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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

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UK police chief threatens Elon Musk

The billionaire is “a keyboard warrior” and could be prosecuted, Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley has warned.

London’s Metropolitan Police commissioner has threatened to charge foreigners for “whipping up hatred” online, naming X owner Elon Musk as someone who could be prosecuted. The warning comes amid a nationwide crackdown against supposed hate speech following a spate of right-wing riots.

“We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you,” Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News on Friday.

Asked whether the Metropolitan Police planned on charging people posting on social media from other countries, Rowley replied: “Being a keyboard warrior does not make you safe from the law,” and named “the likes of Elon Musk” as potential targets for investigation.

As of Friday, more than 700 people had been arrested and more than 300 charged over their alleged participation in the riots, which kicked off after a teenager of Rwandan descent killed three children and injured ten others in a stabbing spree in the town of Southport late last month.

Initially sparked by a false rumor that the knifeman responsible for the stabbings was a Muslim immigrant, the demonstrations grew into a wider backlash against Islam and mass immigration, culminating in rioters setting fire to a hotel housing asylum seekers in Rotherham last Sunday.

Of those arrested, more than 30 have been charged with online offenses, such as sharing footage of the riots or posting content that – according to the Crown Prosecutorial Service – “incites violence or hatred.”

Critics, including Musk, have accused the government of stifling free speech, and of operating a “two-tier” justice system, in which white British suspects are punished far more severely than immigrants.

Musk shared a post on Saturday highlighting the disparity between the cases of Steven Mailen and Mustafa al Mbaidib. Mailen, 54, was sentenced to more than two years in prison on Friday for shouting and “gesticulating” at a police officer during a violent demonstration in Hartlepool last week; Al Mbaidib, a 27-year-old Jordanian national, was fined £26 ($33) last month for assaulting a female police officer in Bournemouth in May.

“Sure seems like unequal justice in the UK,” Musk wrote on X. The billionaire also shared a series of memes comparing British Prime Minister Keir Starmer to a Nazi officer and the British government to the totalitarian dictatorship of George Orwell’s ‘1984’.

Starmer is considering amending Britain’s Online Safety Act to punish social media companies that allow the spread of “legal but harmful” content, The Telegraph reported on Friday. The act, passed by the country’s previous Conservative government, was originally set to include such a clause, but the passage was ultimately pulled after Business and Trade Minister Kemi Badenoch complained that it amounted to “legislating for hurt feelings.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. Wow, the old Rule Britannia codswallop is well entrenched in the Brit establishment. Guess what, other jurisdictions are just that. They are mostly not subject to UK laws or threats…..the British empire is largely DEAD……

    Attempts here along those lines here have mostly fallen flat legally……..but you never know, some politicians in NZ are A-grade sell outs, so who knows…..???

  2. Here’s hoping that Elon sues the shit out of the people involved in proposed legal threat to him that has no basis, and is attempting the removal of free speech in all nations!
    This is very Mossad / J3wi$h-like, especially since Elon called out the majority of J3w$ that own & run the MSM.
    The U.K. has no jurisdiction in other nations, so it will be interesting to see if SCOTUS and the ICC / ICJ upholds free speech and the rights of their individual citizens on a global basis in the prevention of Deep State Police and parliamentarian abuses occurring in the U.K.

  3. This is what our Labour, greens, and maori party want for New Zealand. Disgusting people that do not like their own country and people. Sold their souls for communism.

    • Exactly. The left here in New Zealand are collectivists. Socialism, communism, Marxism are ALL collectivism. They are literally a bunch of lazy weird people who want to live off of others hard work. Parasites if you will.

      The left must NEVER AGAIN be in power in New Zealand.

      Next election we must vote ACT and NZ first and national will lose its power and have to kowtow more to form the right block. Luxon is so weak he has pissed National voters off and people are seeing the true value of the coalition.

    • Yes and this current government too, who passed Digital Id’s into law and is now considering hate speech laws. There is no left/right, just globalists.

  4. Mark needs to read the situation.

    There is no incentive to stop.

    Have you no memory of the IRA?

    The choice is. Deport the mud races or face civil war with the vast majority of 60 million pissed off people.

  5. When “we the people” have to start thinking about anonymous accounts and using VPNs then something is very wrong. I suppose it really is the time of revelation, the time of the revealing, when we see and become aware of how things really are after the illusion has been broken.

    I have always thought that the difference between a dictatorship and a democracy was how visible the bars to the cage are: In a dictatorship the bars are right next to your face. In a democracy the bars cannot be seen directly because they are hidden by mist. Walk around and feel around a bit and, sure enough, you find the bars.

    I have always visualized the link between the people and the leaders as an elastic band. When the leaders are aligned with the wishes of the people then the elastic band is loose. However, when the leaders start doing things that the people really do not like then the elastic band becomes taught, stretches and may break.

    In the case of the UK, equality under the law would be a good start whilst equity under the law is not and creates divisions within society.

    In various jobs over a career spanning a few decades I have worked with people of all races, all religions and most countries. Most people are good moral people and just want to feel safe in their own country. I have noticed in the UK that certain groups (race, religion or political) tend to be treated more favorably under the law. Nobody likes privilege and it tends to “grate” upon everybody else. Also, when any group is treated with privilege it also stigmatizes other good people who are a member of that group and, therefore, creates division in society.

    Also, it does not take much to do this: Years ago, Oprah Winfrey did a show where before it started, people were divided up based upon eye color: People with blue eyes were treated well (sitting in a nice area on couches and given snacks) whilst other eye colors were treated badly (made to stand and had no food). When the show started it was pretending to be about something quite different. However, it was an experiment to see how treating different groups of people differently would affect their behavior: They were at each other’s throats, angrily pointing and shouting at each other throughout the whole show until it was revealed what the show was REALLY about.

    I fear that we are being manipulated like this so that we fight each other which then allows the governments to introduce even more draconian measures. Therefore, do not fall for the trap. Try to exercise some emotional maturity and “big picture” situational awareness.

    • Well mark, you do hit the mark.
      When critic of behaviour of ” the chosen” is synonymous of ” hate crime” and is punish by law, you give a free rein on misbehaviour. And you create resentment among the rest of the population.
      Plenty of example around us, although not all “chosen one” are bad. But the top ones are rotten to the core and misusing their privilege position. Most of them banksters and society parasites.
      They have amassed such amount of money through all kinds of ( currency) manipulations that they now can dictate policies to governments

  6. Elon the free speech warrior. Just don’t make disparaging comments about Israel on X!

    This is soap opera like US politics.

  7. Ooohhhh scary! 🤣🤣🤣

    Go check out the interaction between Andrew Tate and Piers Morgan. Tate nails it when he said most of us would welcome 3 square meals and a warm cell than have our kids stabbed on the street by some criminal immigrant who has been here 5 minutes.

    You have to admit Piers got totally owned by Tate AND by Candace Owens.

    Just like Kamala’s AI generated crowds, our Governments are FAILING to contain people with their lies and misinformation.

  8. The latest defamatory categorisation for a thinking person is ‘keyboard warrior ‘ now that ‘conspiracy theorist ‘ has become worn out.

  9. Edward 1 drove them out
    Oliver Cromwell ‘Lord Protector’ let them back in
    There is your problem
    Jew employing proxies weaponized against the white race
    Genesis 3:15

  10. We need to clearly define between
    Peaceful Law Abiding non violent rightful protest
    Such as was in progress at parliament grounds


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