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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Effective responses to pandemics and peace are not far removed from each other

Peace opinion

My experience as an educator has taught me that change begins within.

It is our inner experience that enables us to gain perspective, to re-evaluate and change gear. This is the need of our time. 

This point was forcibly driven home for me this week when I read the “New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A Framework For Action” This document has just been published by Health New Zealand laying out NZ policy in the event that WHO declares another pandemic. It is a prime example of an aspiring cabal of policy wonks stuck in the past, unable to change gear and move forward. For 211 pages the document rambles on rubber stamping all the mistakes of the Covid pandemic response. It dictates that in the near future we will do it all again—lockdowns, masks, vaccines, antivirals, mandates, social distancing, isolation, school and business closures, and censorship of media content.

How is it possible that Health New Zealand managed to validate all their previous pandemic actions when phase one of the Royal Commission of Inquiry doesn’t report its findings until November? The answer to this conundrum may not be too far from the chief commissioner, who was himself involved in discussions which formulated Covid policy. A sort of self-saucing chocolate pudding arrangement, whereby you can have your cake and eat it too.

In an extraordinary display of dictatorial hubris and misplaced self-assurance, the document hails the Covid vaccine program as effective and safe, and an ideal model for future responses. Pandemics are flagged as zoonotic (from animals) in origin, no mention at all of the now widely accepted laboratory escape of biotech gain of function products. 

Detecting and monitoring longer term morbidity and sequelae are described as established policy, along with informed consent, whilst failing to recognise this didn’t happen during the Covid pandemic. Our alarming and continuing rate of excess deaths doesn’t get a mention, instead Covid pandemic policy is described as saving thousands of lives. Nor does mRNA vaccine induced immune suppression, now widely discussed in the scientific literature, get a mention. 

Most chilling of all, the policy recognises the power of a medical officer of health, in conjunction with the police, to detain persons in isolation by force and to continue to do so, until necessary prescribed preventive treatment has been administered. You know what that means.

A close reading of this provision reveals that Health New Zealand expects the right to wield very broad powers during future pandemics, even broader than those it was granted during the Covid pandemic. Despite the frightening written word, Health New Zealand is clearly out of touch with reality. They are not managing the current health of New Zealand, how could they possibly imagine their failed policies will succeed in future? They may well find that the public rejects their myopic vision.

The New Zealand Pandemic Plan: A Framework For Action makes no mention of exercise, nutrition, lifestyle, diet or meditation, all of which, as we have previously reported, strengthen the immune system and promote health. Education in these topics would genuinely prepare New Zealand for any future health threats. As previously reported those who exercised, followed a lighter diet, used herbal remedies, or got enough sleep had very significantly lower rates of hospitalisation from Covid. Together they constitute a truly preventive approach and a recipe for longevity which published studies show are tens of times more effective than the current trends of biotech allopathy (which Health New Zealand unthinkingly expects to enforce on an unwilling population).

The exercise of raw power without regard to fact or justice is not limited to New Zealand, it is threatening to overtake the world.

To get some temporary relief from doom and gloom, you might admire the display on the eastern horizon in the early morning before dawn where you will see two bright points of light—fiery red Mars and Jupiter, known as the planet of knowledge, coming closer together day by day. They draw level around the middle of the month. Despite the beauty, some are calling this combination the ‘fire of knowledge’—an augury of conflict. Whether you believe this or not, given the state of the world no one will be much surprised if they are right. 

Polarisation, disinformation and anger are growing everyday around the world. If you are a history buff, you will be aware that these conditions precede global conflict. Although it hasn’t been much reported here in New Zealand, if you follow international news sources you will be aware of regional conflicts which are reaching boiling point. The protagonists are tied to larger super powers who supply much of the armament which helps fuel the conflict. There is a point that is reached when the stress in society becomes unsustainable and war erupts.

Conflicts almost always have ancient roots, indicating unresolved stress in collective consciousness, coming down through countless generations. It is as though whole nations are stuck in the past, unable to find common ground or rationalise and resolve their emotions to move forward.

The ‘fire of knowledge’ has another meaning altogether—it refers to the deep silence of inner consciousness which alone stands unaffected by the world of outer sensory experience. This is the purifying fire of inner experience which burns up the dross of confused misapprehension, past mistakes and stress leaving a pure clarity of knowledge and an ocean of real peace.

Just after the Hiroshima nuclear devastation, Clement Atlee, British Prime Minister wrote “Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed.”

How we individuals protect, nourish and develop our consciousness is critical to our personal peace, and that of the society and the world as a whole. In the materialist climate of the current age, many have forgotten about the essential spirit of life and its great power to unlock peace and well being. If there is one thing we can do now for the world, even in remote New Zealand, it is to revive or restart a journey to inner peace and well being.

For a forest to be green the individual trees must be green, for the world to be at peace, individuals must be at peace. If you can place peace within the reach of individuals, peace can be within reach for the world. Fortunately peace is not far away from us. Since time immemorial, peace has been found in the inner self. Jesus taught “The Kingdom of Heaven is within you”. Buddha taught “Peace comes from within, Do not seek it without.” Gandhi added “”The greatest power in the world is that of the Soul. Peace is its highest expression.”

Madness is threatening to overwhelm the world, but never forget that fate is in our hands. Consciousness, our own inner self, operates at the fulcrum point of the cosmos. Peace and well being are tied together, we would do well to start learning about their essence, before it is too late. Our inner compass can see us safe through anything that is thrown in our path.

Image credit: Sunguk Kim

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. The trouble is that so many people bought the media and govt’s terminal fear story and then they ran to comply, after which still high with fear they refused to listen to the good sense of the ‘non compliers’.

    I think the only non compliance that will be seen will be amongst the small minority of folk who refused it last time because they had enough gumption, backbone and intelligence to see thru the bullshit and say ‘No’. All of which makes for a very disturbing future.

    You can be assured that anytime the Govt and media don’t want to show you the numbers it is because the numbers don’t support what they are trying to make you believe, i.e. total gaslighting.

    I really hope there is a law of Karma ready to pay back these lying bastards who would throw us all under the bus for profit and control.

  2. The paragraph of greatest concern is …. Most chilling of all, the policy recognises the power of a medical officer of health, in conjunction with the police, to detain persons in isolation by force and to continue to do so, until necessary prescribed preventive treatment has been administered. You know what that means.

    Maybe with the next pandemic and under the Human Rights Act individuals MUST be given access to appropriate antibody testing. This would then mitigate the requirement for administration of preventative treatment…surely!
    Then again, have our Health Authorities established the level of antibody required to prevent infection and transmission of any virus…I presume the answer is a categorical ‘no’.
    I am sure that with ‘any’ vaccination our Govt Health officials could never guarantee 100 percent efficacy. Therefore, surely this specific policy to ‘detain persons by force and continue to do so …‘warrants a review (and removal) under urgency.

    • Just another thought to this comment ….can you imagine my father or a colleague, in their role within the NZL Police being required to detain me (as his immunocompromised daughter) in order to have me vaccinated knowing “I may react to the vaccine adversely in an unexpected way”.
      Seriously, this Govt seriously needs to “wake up” !
      I would envisage my responsible Dad would have literally resigned under urgency if this order was required as part of his role back in the day.
      Just something for this Govt to seriously give some thought to before inking the document and recommending legislation.

  3. In practical terms, how does the government expect this to work.

    Unless they want to make us believe the new vaccine has been made before the virus, the vaccine has to be made within days and not the 10 years for testing and approval.

    I believe the willing uptake would be something like 5 to 10%. Thanks to our legends Liz Gunn and Barry Young, many others, we all are aware what the injections have done.

    The people I talk to who have had the injection do not want any more. The people who have not had the injection are not going to have one either.

    We have about 10,000 police and say 4,500 soldiers and 5.2 Million people right? At least 85% would have to keep their usual rolls like issuing tickets, court matters, filing paperwork, responding to accidents etc. Most likely there would be a lockdown to avoid civil protest across the nation, all calling for MP’s blood. In a pandemic, our airports and overseas terminals would be closed.

    What government legislated and what will be achieved.
    3 police turn up with the health professional (who 10,000 of them to this day are still unvaccinated) to hold down the unwilling citizen’s, their children, babies and pregnant women to inject them. Mobile videocams are rolling, videos of police brutality spreads across the world in seconds. All full of screams of terror, crying and violence. Then the police move onto the next family and do it every day for months to get through the numbers. There will be worldwide condemnation and total contempt for New Zealand officials.

    Did someone leave their brain at home? What a load of total crap. It is completely unachievable. It will land you in prison or worse. I’m hoping for worse.

  4. Observing those who continue to peddle a narrative of fear, whether wittingly or otherwise, reveals a measure of astonishing ignorance and apparent social disregard. For Hatchard and those here at The Telegraph to seemingly omit the seminal observations arising from a 2023 survey for the NZ MOH by the NZ National Ethics Advisory Committee that has been, and continues to be oddly delegitimised and ignored by all, appears vexing and perplexing.
    The survey was conducted by the National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC) in 2023, “Summary of Submissions – Consultation on the Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic.” It clearly underscores a huge divergence between GOV/MOH policy and the ethics and sensibilities of the NZ Populace, which tellingly undermine any political or medical social license supporting the adherence to the MOH 2024 regurgitated, unethical unscientific nonsense of the COVID-19 Act (2020).
    Further, the same NZ ethics committee also pointed out in 2022 that ,”The ability of government to use all elements of the ladder [of coercion] rests on social licence or the population’s acceptance of the government’s governance.” (National Ethics Advisory Committee (NEAC), 2022, ‘Ethical Guidance for a Pandemic’, Wellington: New Zealand Ministry of Health.)
    And note also: The Siracusa Principles
    For those unacquainted with these principles, they state that there are NO circumstances that permit medical or scientific experimentation without freely given consent.
    United Nations, Economic and Social Council (UN ECOSOC), Siracusa Principles on the Limitation and Derogation Provisions in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/1985/4, Annex (1985).
    Whilst these principles “allow” for a brief and measured derogation of freedoms they nonetheless hold as explicit and sacrosanct that such derogations NEVER permit medical or scientific experimentation without FREE CONSENT. “These rights are not derogable under any conditions even for the asserted purpose of preserving the life of the nation.”

    It is sad because both The Daily Telegraph and Hatchard appear ignorant of the observations regarding social license that the NEAC discussed in 2022, while most New Zealanders have already articulated exactly their disdain in NEAC 2023 with substantive and ethical precision, and both should be kept in mind together with the immuntable position declared by the Siracusa Principles.

    NZGOV and MOH possess no social licence. They depend on gaslighting and a fragile brittle narrative bolstered by a compliant Fourth Estate become treacherous Fifth Column. The simple fact remains: there appears much to fear from a populace with nothing left to lose. History has revealed that with unerring, repetitive accuracy.

    So, is fear the preferred narrative here?

    ‘Fixated On Fear’: The Cultivated Paralysis Of Social Narcosis.
    see: https://drlatusdextro.substack.com/p/fixated-on-fear


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