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Ukraine’s Kursk gambit failed – Putin

Kursk news
FILE PHOTO: Russian President Vladimir Putin. © Sputnik / Alexander Kazakov

Moscow will deal with the “Ukrainian bandits” who tried to destabilize the region, the Russian president said.

Ukraine’s incursion into Russia’s Kursk Region has failed to achieve its intended goal of halting the advance of Moscow’s forces in Donbass, President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

He stated that Russia has been making great strides in key areas of Donbass, advancing at a pace that has not been seen in a “long time.”

“The Russian armed forces are taking control of territories not by 200, 300 meters at a time, but by square kilometers,” Putin said.

The president added that Kiev’s provocation in Kursk Region would inevitably fail and that Moscow would “deal with the Ukrainian bandits” who have entered Russian territory with the aim of destabilizing the situation at the border.

After that, Putin suggested, Kiev may come to realize that it needs to resolve the conflict through negotiations, and reiterated that Moscow has never refused to hold such talks.

However, the president noted that the Ukrainian leadership was likely not interested in ending the fighting, given that it would have to hold new presidential elections as soon as martial law in the country was lifted.

“The current authorities are clearly not ready for this, they have little chance of being re-elected,” Putin said. “That is why they are not interested in ending the fighting, that is why they tried to carry out this provocation in Kursk Region, and before when they tried to carry out the same operation in Belgorod Region.”

Meanwhile, Russia will continue to protect its people in Donbass, as well as “our common future, the future of Russia,” the president said, adding that Moscow “cannot allow hostile structures to be created right next to us that hatch aggressive plans against our country and constantly try to destabilize the Russian Federation.”

Early last month, Kiev deployed thousands of troops in Russia’s Kursk Region, marking its largest cross-border assault since the start of the conflict in 2022. While Ukraine’s forces initially managed to seize some border areas, their advance was eventually halted, the Russian Defense Ministry has said.

According to Moscow’s latest estimates, the incursion has proven costly for Kiev’s forces, which have lost more than 7,800 servicemen, 75 tanks, and over 500 armored vehicles since the start of the operation on August 6.

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Source:RT News

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  1. In December 1944, Hitler launched Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein intended to break through allied supply lines and capture Antwerp et al to stuff up the allied advance. It failed dismally and opened up the west to the allied advance.

    The parallels between this foolish Ukrainian attack and Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein are starling. Both consumed much large amounts of resources needed elsewhere, both incurred vast casualties and both resulted in total collapse their respective war efforts. There was one more consequence to the NAZIs that will also be visited on the Ukrainians by Russia and that the prosecution of the rules of war. At the end of Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein, the allies executed many captured soldiers for war crimes. Russia will likely do the same – targeting civilians and dressing in the enemies clothing is a penalty punishable by death in time of war.

  2. Putin is right, they have reached the point of waging war, simply to prolong the current Kiev regimes existence, as is the case in Israel. The resulting collapse in Ukraine may well be mirrored in its Middle Eastern counterpart. Either that or WWIII.

    Dark times for humanity, once again…..

  3. Putin has been right al along. Lucky Russia to have such a state man.
    Admired by many in europe despite the MSM spread russophobia.

  4. Compared to all the other western leaders Vladimir Putin is the Statesman of the 21st century. He has shown great strenght tenacity and forsight in the face of some very nasty provications by the West. He would have been well within the rules of war to have lauched a strategic nuke on Kiev for including the US and Nato in their phony Proxy War with Russia. But Vladimir is not about that he cares for his country and his people even when they are living in other lands. The West dont want the Ukrainian war to end because they have laundered mega billions through it and when it does end, and it will very shortly the West wil be exposed for what they really are.


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