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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Steep rise in autism cases

Autism opinion

The UK Telegraph reports “Special education spending surges 70pc amid autism wave”. UK Department of Education figures show that the cost of supporting schoolchildren with special needs has jumped by more than two-thirds since lockdown from £6.9bn in 2018/19 to £12bn today. One in 100 UK primary schoolchildren are now entitled to formal council support as a result of autism, double the one in 200 before the pandemic. 

Crucially, experts say that the autism figures are likely to understate the true scale of the issue as waiting times for a diagnosis have continued to grow. Which means the figures are not likely to be an artefact of changed reporting procedures or public awareness of the problem as is suspected to be the case for adult ADHD for example. It appears due to a steep rise in symptomatic autistic behaviour.

The UK is not alone in facing these problems. A report released by our Education Review Office (ERO) in March found that New Zealand school students are among the worst-behaved kids in the OECD. Notably behaviour has worsened during 2022 and 2023. As a result, Kiwi teachers are struggling to manage disruptive behaviour.

Our article “The Long Read: Is This the End of the Materialist Paradigm?” published in July referenced an analysis from the New York Times entitled “The Youngest Pandemic Children Are Now in School, and Struggling”.

The post 2019 mental health impairment is not just limited to children. In September 2023 we published “The Long Read: Mental Health Issues are Multiplying. Why?”. This reported multiple statistics documenting recent deterioration in mental health profiles. 

The scale and scope of the post pandemic individual mental health problems and classroom disruption are unprecedented. There has been a tendency to ascribe these to the effects of lockdowns on home and work environments. We believe this is a speculative stretch and possibly the result of a blinkered or biased outlook which lacks the backing of sufficiently convincing scientific data and analysis. 

The rapid rise in autism rates since 2019 is indicative of deeper causal factors. Scientists have found rare gene changes, or mutations, as well as small common genetic variations in people with autism, implying a genetic component. A growing area of research focuses on interaction of genetic and environmental factors. For example, a mother’s exposure to harmful contaminants during pregnancy may trigger a genetic mutation leading to autism in her child.

The suggestion that vaccines may cause autism became a scientific battleground for two decades from the early 90’s. To date any association has been dismissed by mainstream science as flawed and a myth. Significant questions remain, but despite these, the door is closed. Pursuing further research in this field has become a career ending option.

Now it seems the controversy needs to be revisited. mRNA vaccines are not traditional vaccines in any sense of the term. They are actually intended to edit intracellular genetic functions. A study published in 2022 found “Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line”. In other words, mRNA vaccines are both long acting and have the potential to cause genetic mutation—a strongly suspected causal factor for autism. 

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition involving persistent challenges with social communication, restricted interests and repetitive behaviour. While autism is considered a lifelong disorder, the degree of impairment in functioning because of these challenges varies between individuals with autism. In essence, autism involves an unbalanced outlook, a lack of ability to engage appropriately with the social and behavioural environment.

In our article “The New Genetics — Huge Deficiencies in Our Understanding Need Correcting” we asserted “The greatest absurdity in the science of genetics is the exclusion of consciousness from its study, along with the false assumption that you can edit DNA and its expressions without altering consciousness or identity.” We reported that human life starts with a single cell which multiplies eventually into around 37 trillion cells, but only one single unique identity. The integrity of our identity relies on the preservation of genetic uniformity among cells. 

In May we published our thought provoking article “Can Biotechnology Control Human Behaviour?“. Research on transplant recipients demonstrates how memory and behaviour can be distorted by the presence of foreign DNA in the body. We concluded:

“It is just a short step now to realise that gene editing, including any sort of editing of the chain of genetic functions within cells, could more or less automatically change our behaviour and psychological profile. More importantly, since our knowledge of cellular genetics now appears to be very incomplete, cellular genetic editing, if carried out on a scale commensurate with organ size, can scramble our behaviour, thinking, and understanding.”  

At GLOBE we have been gradually building up a framework for the life sciences that includes consciousness. We recognise that mRNA vaccination in some cases may have impaired the holistic outlook and empathy usual to human thought, precisely because it disrupts the holistic genetic functioning that is uniformly shared by our trillions of cells. In our article “The Long Read: What is a Human Biofield?”, we have expanded on this understanding and suggest that genetic effects are networked and can be shared among groups of people. We suggest that higher human functions rely on very specific genetic and cellular characteristics that could be disrupted by mRNA vaccination.

The autism surge evident in newly released UK government data is a canary in the coal mine moment. Although changes in genetic structure and function following mRNA vaccination are not germline effects shared by all cells, they can affect billions of cells and do so to a lesser or greater extent in different individual recipients. Therefore there is a potential partial fit between the effects of mRNA vaccines on genetic and immune functions and the known association between genetic mutation events and autism incidence. 

Among others, autistic traits include: 

  • Finding it easier to talk ‘at’ people, rather than engaging in a conversation.
  • Persisting with behaviour that is unreasonable in the wider social context.
  • Becoming fixated on ideas or behaviours including repetitive rituals.
  • Being blunt in your assessment of people and things.
  • Becoming upset if something unusual happens or if people express ideas or require behaviours that clash with your own preferences.

This is not an exhaustive list. In fact a great many other traits are associated with autism. Moreover the intensity of symptoms varies across a spectrum. Very often autistic people are misunderstood and their abilities underestimated. They can excel in their chosen specialised career. Far from being emotionally deficient, a significant body of research shows that autistic people often have intact emotional (affective) empathy alongside reduced cognitive empathy. 

However all of the above list of characteristics have become more evident in individual and social interactions during the pandemic, including a polarisation of views that sometimes cuts across prior social, cultural, political and familial boundaries. This is sometimes associated with a refusal to accept that others may have their own good reasons to adopt views distinctly different from one’s own. 

We suggest there is a case to propose and investigate a novel post mRNA Covid vaccination autistic syndrome which shares many characteristics with classical autism symptoms, but which also might have distinct differences.

To what extent any symptoms might or might not be a result of Covid vaccination can only be decided through research. Research comparing the short and long term health outcomes of the vaccinated with the unvaccinated across a wide spectrum of physical and mental conditions is required. Unfortunately most governments have closed access to the sort of health data that will allow such assessments to take place. We can only ask why? This sort of persistent and unreasonable denial could in fact be characterised as an autism trait. Can a government become autistic? You tell me.

Image credit: Annie Spratt

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  1. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) traced back to vaccines as well.
    If you are not “anti-vax” by now, you are not paying attention.

  2. Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Microvascular Damage
    Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a person produced microvascular damage whether or not the person was aware of the damage or had debilitating symptoms at the time the vaccines were given. He courageously stepped out of the conventional box of medical diagnosis and treatment, and gave us a new way to look at modern neurodevelopmental illnesses and syndromes.

    This series of articles is intended to preserve the work of Dr. Moulden, who unexpectedly died in November of 2013. I want to acknowledge the contribution of this forward-thinking pioneer who worked to explain the truth about vaccine damage. This is article two in a series of four articles about Dr. Moulden’s life work.

    As a physician and PhD researcher, he raised strong public objection to vaccine use, because he could literally see evidence of vaccine damage in the expressions of the human face. Each dose of a vaccine causes tiny strokes in the brain and in other organs of the body, which bring about a wide range of unexpected health conditions.

    Dr. Moulden saw that the rapid rise in modern neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism, Alzheimer’s, and numerous other syndromes were actually caused by the same process. He saw the current epidemic of these modern diseases as having a single origin. The notion of single diseases with single causes had to be put aside, because that model could not adequately explain what we are facing in the world today. https://www.bitchute.com/video/CEuVi9ICrgLo/

  3. Thanks Guy!
    There is no doubt in my mind that vaccines are not off the hook for autism and a whole heap of other worrying health concerns especially strokes, heart attacks, turbo cancers etc etc from the mRNA jabs, which it appears is the projected ideal of world govts for yet many more future jabs. It is a disgrace that governments, big pharma, and our health system all preach the benefits of such dodgy ‘science’ while not allowing any real truly scientific testing to indeed verify safety or not. It is staggering the amount of obfuscation that govts including our own have used to cover up the great harms that have resulted, and all the while gaslighting to their own public that they are being transparent, that’s utter laughable craap!

    None of this surprises me when I have read that in the USA, Big Pharma spends more money on lobbyists than research for the toxins that they go on to jab us with. And here in NZ it seems our own govt is happy to accommodate lobbyists too, maybe that is just to feather their own nests for obscenely lucrative payoffs when their own roles as MP’s end.

    If the people don’t wake up soon then I’m at a loss to know what will wake them up, other than a global crash or war. And yet if they woke up the tide would turn and begin to clear out the corrupt rot at our core. If that happened there would be a far greater chance that globally we’d be in a much healthier happier more balanced state. Didn’t one of the Roman emperors say something like, if you give the people a circus to distract them you can get away with anything. Human nature is pretty easily distracted when its society has a wealth of glittery things to lust after, be it the latest iPhone, Taylor Swift concerts, holidays, new cars etc etc. It’s endless and really great too that we have it all, but too little attention is left to notice the noose closing in around us. You’d think after millions of years of evolution that we’d recognise when you catch a fish or a bird in a snare, it works because their greed obscures the danger of the hook or snare or needle.

    Sorry about the waffle. Thanks again to Guy and many good folk whose energy for speaking out so we can all have the right to know. Thanks so much to you folk!.

      • It all depends on whose definition of happiness. If one is happy to live as a farmed animal or in a pod, then happiness might be for a single leadership that manages the global population, with no thinking or ownership required.

  4. Depopulation.
    5 billion is possibly sustainable.
    But who lives and who goes, that is being decided on our behalf (by the UN, WEF, WHO, etc).
    The aim of all jabs is sterilization, with a bit of collateral damage thrown in . (useful side effects such as clots etc).

  5. The ‘vaccine’ industry is possibly the ultimate corrupt unethical business model.

    They even have laws in place globally to protect them from liability.

  6. Imho: It’s a bit of everything combined.
    Glyphosate (we consume daily) turns male frogs to female.
    NOW our oats and wheat also have Chlormequat (Puberty disrupter).
    It’s been reported the aluminum adjuvant we’ve been using in vaccines for 100 years is probably not safe (they’re looking for a replacement).
    Don’t eat or take any vaccines, you’ll be fine 😂😂😂.


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