Dear Media Representatives
It has been 5 long years since the earliest Covid-19 cases were noticed in November 2019. Last Saturday, I gave a talk in Whangarei where I was able to look back, discuss the way ahead and answer questions. I reached the conclusion that we need a review. We need to take a long hard look at the events and outcomes of the last five years and then have some serious conversations.
The role of journalists is not just to entertain, but to tell us what is going on in society. They look for truths under the surface and behind the scenes and then share their insights. They are unafraid to ask questions, even if the answers are sometimes unpalatable.
Newspapers and media reports are full these days of personal tragedies, more people dying too early, including young people with cancer or diseases that used to be rarely seen. However, few deep questions are being asked. It is the unprecedented sudden increase in the rate of these events during the pandemic that needs investigation and analysis.
Journalists worth their salt would be asking why the cancer statistics have not been published since 2019? Why are our hospitals overcrowded as never before? Why exactly are we falling ill, what with, and what are the numbers? Why are we frequently off work sick? Why have disability rates soared? Why are young people being affected as never before (see here and here)? Why is there a mental health crisis? Why are mortality stats elevated?
As we have been reporting at the Hatchard Report and GLOBE for nearly four years now, the weight of published scientific evidence points to a unique health crisis that is man-made. With a better understanding of the risks of gene editing, early warnings and more caution this might have been prevented. There are simple lessons to be learned, lessons that need to be reported in the media and widely discussed in society.
Covid itself is a virus which most now believe with good reason was designed in a lab and then escaped. It uses the spike proteins on its surface to attach itself to a human cell. It then fuses with the cell and manufactures copies of itself. As we remarked early in the pandemic, being the result of genetic engineering rather than of zoonotic origin, it was likely to be unstable and suffer a high rate of mutation. This has proved to be the case. Multiple variants of Covid have proved highly adept at evading vaccines and hiding from the immune system for long periods of time in various parts of our physiology, causing the symptoms of Long Covid.
mRNA Covid vaccines are designed to breach the human cell membrane and repurpose the cell to produce spike proteins in the hope that our immune system will then learn to recognise and control the Covid virus which has spikes on its surface. In the event, these Covid vaccines have not proved effective, it is now even apparent that multiple vaccine doses encourage rather than prevent Covid infection. Moreover the spike protein is now recognised as a cardio toxin and the mRNA vaccine a deterrent to our immune functions.
Thus both the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines utilise mechanisms which are destructive of cell integrity. Cellular integrity is at the basis of health. Our life begins with a single cell which multiplies to become the 37 trillion cells of the fully grown person. Each of these cells contains the same genetic identity. Each person has a genetic identity which differs from all other people in some respects. The ultimate purpose of the immune system is to protect and preserve the unique genetic identity of an individual’s cells.
The whole cell, nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane, is the wheelhouse of the boat of life. That first cell and all subsequent cells contain our capacity for experience, intelligence, drive and emotions. It contains our individual history and the history of our family and race. It supports our consciousness, our capacity to be awake. Everything that we treasure in life relies upon the integrity of our cells. Biotechnology knows very, very little if anything about how these precious human attributes are supported by our genetics. Both the Covid virus and the Covid vaccines are designed to disrupt and repurpose cellular genetic functions and they do so on a vast scale, affecting billions of cells. As we have written previously, this threatens not just our health but who we are. It can leave life adrift without an anchor.
A crime without a name
None of these risks are strangers to science, they were well known to researchers in the field before the pandemic. What is strange is the determination of the biotechnology industry to plough ahead with risky genetic experiments whose results could not be contained, not just might but actually did escape and spread without limit and could not be recalled. The commercial arm of biotechnology ignored these dangers and exposed the whole of humanity to the extreme risks during the Covid pandemic. And still risky experimentation continues.
The risks were obvious to everyone working in the biotech field from the outset. So why did they go ahead? In 2014, Jennifer Doudna, the inventor of CRISPR gene editing had a dream. In it, a fellow researcher took her to meet Adolf Hitler who was sitting ready with pen and paper and asking “I want to understand the uses and implications of this amazing technology you have developed”. Doudna recalled, in an interview with her biographer Walter Isaacson, “I was jolted awake from the nightmare. As I lay in the dark, my heart racing, I couldn’t escape the awful premonition with which the dream had left me”. She began to have trouble sleeping at night, fearing she had created a toolbox for future Frankensteins who would pervert her work.
In January 2015 at a conference of biotechnology researchers in the Napa Valley and during subsequent meetings, her thinking changed. The excitement generated by hundreds of biotech researchers gathered together reinforcing each other swayed her opinion. She decided that gene editing could do some good. She and her colleagues rejected the idea that gene editing was unnatural. In her mind Doudna began to minimise the prospect of risks. In the end, the conference participants and the biotech industry as a whole resolved to fight any attempt to regulate or limit their work. This opened Pandora’s box, setting the stage for the Covid pandemic which was just a few years away.
As many as ten million people have died during the last five years as a result of the pandemic, insurance data suggests four times this number have suffered some form of lasting health disability. At the Hatchard Report we have documented that the balance of evidence favours Covid vaccination as the main culprit, but whether these injuries were from Covid or Covid vaccines is to a large extent immaterial. All of the deaths resulted from biotechnology experimentation.
I am reminded of Winston Churchill’s response when he received confirmation of the Nazi holocaust: “We are in the presence of a crime without a name”.
The crime is even more strange because it is not at all clear exactly who is to blame. It is not just one person leading the charge. There has been a collective failure of intelligence. Millions of people worldwide have been trained in colleges and universities, and even in schools, to edit genes using CRISPR technology. They have been told that this will lead to a bright future free of disease and encouraged to make a profession out of it. Entrepreneurs have invested heavily and governments generously funded the commercial endeavours that spring out of each new discovery in the hope of a health breakthrough, but little of use has emerged except literally heart break.
Many people who have become involved in the commercial biotech juggernaut, including those in the media and PR industry writing about it, are unaware of the risks. It is as if they were given inaccurate directions, took a wrong turn and suddenly found themselves in the wrong part of town at the wrong time. Vast sums of money have been spent on public relations and AI designed to promote a biotechnology future. Much of this is written by hidden persuaders who have little scientific knowledge themselves. In most cases they are simply doing their best to earn a living using the inaccurate and misleading information that has been fed to them.
Western countries have been persuaded that genetic editing is a scientific miracle that is going to make life better. 80% of people have been Covid vaccinated and ‘educated’ to accept a ‘safe and effective’ narrative. As a result it is hard to change public opinion and the course of events that has been set in motion. However the weight of mainstream published scientific evidence has increasingly moved against the safety of Covid vaccination. News outlets around the world are beginning to acknowledge Covid vaccine adverse effects. Even the BBC, a bastion of pro-vaccine PR, has recently publicized vaccine harms, albeit a few years late as called out by GB News.
Here in NZ, we are probably the least informed among western nations about the origins of Covid and the risks of Covid vaccination. Unfortunately the rejection of an informed and cautious approach is beginning to appear deliberate on the part of those who edit media content. Take this for example: on 21st October the Boston Globe published an article “People in their 30s and 40s are facing an unprecedented wave of memory problems”. The Globe is behind a paywall so it is unlikely that many Kiwis read it. Luckily, RNZ and the NZ Herald picked it up, but were we actually lucky? NO, we were not.
The Globe article reported that memory lapses are expected as we age, but examined evidence that many surprisingly young people are suddenly losing their grip. It found that for the 15 years prior to the pandemic the numbers affected had remained steady, but then increased rapidly by 33% (affecting one million more young people in America) following the start of the pandemic. This is a red flag: a sudden increase coinciding with the pandemic. The implication was not lost on the Globe which left its readers able to connect the dots. The NZ rehash of the Globe report didn’t mention the actual figures or the timing and merely fobbed off its readers with the suggestion we have too much information these days, advising us to watch a little less TV. We were being dumbed down, just when we should be shaken awake.
That is our message today: shake off the lethargy, stand up for journalism as it should be. Ask the hard questions. Demand the facts and figures, they are being hidden and need to be exposed to fresh air. One thing is sure, a lot of long held conventional opinions need to be revisited and investigated. Times have moved on irrevocably and we need to rediscover where we stand in the changed landscape. Journalists have a vital role to play in this process. We have to evolve out of the pandemic. We need to educate ourselves about the hidden and truly serious dangers of gene editing. Forewarned is forearmed.
There is Safe and Effective Roadshow visiting Queenstown, Dunedin, Nelson and Wellington organised near the beginning of November. I hope you take the opportunity to attend and report the debate. We have never needed this more keenly. The time is now.
Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.
He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.
Are there any journalists left? Look more like propagandists, these days…….
Oh the irony! Fearless and formerly excellent journalist, Paula “Fire and Fury” Penfold, has a very good article on Stuff talking about Informed Consent, Patient Rights, Human Rights and Whistleblower Protection.
Jennifer Doudna- the Taylor Swift of science.