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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Two teenage girls charged with aggravated robbery after East Auckland bus attacks

Auckland bus crime news
Stock photo.

Two teenage girls, aged 13 and 14, have been charged with aggravated robbery following two violent incidents aboard an east Auckland bus route.

The latest robbery occurred on Ti Rakau Drive, where the offenders stole mobile phones and assaulted one victim. A male associate, aged 15, also assaulted a bystander who attempted to intervene.

The two girls have been charged with two counts of aggravated robbery, with one charge relating to a similar incident on 5 October on the same bus route near Pakuranga, where another victim was assaulted and had their phone stolen. Both girls also face charges of assault with intent to rob.

The male associate has been charged with aggravated assault. Police are opposing bail for all three offenders as they appear in Manukau Youth Court.

Image credit: Seyed Amir Mohammad Tabatabaee

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  1. ‘East Auckland’…that says it all…!
    Recall the teen boy who was attacked by a 30-something ‘ethnic’ and suffered catastrophic dental damage.
    I carry home-made squirt bottle pepper spray, and a knife that is just under the max blade length of 10 CM’s.
    I also have my multi-pocketed jacket lined with Kevlar and 1/8th inch steel plates (rounded corners) also wrapped in Kevlar in the pockets.
    Brown Belt in Hun-Gar…expert in small arms w/ medals…DOD 6-week sniper course in the 1990’s…etc.

  2. Back I the 1980’s the sister of a friend of mine who started misbehaving and getting in the wrong crowd was arrested for aggravated robbery. She was sentenced to two years imprinment at Arohata.
    Jail time sorted her out.


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