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Watch: Russia to capture Ukrainian stronghold of Marinka amidst another massive missile strike

Heavily defended and strategically important Ukrainian defensive stronghold of Marinka in Donetsk is about to fall as Russians ‘grind down’ resistance.

Geopolitical expert Alexander Mercouris of The Duran gives an update on the military and diplomatic situation in Ukraine.

The intricate Ukrainian defences in Marinka were first constructed in 2014 and to date have proved difficult for Russian forces to defeat.

Video evidence confirms ‘significant’ Russian advances in Marinka. If the seige of Donetsk is broken, then the southern area of the Donbass will fall entirely under Russan control, says Mercouris.

To the north in Bakhmut, where Wagner Corporation units are fighting for Russia in a ‘private war’ there is street fighting going on in the suburbs. Reports state that Ukrainian loses here are so high that they have been unable to launch any further counter-attacks.

A huge Russian winter counter-offensive is anticipated once the 200,000 reservists have been integrated into the fighting force.

US military expert Lt. Col. Daniel Davis stated he anticipates a Russian force of around 75,000 troops to push south from Belarus deep into Western Ukraine, not to capture cities or territory, but to break Ukrainian communications and supply lines – the ‘heart’ of the Ukrainian resistance – for if western Ukraine is broken, it cannot continue the war.

A second offensive will target the northern cities Russia briefly encircled at the beginning of the Special Military Operation, said Davis.

However, Mercouris points out that the Davis theory contradicts the strategy of Russian supreme commander General Surovikin’s stated intentions weeks ago, when he said his primary objective was to preserve the lives of Russian servicemen and women, whilst causing Ukraine the greatest possible loses.

All indications point to the Russians embarking on a long war of attrition – a strategy in line with Surovikin’s mantra of minimising Russian loses while maximising Ukrainian ones. Ukraine cannot sustain a long war by itself – already it is entirely dependent on western financial and military support. This stragey will ‘grind down’ Ukrainian society and Ukrainian forces. Not only will the West ‘tire’ of Ukraine, but when the collapse eventually comes, not only will Russian society and military be largely intact, indeed even strengthened, the European part of the West will be severely weakened.


As they did with COVID, the New Zealand state-subsidized legacy media is publishing a great deal of mis/disinformation on the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine, based on demonstrably false US or UK intelligence/propaganda reports and/or ‘anonymous’ Ukrainian military sources, or their overseas legacy media partners. For unbiased, factual accounts on what’s really happening on the frontlines DTNZ recommends the following sources:

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  1. It’s clear to an increasingly large contingent of geo political and military analysts that Russia as expected is winning the war.

    But such is their absolute control of the situation, Russia is now using Ukraine to slowly collapse NATO and the West.

    As they have waged war on Russia under the guise of helping brave Ukraine (give me a break) so Russia now has us in a choke hold and we are helpless to resist

    And so countries like NZ who support the Ukraine, one of the most corrupt regimes in the world second only to the five eyes block. Countries like NZ cannot now pull back without suffering deep and lasting humiliation. And worse have now exposed a gaping weakness

    And that opens a door to people across the globe to seek a different society than the one the globalists thought to shape but who themselves are caught in their own web.

    Good skills Jacinda and thanks for your blind and unquestioned error. Keep it up. In the meantime I’m getting ready to congratulate Russia on a game of chess played to perfection

    • John M, nice comment “Jacinda and thanks for your blind and unquestioned error”

      I wonder if Jacinda and co just conveniently “forgot” history… kind of like this

      Alexander Mercouris of The Duran interview on Ukraine.


      Who are these people who wish to monopolise the term pro Ukrainian?

      They seem to think that it means to totally go against Russia.

      Just remember that back in 2008 William Burns, then ambassador to Moscow, and now the head of the CIA, predicted that if Ukraine were brought into NATO, there would be a perpetual civil war in Ukraine because it’s a divided country.

      He also predicted that Russia would feel compelled, though unwillingly, to intervene militarily because Russia perceives Ukraine’s joining NATO as a threat to its security.

      And so to the people who position themselves as pro Ukrainian, I ask:

      Why was NATO membership offered to Ukraine in 2008 when it was only a small minority, 25%, who indicated that it was wanted?

      How was this pro Ukrainian?

      Was toppling the government in 2014 really in Ukraine’s interest, even though it did not have the majority support of Ukrainians?

      How was this pro Ukrainian?

      And the pursuit of the anti-terrorist actions against eastern Ukrainians, was that pro Ukrainian?

      And sabotaging the Minsk agreement in 2015 that could have integrated the Donbass into Ukraine with autonomous status, was that pro Ukrainian?

      Or when the Ukrainians voted in 2019 for Zelensky with 73% of the vote on a peace platform where he promised he would talk to Donbass, he would talk to Russia, he would implement the Minsk agreement.

      This was a peace mandate on which he was elected.

      And yet this peace mandate was sabotaged, largely on the basis of pressure brought by the United States as well as the nationalists.

      How was this pro Ukrainian?

      Lastly, after the Russians had invaded and were negotiating with the Ukrainians in early April 2022, the parties had almost secured a peaceful resolution, this was undermined by the British and the Americans.

      How was this pro Ukrainian?

    • it is no humiliation to reconized to have been wrong.
      It seems this situation was wanted by ” our friends” accross the atlantic, to ruin every economy competing with theirs.
      Von der leyen and lagarde are nothing more thant us agents working at the destruction of europe.
      The brits got out of eu just in time


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