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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Watch: Shots fired at Donald Trump rally

Donald Trump shooting news

Secret Service agents have rushed former president off a stage during a campaign event in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Gunshots have reportedly been fired at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania on Saturday. The former president was rushed off stage by security staff, with images showing blood stains on his right ear.

Several loud bangs were heard as Trump was giving a speech in the city of Butler. Trump quickly fell to the ground and was shielded by his security team.

Trump rose from the ground several moments later and raised a fist into the air. He was then escorted to his motorcade.

Trump is undergoing examination at a Pennsylvania medical facility following the assassination attempt, his press secretary said.

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  1. Well if you can’t beat ‘im, shoot im..
    Got to say he seemed to be ok, glad to say. I think he was full of adrenaline though. One would be though eh, after being shot at and grazing your ear.

    Just heard they shot the shooter so he’s now deceased, fair enough, extremely horrid thing to do as someone received the bullet which killed that person, just for attending a rally they were in the stalls behind.

    David Seymour tweeted that Pollitical Violence is not acceptable…

  2. It’s gonna get messy, there’s some bitchy Dems out there. Don’t think they’ll stop at that. I’ve seen them advocating violence on Twitter, they are head cases, all trussed up like Turkeys on Thanks Giving day with a can up their…well it’s not their a*se.

  3. I remember watching the SOTU (State Of The Union) speech President Trump gave on 6 February 2020. At the end of it, Nancy Pelosi divided the speech that was printed on paper into 3 piles and then deliberately ripped up each pile, one at a time. As she did this I fell back in my chair and thought, “What the hell did she just do?” I felt the evil coming from Nancy Pelosi and knew that it was directed at President Trump. I later learned that she was “spell casting” using her “dark arts” to try to hurt President Trump.

    Ever since then I have sent President Trump Reiki protection almost every day.

    In the last few days, after the Reiki session I have also asked for divine protection for President Trump but was never sure why I had the thought to do that just recently: Now I know!

    I wish President Trump recovers quickly, is divinely protected and becomes the 47th President of the United States. MAGA 2024.

    • Good on you Mark, Divine protection is what he needs. He flinched upon hearing the shot, amazing reflexes almost unheard of. Divine protection is what he got. He needs all the good positive energy now more than ever. Keep sending it.


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