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Saturday, September 14, 2024

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Zuckerberg bombshell: Biden-Harris administration pressured Facebook to censor COVID-19 content

In a shock admission, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed in a letter to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan that Facebook faced intense pressure from the Biden-Harris administration to censor certain COVID-19 content, including humour and satire.

Zuckerberg’s letter, part of an ongoing investigation into content moderation, highlights a concerning level of far left government influence over social media platforms, with Zuckerberg expressing regret that his company did not push back harder against the unconstitutional demands.

Zuckerberg emphasised that while Facebook ultimately made its own decisions regarding content removal, the pressure from the government was significant and, in hindsight, wrong.

He acknowledged that some of the choices made during that time would not be repeated today, stressing the importance of not compromising content standards under governmental pressure.

The revelation adds fuel to the ongoing debate over free speech, government overreach, and the role of tech giants in shaping public discourse.

X owner Elon Musk characterised the government pressure as a violation of the US Constitution’s First Amendment.

The First Amendment, which protects freedom of speech, prohibits the government from making laws or taking actions that abridge the freedom of speech or of the press.

When government officials pressure or coerce a private company to suppress certain types of speech, it raises concerns about whether the government is indirectly violating the First Amendment. If the government is effectively controlling what information is available to the public by pressuring a company to remove or demote certain content, this could be seen as a form of censorship by proxy. Even though Facebook is a private entity, which typically has the right to set its own content policies, the involvement of the government blurs the lines and raises legal and ethical questions about whether this constitutes an unconstitutional restriction on free speech.

In this case, the potential violation of the First Amendment would hinge on whether the pressure from the Biden-Harris administration was coercive and whether it led Facebook to act in ways it otherwise wouldn’t have. If the influence was strong enough to dictate or significantly alter Facebook’s content moderation decisions, it could be argued that the government was using its power to indirectly suppress speech, which is constitutionally protected.

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  1. Oooh, I think I can just see a wee pair of fuzzy little balls appearing. Hic hmmm. What’s that you said? Zuckerberg? Zuckerberg? Yes tiny but yes just a leedle bit.

    Next he’ll be saying he endorses Trump. Nah!

  2. running scared zuckerberg ,hows your house in hawaii? how are the indigenous people you displaced? you are as bad as garland, majorkas, wray god too many to mention, all of you are corrupt losers. you don’t regret it you are trying to save your ass – you didn’t have to do what you did and you know it grrrrrr

  3. The whole American election is a clown show, a distraction so the Cabal can organize the next crime on humanity. When do people wake up? Maybe after 2030 when there are no more elections and we are controlled by stakeholder capitalism!

    • Ever notice how ‘The Olympics’ always coincide with an (s)election year for the purpose of distracting the voting masses?

  4. Zuck Bucks, as in US Dollars in the previous election! He’s seen which way the wind is blowing this time, and he’s decided to do what’s right, in a minimal way, before it is too late. These stupid arrogant people who live in the US know what the Constitution really represents but constantly strive to ignore it, in particular, the first and second amendment.

    He knows that when President Trump gets re-elected in November, he will have his 100 billion Dollars seized and his freedom restricted to a concrete cell in Gitmo.

  5. This is Zuck preempting inquiries into his conduct in the election interference of 2020.He knows Trump is getting sworn in onJan 20th 2025 and is now maneuvering to best place his cowardly balls as far away from the chopping block as is possible. He gave 400 Million to the democrat entities and censored everyone’s speech. Jail the dog…..!!!!


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