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Sunday, March 23, 2025

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New Zealand’s day of shame

Posie Parker news

I have recently returned from a month-long family trip to Vietnam.

As I write, tens of millions of industrious Vietnamese are going about their day making money, or otherwise getting ahead in life.

Meanwhile in New Zealand we’re fighting over transgender toilets and whether blokes can use the women’s changing sheds.

This should be a no-brainer. Trans women shouldn’t be in biological female spaces without consent. Nor should they be competing in women’s sports. I support them having their own spaces, and their own sporting competitions and categories.

But for some reason common sense has gone out the window, and a visceral public debate has manifested itself.

Within a relatively short period of time, New Zealand has become a total s***show.

We are witnessing the breakdown of social cohesion and the steady loss of civility and tolerance.

This has been deliberately orchestrated by the fake news mainstream media and an ideologically aggressive government, both of whom take their orders from, and are beholden to, powerful foreign interests. The exact same thing and arguments are happening in other Western democracies, because their governments and media are beholden too, to the same interests. You may ask why? Why would these interests be intent on destroying Western civilisation and values? I will answer that another day.

Here we are, in the second decade of the 21st century. Technology has made our lives as comfortable and prosperous as never before. Yet the human race seems to be going backwards. Watching Saturday’s events I could not help but think, as did many other observers, that this is what a medieval heretic burning must have looked like.

The scenes at Albert Park in Auckland were shocking. They have seriously damaged the reputation of our country. The extent to which it can be salvaged is uncertain – it certainly won’t be restored to what it was. It’s quite incredible (though not surprising) to witness the hypocrisy and dishonesty of politicians and the legacy media as they pretend events recorded on camera didn’t happen. That’s how gutless they are – unable to man up to the consequences of their words, actions and inactions, but instead they continue to lie, lie and lie, cover up and suppress, to save their slimey skins.

The hashtags #BoycottNewZealand and #BoycottNZ are gaining momentum across social media as people around the world vow never to visit here or buy our products. Heavy hitters like J. K. Rowling and Jordan Petersen are getting involved, as are the big names in the global independent media. We’ve had many days of shame since this Labour/Greens government came to power but Saturday takes the cake, so far.

I know of three families in Vietnam who recently decided not to send their children to NZ for a university education, primarily because of fears over safety (shocking crime rate), the sky-rocketing costs of living, and the declining status of our education system. The chaos in Auckland on Saturday vindicates their decision. They will take their substantial funds and spend them in other countries. I suspect more families across Asia will be doing the same. I certainly hope so, for their sakes, because I wouldn’t want to send my kid here if I had a choice.

Here are the facts, as recorded in multiple viral videos on social media for all the world to see.

As Posie Parker was about to speak she was assaulted by a person born a male, who poured a can of tomato soup over her. Contemporaneously the anti-Parker protesters pushed through the temporary fencing in place to separate them from the rotunda and stormed it. The instigators of this action were a group of male individuals. Before Parker could speak she was taken by security to a police car through a rolling maul of protesters baying for her blood and physically assaulting her. In these moments she said she feared for her life. Footage of the rolling maul shows the mob was made up mainly of men or trans women. One trans woman could be seen elbowing an elderly gentlemen in the face. Other elderly persons were similarly assaulted elsewhere in the park by ‘rainbow’ protesters. Our keystone cops were nowhere to be seen, despite having ample warning in the preceeding days that violence was being contemplated.

All the anti-Parker mob proved is that she is right – biological women must have their own spaces free from men and trans women. The evidence was there on Saturday in black and white. I had no idea that some members of the trans and gay community could be so savage and violent.

The mob have put the trans cause back years. For every action there is a reaction, and the push-back against woke gender ideology in schools, which was always there bubbling under the surface, might now receive more strident support from the silent majority of parents.

People are blaming the legacy media for the mayhem. It’s claimed a lack of balanced reporting whipped up the hysteria and hate, and misrepresented Parker’s message.

I can’t comment too much on that allegation as I didn’t watch or read MSM on this issue. As soon as I saw them using the term ‘Anti-Trans activist’ I knew they would feed the public lies, just as they did when they defamed people as ‘Anti-vaxxers’ during the COVID scamdemic. Serial fake news outlets NZHerald, 1News and RNZ have been singled out as the main culprits on social media.

One of the most telling moments of the day for me was when Hannah Spierer of Counterspin Media bumped into Greens Party Co-Leader Marama Davidson. I’ve never agreed with Davidson on most issues, but she was still someone I respected – until the COVID scamdemic happened and she began pushing the mRNA jab on Maori. From that moment I knew her and the Greens were sell-outs.

Davidson, who is the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, was asked by Spierer if she condoned the violence against Parker. Instead of answering the question she went on a spiel about transphobia and how ‘White cis men’ were responsible for ‘all the violence in the world.’

Her answer demonstrates how power corrupts. Instead of upholding the rule of law, which dictates fair treatment and protection of all regardless of who they are, and which should be ingrained into the moral compass of every politician, Davidson’s answer showed a contempt for it.

Hipkins called her response ‘inapprorpiate’ and Davidson later blamed it on an alleged motorcycle incident before Counterspin questioned her. According to a report in Te Ao Maori News, the incident happened on Princes Street around 10.40am. Davidson declined medical treatment and told supporters ‘she was alright.’ The handle-bars of a motorcycle connected with Davidson’s stomach while she was on a pedestrian crossing. A witness said the motorbike was travelling ‘really fast’ and that ‘she was pretty hurt, you could see that.’ It’s not clear if this witness was part of Davidson’s group or not.

Nonetheless she continued to the rally and was seen dancing, taking selfies and giving a speech. She appeared fine in the Counterspin video – no sign of injury, and she gave her views confidently.

It will be interesting to see how Davidson’s story stacks up in the coming days and whether internet sleuths come up with evidence to contradict it. I suspect there’s going to be a close examination of the time line and videos. The NZHerald has reported today that the interview happened ‘shortly after the motorcycle incident’. The Counterspin video is time-stamped almost two hours later and it was clearly recorded after Parker had been assaulted. Time will tell if the spin will save or expose her.

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  1. An outstanding and courageous article. Thank God we have the Daily Telegraph, real news media, call it it out for what it is, and having the guts to do that as well as to look beneath the BS and shine a light on the slimes unelected cabals that seek to control the world, while our sell-out govt ministers prostrate themselves before them. That is called treason. And if the army and police issue and/or follow orders of the sellouts that means they also are guilty of betraying the people. Thanks DT.

  2. Ridiculous title to an otherwise ok article. NZ has no reason to be ashamed because NZ wasnt there. The ones who should be ashamed are the bunch of sexually screwed-up transtards that acted like jerks. Are you the author of the article suggesting that the actions of a few are representative of the views of the entire population? The title of your article suggests so and therefore I shall remind the author of an old saying “speak for yourself (not for me or others)”.

    • You are missing the point. The actions of a few have tarnished our whole country and every NZer. Just look at twitter now and see how many people have cancelled trips here and won’t buy nz made stuff in the future

  3. Good article. It’s a no brainer for 95% of the country as well but the media and politicians will go woke till they are broke

  4. Please, editor
    Don t call trans creatures ” females”.
    They may have long hair, wear heavy make up and nail varnish and even shoes with high heels, but it is only a gross disguise. You see the scientific proof of it called ” genetics” disagrees completely with their pretence of beeing a woman.

  5. I am a lesbian woman from Arizona. I have been supporting KJK for years. She speaks for a many in our community who also share the same concerns about trans safety. She’s great. It’s caused a lot of bad publicity for New Zealand, what a shame


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