‘I think the dam is crumbling’, award-winning journalist Alex Newman told Joshua Philipp of EpochTV.
Newman was speaking of the so-called ‘scientific consensus’ over human-induced climate change.
‘Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals… completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming,’ said Newman.
‘A series of three new peer-reviewed papers published in major scientific journals just over the last month or so – and taken together they completely undermine the alleged scientific consensus on man-made global warming.
‘One of them found that about 40% of the observed warming can be explained away using the ‘urban heat island effect’.
This effect holds that structures like buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun’s heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies, thus artificially inflating temperatures.
‘A lot of these thermometers were put out there in a open field in a rural area. A city was built up around it and so it gets warmer obviously – not because there is global warming but because there’s a city around the thermometer.
‘The rest of the warming can be easily explained by solar activity that NASA has been tracking meticulously for many decades.’
The study’s authors were ‘very well-established, very prestigious, highly credentialed experts’, and included top former Harvard astrophysicist Willy Soon (lead author), and independent climate and environmental expert Dr. Ronan Connelly.
‘It’s good to see some alternative viewpoints published in the scientific literature. I think the dam is finally cracking,’ said Newman.
Watch the full interview on EpochTV here.
“I think the dam is finally cracking.”
Award-winning journalist, Alex Newman (@ALEXNEWMAN_JOU), explains why the “human-induced climate emergency” narrative is finally crumbling.
“Three new peer-reviewed papers, published in major prestigious scientific journals… completely… pic.twitter.com/fLIdiKY7Hw
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) October 19, 2023
Yes, it’s much warmer down in the urban core.
As I’m driving home to the suburbs I can sometimes feel the air turn a bit cooler.
Its all about control and taxation, simple as that…..
Pollution and cow farts are changing the weather, and the only way to stop it is to raise taxes and adopt communism.
If you don’t agree, you’re apparently some kind of a dumb dumb.
And people wonder why I keep to myself. “You’re antisocial.” No, I’m just trying to keep my IQ up 😑
Oh that’s good and here I was thinking we were just microwaving ourselves with wireless routers and Netflix.