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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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‘Democrats so corrupt they got a Kennedy to endorse Trump’ – Jimmy Dore

In a scathing critique left-wing political commentator Jimmy Dore says he is disgusted by the Democratic Party, accusing it of abandoning its foundational values and embracing neoconservative principles.

Dore told his 1 mllion+ subscribers on YouTube that the party had morphed into a reflection of the Bush-Cheney era, aligning itself with warmongering corporatist interests. He argued that the Democrats now serve Wall Street, the Military-Industrial Complex, Big Pharma, Big Oil, insurance companies, Silicon Valley, and what the Deep State.

Dore’s criticism didn’t stop at the party’s policy direction. He accused the Democrats of cynically running on single-issue platforms like abortion while sowing division and hatred among Americans. He claimed that the party is using legal maneuvers to eliminate political opponents and limit voter choices, actions he described as anti-democratic and authoritarian. According to Dore, the Democrats’ support for censorship reflects a broader authoritarian obsession within the party.

“I didn’t leave the Democratic Party; the Democratic Party left me and the American people,” Dore lamented.

He recalled that just eight years ago, nearly half of Democratic primary voters sought to overthrow the party establishment and return it to the people and workers. Today, however, he described the Democratic convention as a gathering of “brainwashed braindead conformists” who cheer for war and corporate slavery.

In a striking conclusion, Dore pointed to the irony of the situation, noting that the party has become so corrupt that it even led an environmental hero and a member of the Kennedy family to endorse former President Donald Trump. This, he suggested, is emblematic of the party’s deep-seated issues and its departure from its original mission.

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  1. Every day Americans know we’re being ripped off and poisoned.
    For every dollar Washington collects we get 30 cents in services, the remaining 70 cents goes for kickbacks and payoffs.
    A young family can’t even buy a home, it’s time…..


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