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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Watch: New documentary exposes the COVID ‘scamdemic’

The Big Reset: The Truth of The Pandemic news

The documentary uploaded to independent video platform Rumble has attracted a large audience.

The documentary, entitled ‘The Big Reset: The Truth of the Pandemic’, produced by a user known only as ‘W’ examines in detail how the COVID pandemic was used by state-subsidised legacy media to create fear, with the resultant rush by the population to take untried and unproven mRNA vaccines – the first time ever such medications had been used on humans.

The two hour and sixteen minute documentary focuses in particular on the use by the WHO and governments of the PCR Test – a technology invented by Professor Kary Mullis (Nobel Prize), which Mullis said was never intended to be used for diagnostic purposes. Nevertheless, using results and numbers obtained from the PCR tests, governments and the legacy media were able to inflate the threat and danger of COVID-19 virus to hitherto unseen levels.

Some of the greatest living medical and scientific minds were interviewed for the documentary, making it what many believe to be a ‘must watch’.

Those interviewed include:

  • Professor Luc Montagnier – Virologist, discoverer of the HIV virus, Nobel Prize Winner
  • Professor Kary Mullis (prior to his death) – Inventor of the PCR test technology, Nobel Prize Winner
  • Rashid Buttar – Physician and Former Director of Emergency Medicine, US Army
  • Christian Perrone – Former Senior Official at WHO
  • Heiko Schoning – Military doctor and founder of the World Medical Alliance
  • Chinda Brandolino – Founder of Doctors for the Argetine Truth
  • Nadiya Popel – Doctor
  • Professor Wolfgang Wodard – Virologist and expert in pulmonology
  • Alexandra Henrion Caude – PhD genetics, former director of research at INSERM
  • Alfonso Longo – Master trainer in neurolinguistic programming
  • Luis Miguel Benito De Benito – Doctor in cell biology, medicine and surgery
  • Professor Fernando Lopez Mirones – Biologist
  • Gerard Guillaume – Medical doctor, immunologist and rhuematologist
  • Jean Dominique Michel – expert in Public Health and medical anthroplogy
  • John Ander Etxebarria – Professor, former Dean of Basque School of Biologists
  • Louis Aubouin – Physician and founder of the Ulysses Institute

The video is available to watch below or on the CoronavirusPlushie Rumble Channel.

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  1. I was shocked how much of vital information was hidden to us by Jacinda and main stream media. I know a little bit of covid fraud but the EU country experts on this were not even mentioned in mnay of the news I read. I feel stupid ????????????

  2. Brilliant documentary which unequivocally blows the lid off the covid fraud. The complete corruption of our political, judicial, media, academic and medical institutions is truly mind-blowing.


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