmes’ (ironic)a where the sun don’t shine.

  3. TVNZ haven’t read the room at all. Until they start reporting the truth and telling the stories that New Zealanders actually want to hear instead of the woke, skewed and biased ones they do now they will continue to disintegrate into nothingness. I only hope it would happen sooner than it is.

  4. Oh dear One Views is doing it hard, the price you pay for doing the bidding of the globalist politicians, just like your copper pals….now few people trust you…..who’s fault is that?


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