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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Anti-Islam activist brutally stabbed in Germany

Michael Stuerzenberger news

The attacker reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar” before stabbing the prominent campaigner.

German police shot and arrested a knife-wielding attacker after he brutally stabbed anti-Islam activist Michael Stuerzenberger at a rally in the German city of Mannheim on Friday. A police officer who intervened was also stabbed in the neck.

Stuerzenberger was preparing to deliver a speech in a market square at around 11:30am local time when he was charged by a bearded man wielding a long blade. The man stabbed Stuerzenberger numerous times, fighting off bystanders who tried to restrain him.

Several police officers arrived on the scene with pistols drawn. The attacker plunged his knife into the neck of one officer who was restraining a third party who attempted to tackle the suspect to the ground.

anti islam activist brutally2 anti islam activist brutally3 anti islam activist brutally4

The entire incident was caught on camera.* The identity of the attacker is still unclear, although witnesses said on social media that he shouted “Allahu Akbar” before stabbing Stuerzenberger.

Police confirmed that “a firearm was used against the attacker,” but provided no further details.

Friday’s rally was organized by Citizens’ Movement Pax Europa (BPE), a group that has been campaigning since 2008 against the supposed “Islamization” of Europe. Stuerzenberger has been active in German right-wing circles for several decades, and led the populist German Freedom Party from 2013 until its dissolution in 2016.

“This was not an attack, but an act of terror,” BPE treasurer Stefanie Kizina told German tabloid BILD. “The attack happened before the event even started, it must have been planned well in advance. Criticism of religion must be allowed, it is a core element of the European Enlightenment!”

Stuerzenberger “was hit in the leg and face and is undergoing emergency surgery,” Kizina told BILD, adding that “his life is apparently not in danger.”

Alternative for Germany (AfD) deputy leader Beatrix von Storch, whose party is largely seen as a successor to the German Freedom Party, said that the attack showed how “more than ever,” Germany needs to “stop Islamism.”

* Footage of the incident has since been deleted by a number of social media platforms.

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  1. Islamic wackjob out to prove his religion is peaceful by stabbing someone for criticising it.

    An innocent bystander intervenes and holds the suspect down long enough for police to arrive.

    Police arrive and immediately tackle the hero citizen for RASSISMS. Suspect gets back up and stabs the policeman. Europe is conquered, it’s over.

    And THIS is what every traitorous criminal in the beehive desperately want to import into NZ 🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼

  2. Jacques Baud already mentioned it in one of his video’s. This is the result of the support of western countries to israhell in its genocidals acts.
    And of course i condemn any terrorist act, but it is a reaction to the incessant wars from US & allies in crimes against muslim countries

    • If a Muslim is angry about what is happening in the Middle East, he should arm himself and go fight the Americans in the Middle East. Stabbing innocent people in Germany does not address any perceived war crimes, it is a pathetic and cowardly act, and it VALIDATES the concerns people have when their nations start filling up with migrants and they start seeing church cathedrals go down and a bunch of mosques go up in their place.

      I’m glad you condemn terrorist acts, and on the topic of the war mongering US regime, I actually agree with you. They need to get the hell out of the Middle East once and for all, whatever happens happens. It’s actually the desire of the vast majority of Americans themselves, but they are ruled by criminals who profit from war, so I don’t know if it will ever happen.

      Still, I don’t want bus loads of people exploding in Germany, London or Auckland because of something happening half a world away. Doesn’t matter how justified the killer thinks he is. The general public should have hung that guy from a street lamp pole before the cops even arrived.

      • Neither do i . The one responsible for immigration policies in Europe is Ms Ilva Johansson, commissaris on immigration within the EU.
        She introduce yearly 4 millions of legal immigrants ( number to verify) within the EU mostly from muslim or subsahara countries. Total alien to european way of living.
        European ” nations” have no say any more in the immigration policy of the EU, the policies being decided by US corporates org. So it is urgent to get out of the EU if europe want to survive as nobody like to be invaded.
        As well as ” Mutti” Merkel who also opened the doors of germany to millions.
        So, what do members of parliaments ? Sleeping or bought by ” capitalists” or NGO ?


  3. The UN published a study in 2005 which stated that between 1960 and 2005, 95 percent of all terrorism was Islamic in nature.

    “Allah hu Akbar” does not mean “Allah is great” but instead means “Allah is the greatest” and is a sign of Islamic supremacy over all other world religions.

    It is worth understanding that Christianity has already had a reformation, specifically the religious parts are separated from the secular law parts such that Christianity is a private matter that you may share with others but not enforce. However, Islam has never had such a reformation. Ata Turk a.k.a. Mustafa Kemal (in Türkiye) after WW1 tried to reform Islam by removing the Sharia from the public space and replacing it with secular laws from different countries. The current (Islamist) President of Türkiye is trying to reverse this progress.

    Islam is very much a religion of the sword and, indeed, Muhammad himself said, “I became victorious through terror.”
    After Muhammad’s death, Islam fought its way through North Africa, went through Spain and got as far as the south of France. In about 720 A.D. a French man named Charles Martel (and his army) fought back and pushed the Muslims back into Spain where they remained until 1492 when the Spanish King and Queen started to throw them out. Then in 1687 they invaded east Europe getting close to the gates of Vienna when a pan-European army pushed them back into Türkiye.

    Islam is in great need of a reformation. However, I do understand that anybody that tries such a thing could be subject to the Islamic apostacy laws and killed: The penalty for leaving Islam is death, and if you start to reform Islam (i.e. remove parts from it) then other Muslims would believe that you are an apostate and have left Islam.

    • Yeah, I think it’s time that Christianity has an un-reformation. Secularism has filled western civilisation with greed, lust, corruption and brought us to the gates of hell. Peace-loving, flip-flop wearing, live and let live Christianity just isn’t working out anymore, we were crusaders once. Deus Vult.

    • Isabel the Catholic through jews and muslims out of spain. The muslims left beautifull architecture and gardens in Spain especially in andalusia . Muslims were the master of the use of ( little) water. And probably still are in arid countries

    • Mark, one should not forget the mass killing by protestants terrorists in the US or Sweden or NZ. White supremacist or violent kids. All occuring in countries with a protestant majority. All deranged and fanatics with easy access to arms.


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