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Friday, March 28, 2025

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Watch: Baby W’s dad speaks to Liz Gunn, Winston supports baby’s parents right to choose

FreeNZ posted a short video of the interview on Twitter.

NOTE: The Care of Children Act 2004 prohibits publication of particulars that may lead to the identification of Baby W.

You know, a few years ago none of this would’ve mattered because there wasn’t the problem that there is.

But now, it’s critical. It all matters. It matters to everyone in our society that they have a freedom of choice. That’s been completely taken away by the governments and the so-called powers.

Most of us have made a freedom of choice, but this baby doesn’t seem to qualify to have freedom of choice. They want to conduct medical experiments on him with unknown results. We’re not prepared for that. We’re not prepared to just offer our baby up to experimentation, and I know no one else would be.

We’re standing not only for him but for all of us.

See the dad’s speech on Twitter.

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  1. I just listened to Heather Du Plessis Allen interview Nikki Turner. She openly said, “If we allow this then we’re bolstering the perception that there’s a problem with the vaccines, and there isn’t…”

    It’s 100% ideological.

    They’re willing to let a child die in order to save face.

  2. We have seen some heartbreakingly poor decisions by health professionals (and other professionals), the decision not to allow Wills parents their right to have healthy blood provided for their baby is straight up evil.

  3. This story is now global. The world is watching New Zealand. This case has the potential to be a game-changer should the court rule in favour of Baby Will.

    Fingers crossed everyone. This could make Roe Wade look like the warm up act…

  4. If this baby gets vaccinated blood and then dies it’s on that judge, those medical professionals AND this government.

    WHERE is the long term safety data for this vaccine that is still in trial and under emergency use? WHERE is it?

    I am so angry. Just let the baby have unvaccinated blood. What’s the big deal? This didn’t have to become public OR waste court time. Unreal.

    • Absolutely agree …but has everyone factored in the long term implications of this case? If this baby is monitored and is regarded ok with (unknown vaccination status) blood products …will this Labour Govt then enforce vaccination as part of their IMMS schedule for all Under 5 year olds…this situation should have every NZLer with children concerned and asking questions!

  5. Go Winston!
    Parents have a right to protect their children in the way they choose if it isn’t harming them. With so many donors lined up what are the “powers that be” in the health sector and government afraid of??
    Mmm. I wonder?! Will the floodgates be opened for ACC vaccine injury claims?!
    It is absolutely overreach by the health authorities and government departments to the nth degree!! Back down, and let the parents make the call for their precious baby!


    OMG, all the Govt health authorities had to do was agree with the parents and facilitate the donors.
    Get on with this life saving operation.

    This innocent child, being discriminated against, with his life at stake.

    A little boy waits.

  7. “Follow the science” they said.

    In which case HealthNZ needs to provide unequivocal evidence that C-19 vaccinated blood is as safe as unvaccinated blood. Let’s see some credible independent peer reviewed long term safety studies, which of course is impossible because there is no long term safety data.

    HealthNZ are once again simply assuming safety based on ideology and no evidence, which is both negligent and unethical.

  8. This case proves beyond doubt that the NZ government and HealthNZ are entirely degenerate.

    They would rather endanger a child’s life and torture worried parents than admit there’s even a chance they might be wrong.

    ‘First do no harm’ is the foundation of medical practice, it’s a shame this has been discarded in favour of callous unthinking ideology.

  9. This beautiful baby is needing urgent surgery…his parents appear incredibly caring and have clearly carefully thought through their options. To be subject to a Judicial process must be harrowing in the midst of dealing with an unwell child.
    I agree with the parents in wanting to be able to choose whilst the option is there (Covid vaccinated v non vaccinated blood products ).
    To put forward a further argument..would these Medical Specialists be happy for this child to receive blood for transfusion from a patient with autoimmune conditions resulting from adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine? I would think not for a baby. However, there are plenty of credible International case reviews highlighting this occurrence…search ‘autoimmune post Covid vaccine’….any yet, I have never seen this indicated on the Covid vaccine safety signals of Medsafe reporting.
    Maybe our Legal fraternity needs to dig deeper into the risks data and credible overseas medical research, rather than attempting to stick with the local Political narrative, before attempting to set a further medical precedent in NZL.

  10. If I was asked I would have appeared in court as a witness the c19 jab does alter your blood and the effects of it are still present on my body visibly. It would have to be a corrupt health system and corrupt justice system not to listen to the parents and grant their wish.


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