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Friday, March 7, 2025

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Watch: UK surgeon warns of surge of inoperable “turbo cancers” following COVID jab roll-out

Renowned UK surgeon Dr. James Royle has raised alarms over a significant increase in aggressive, fast-spreading “turbo cancers.”

According to Dr. Royle, these cancers have been observed to develop, spread, and mutate with unprecedented speed. His concerns echo findings by Professor Angus Dalgleish and other medical professionals around the world. He is in no doubt this change is due to the mRNA COVID gene therapy, marketed to the public by the medical establishment and legacy media as a ‘COVID vaccine’.

“Many of my multidisciplinary team colleagues, fellow surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists and specialist nurses all acknowledged to me sudden change in patterns and dramatic increase in these incurable advanced cancers that we’ve observed in these past two years.”

Dr. Royle pointed to a clear temporal link between the surge in cases and the COVID jab roll-out, asserting that it meets the Bradford-Hill criteria, a standard used in epidemiology to assess causation.

“In addition to the increase in all-cause excess deaths in highly vaccinated countries since the gene-based injectable roll-out [ie. the COVID ‘vaccine’], there has been observed an alarming and significant increase in cancers. These cancers have been termed colloquially “turbo cancers”. Obviously this is not a scientific term, but reflects the different aggressive, biological nature that seems to be being observed by the public as well as clinicians.

“Despite recent [legacy mainstream media] articles claiming the sudden growth of cancers is not new… there is a clear, dramatic increase that occurred in 2021 shortly after the roll-out.

“A robust study recently published in Japan, now redacted after significant pressure, showed cancer-related excess mortality in vaccinated populations. Cancers are being observed in all ages. It is my assertion, shared by many experts [and] clinical colleagues around the world that the cancers we are seeing are extremely aggressive and are of a different biology. One study showed this dramatic increase, particularly in young ages through 2021 – 5.2% increase, 2022 – 7.9% increase. I’ve noticed aggressive, widespread recurrences in previously successfully treated bowel cancer patients that I considered cured. Many metasteses in these cases are unusual or atypical.

“Middle-aged or older people are presenting with out-of-the-blue Stage 4 colorectal cancers which are incurable and die within weeks or months. In many of these cases the entire liver appears to be filled with large, round tumour masses. It is horrific to see on a weekly basis. In my experience, it is rare for colorectal cancers to be so aggressive in the elderly. Usually, sporadic cancers are still operable when they present.”

“The dramatic increase in these incurable, advanced cancers is alarming,” he noted.

Concluding the video he demanded use of COVID vaccines be stopped immediately, “In conclusion, the data are clear, that COVID-19 vaccinations are neither safe nor effective. My own personal observations are being increasingly backed up by other data around the world, and research studies, as well as expert opinion in other centres. I personally demand that these injections and any promotion of them be stopped with immediate effect.”

Social media reaction:

– I work for the same Trust as Dr James Royal and like him and many others, we have been voicing our concerns for a long time. It’s good to now see more speaking out as more people become aware of the truth.

– So many of my daughters friends are giving these to their toddlers Freightening.

– My mum was a healthy independent, out everyday woman until, she got the shot, 2 days later she had bleeding behind her eyes, a few months after that diagnosed with lung and brain cancer, with 0 symptoms, 3 days after diagnosis passed away. I know 100% what caused it.

– I wonder when urologists are going to start talking about the men whose prostate cancers have been in remission for years after treatment with low serial PSAs who are now suddenly recording high PSAs and presenting with multiple metastatic sites of disease?

– It is about time, that the manufactures of the COVID-19 vaccine, and all its boosters will be put away for good !

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  1. I hope Michael Baker is listening…..this video serves as a warning. STOP promoting this vaccine.
    As for Medsafe, time to open your eyes and call an urgent meeting with our Govt Health officials. You simply cannot by way of excuse now say you didn’t know.
    As for our Govt … time to step up!

    • Medsafe has its eyes wide open. . It has major conflicts of interest with global affiliations which all lead back to WHO. The web of deception is dizzying

  2. It is undeniable that there is a temporal link to the jab roll and cancer. Ive seen it with my own eyes, the number of people i know with turbo cancer or already dead and buried from it over the last 2 or 3 yrs is shocking. Too many to count, too many to remember

  3. 1News assures me this is misinformation and disinformation and malinformation and misogynistic and racist right wing conspiracy extremism, harmful to our democracy and immigrants and cute little ginger kittens stuck in trees.

    For shame

  4. If, like me, you didn’t trust politicians before, well what do you think of them and the so called governments they form, now?

  5. All this information was available before the rollout, many doctors and scientists warned the public, I’m thankful I listened. Why would you trust a politician over your own family and friends warning you, that is something that still haunts me today.
    These doctors see the writing on the wall, the truth always comes out in the end, the question is what will the politicians, medical council and those that push the poison do?

    • Yes you are right… everything was known by some well before the rollout, and many of us were ostracized for trying to warn others. But the real shame is on the millions of ‘medical experts’ that couldn’t work it out for themselves, even though a layman like myself could see it all very clearly!

  6. A friend from high school days died this year very quickly from bowel cancer and a older relative died last month within a week of diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.

    A few years back pre Covid an Aunt died from Pancreatic cancer but there were three months from diagnosis. The difference was astonishing.

  7. The MSM’s silence confirms the authenticity of this report. Dame Comrade Ardern violated our freedom of choice by mandating this experimental gene therapy onto a compliant population. Those that protested in defiance of this dictatorial rule were bashed by her Stasi bouncers while every sitting MP cowered inside the Beehive.

    • Yes, and when Barry Young bravely stepped forward with the corporate states governments own jab data, with every MP e-mailed a copy, what did the gutless cowards do??

    • Just more proof of now insane they all are… thankfully there are still some sane thinking people among us, but is it enough to turn the tide before it’s all too late?

  8. We warned about this three years ago and all everybody did was ignore us, make us homeless and label us CTs
    or liars while they pushed the jabs and killed or sickened our friends and family with it.
    The information was out there before the first vax made it to our shores.
    The predictions were accurate.
    We are still being punished for knowing too much.

    If you think this is as bad as it gets you have not seen anything yet.
    Stupid sheep trusted the media, govt and medics and were led to the slaughter.
    They lied to you then and are still lying now.

    Next time you line up for a deadly shot remember there is no going back once it is inside you….
    This is what the govts call safe and effective,
    This is depopulation on a mass scale over a prolonged period of time so you wont cotton on, duh..
    Time is running out, make the best of it.

  9. They’ll be blaming ‘climate change’ next, for everything from turbo cancer to the next ice age and power price increases while they breed up the weaponised super bugs genus sarcoptes scabeiei, cimex lectularius, pediculus schaeffi, pulex irritans, (scabies, bed bugs, headlice, fleas etc)

  10. I just checked with Jacinda, who is currently paid USD 250,000 per talk. The only source of truth namely Jacinda assured me that this is not true. Amen.


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