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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Popular Now

UK tensions boil over as protesters riot in Sunderland, police station set on fire

Protests erupted in Sunderland, resulting in a police station being set ablaze as demonstrators clashed with officers outside a mosque in the city.

The protesters, chanting about “two-tier policing,” accused the authorities of unfair practices. The demonstration, which began in Keel Square, saw drivers honking in support as it progressed, with participants draped in England flags. Eyewitnesses described to GB News chaotic scenes, with objects being hurled at cars and police officers. The situation escalated when a fire broke out at the police station, prompting many to flee the area. The violence left local businesses, including pubs, on lockdown to protect patrons from the unrest outside.

Among the demonstrators, there was visible support for activist Tommy Robinson, alongside anti-Islamic sentiments. Mounted officers and police vans navigated through the city to manage the disorder.

Northumbria Police advised the public to avoid the area as they addressed the unrest.

The Muslim Council of Britain expressed concern about the safety of mosques amid fears of targeted attacks during upcoming protests. Authorities, including North East Mayor Kim McGuinness and Sunderland Central MP Lewis Atkinson, condemned the violence.

High-ranking officials and community leaders have called for calm. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper promised that those responsible for the chaos would face “severe consequences.”

The unrest comes in the wake of a tragic incident in Southport, where a 17-year-old of Rwandan heritage was charged with the murder of three young local girls.

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  1. Time and time again when the “approved” demographic riot, it’s excused as “completely understandable” and “fiery but mostly peaceful”.

    When the unapproved local tax-cow demographic riot, it’s “disgraceful” and “totally unacceptable”, and said population is threatened with “severe consequences”.

    For a government that basically 70% of the constituents did not vote for, you’d think some self-reflection might be in order. These things are happening because the people are tired of being ignored, and your plan is to simply keep ignoring them? Okay, let’s see how it plays out 😒👍

    • mailto:?subject=New%20Zealand%20Police%20Given%20Power%20to%20Restrain%20Citizens%20For%20Forced%20Vaccinations%20Under%20New%20%27Pandemic%20Plan%27&body=https%3A%2F%2Fthepeoplesvoice.tv%2Fnew-zealand-police-given-power-to-restrain-citizens-for-forced-vaccinations-under-new-pandemic-plan%2F

      Sorry justt jumping in here,
      Copied this link above. Hope this shows the article about New Zealand police given power to restrain citizens for forced vaccinations under new pandemic plan..

      Totally barbaric new law passed by stealth. I can not see anything about this here in NZ news, like Daily Telegragh.

      • https://thecommonsenseshow.com/about-activism-agenda-21/new-zealand-plandemic-20-lockdowns-forced-injections-beta-test-usa

        I guess the litmus test will happen when Luxon, under orders from the WEF, WHO and John Key, begins the program via gradualism in introducing these measures. Seymour and Peters will probably remain silent, OR- there may be a dissolution of the ‘coalition government’. Either way, I’m sure that this shit will be forced down our throats up to a point! Those who have firearms are waiting and watching for the reforms to repeal Jabby’s gun grab, since global government tyranny can only be resisted by an armed citizenry.

        Once again, IF this has quietly been passed via closed door session(s) in Parliament, and thru the mis-representation of New Zealanders, then by all rights we should NOT COMPLY and use any and all means to resist this Nuremburg Code violating ‘mandate/policy’, and insure that those in (s)elected office comply with OUR INSTRUCTIONS as that is why they were sent to Wellington in the first place. If they can’t or won’t comply, then they should be forced-out! or made to resign and leave the Parliament.

        We are NOT to get involved in AUKUS, we are NOT to get involved in Israel’s proxy wars, and we SHOULD declare New Zealand to be a nation of Armed Neutrality just as Switzerland is!

        • Thanks, Lockie & Loadie LLB. Keep posting.
          I really appreciate this comments section of DTNZ
          I was worried it was the sound of silence, but it is though isn’t it? All reinacted. Just so we know.

          But I’m not sure how to navigate this one yet. I was being lulled into a false sense of security & beginning to think things would all calm down, but no. Just wishful thinking I guess.

  2. Who can blame them? Utterly deplorable and to be told by your own government you have no right to your outrage in light of what has happened……?? Who do they think they represent?

  3. Absolutely brilliant. Time to take back the country. So called refugees are not welcome. Those who apparently are fleeing from war should stand and fight for their country, not come and scrounge welfare.

    • It / they are already here and growing exponentially…
      White fertility continues to drop-off…White Male sperm counts dropping,. or are seen under the microscope watching the Olympics.
      Primate fertility plays B-Ball under the microscope, and is getting stronger via selective breeding while Covid vaccines that are race-specific do their jobs at destroying the higher IQ of humanity.
      Homo Compensus does not count!.
      Have you been into a Pak N Save of late and seen the ‘latest wave of migrants’ buying 20-30 of the same items for their houses of multiple family occupancies?

  4. Or is it a false flag to bring in Marshal Law?
    The 17 y.o. was he an actor?
    Coordinated events in Madrid, and in Melbourne. People are saying.

  5. Swift has that effect on me also.
    Putrid weaponised psyop pop. Corporate brainwashing marketing with a “groomerican dream lie” afterburn.
    Insipid processed rubbish painted up all pretty.
    It is disgusting the level of corporate weaponised grooming inflicted on our kids for profit.
    Evil. Satanic. Psychological warfare.

  6. Governments are there to govern. They are not there to dictate. They are not there to take instructions from the UN. They are not there to send our sons to be killed for the elite Jewish leaders. Israel committed genocide. The UK has allowed hundreds of thousands of undesirable thugs into the country..

    I listen to a clip from the UK Parliament, where the parliamentarians were giving speeches on crackdowns, facial recognition, reprisals. I don’t think the parliamentarians of grasp the situation. The intent is to tear down the existing non-functional and deliberate destructive government. I truly hope the spread to other like-minded countries.

    The king must dissolve parliament..

  7. Sir Keir Starmer’s 4th Reich is just kicking off in the UK. All for your ‘safety’ obviously.

    Starmer is simply a WEF-sponsored plankton who doesn’t even realise he’s being played.

    Hilarious and tragic.


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