Holocaust survivor Jerry Wartski, 94, condemned Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris for likening her Republican opponent, Donald Trump, to Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler.
In a video released by Trump’s campaign on Friday, Wartski, a former Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoner and current honorary president of the Israel Heritage Foundation (IHF), called Harris’s remarks “the worst thing I have ever heard in my 75 years living in the US.”
He urged Harris to apologise to Holocaust victims, stating that her comments displayed a deep insensitivity toward the memory of those lost under Hitler’s regime.
Wartski’s strong rebuke followed statements made by Harris earlier this week, where she described Trump as “a fascist” and cited remarks allegedly made by Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, claiming that Trump had privately praised Hitler.
Trump’s team has firmly denied these claims, and Wartski argued that Harris’s words were a grave misrepresentation.
“I know more about Hitler than [Harris] will ever know in a thousand lifetimes,” Wartski said, noting his parents and most of his family were murdered by the Nazis. “She owes my parents and everybody else who was murdered by Hitler an apology for repeating this lie.”
As tensions rise in the final weeks of the presidential campaign, Wartski encouraged Jewish voters to support Trump, whom he described as a long-time ally of Jewish communities and a strong supporter of Israel.
Trump, meanwhile, has dismissed Harris’s statements as a last-ditch desperate effort in the face of a surge in support for the former president.
NEW: Holocaust survivor Jerry Warstki shreds Kamala Harris, says her comparing Trump to H*tler is the “worst thing” he has heard in his 75 years of living in the U.S.
“H*tler invaded Poland when I was 9. He m*rdered my parents & most my family,” the 94-year-old said.
“I know… pic.twitter.com/LYS1jtlX9L
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) October 25, 2024
More BS about the Hall of Cost, it never happened, the World Almanac did a census every five years and there were more Jews around in 1948 than there were in 1933, take a look, also the Red Cross had representatives in every camp and there was not one mention of mass gassings and cremations, in fact the Jews were the only population that increased in WW2.
Anyone who buys into the holocaust bedtime story under a tattoo skin lamp has got as much brains as a box full of rocks
Extract from The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview 1976- The Hidden Tyranny.
The Jews have established five major falsehoods which work to conceal their nature and protect their status and power, to wit:
1) The Jews are Israelites, and thus God’s chosen people;
2) Jesus Christ was a Jew;
3) That 6 million Jews were killed in a holocaust during WW II;
4) That all races are equal, or that all are brothers; and,
5) That the Jews are just another religious group.
“We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a religious faith who, therefore, constitute a ‘religious community,’ though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods”.
“We are obliged to conceal our own particular character and mode of life so that we will be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations. Our success in this line has gone so far that many believe that the Jews among them are genuine Frenchmen, or Englishmen, or Italians, or Germans who just happen to belong to a religious denomination which is different from that prevailing in these countries. Especially in circles concerned with government, where the officials have only a minimum of historical sense, we are able to impose our infamous deception with comparative ease. Therefore, there is never the slightest suspicion that we Jews form a distinct nation and are not merely the adherents of a ‘confession.’ Though one glance at the press which we control ought to furnish sufficient evidence to the contrary, even for those who possess only the smallest degree of intelligence.”
The holocaust was the most shocking event in modern history. When the Allies went into the concentration camps, they photographed everything and got all data they could as regards what happened. Then they took people from villages surrounding the camps and showed them what had been done in their name. Some of the Germans arrogantly denied all of it until the Allies, not metaphorically but literally, grabbed the heads of the Germans and forced them to look at the shear evil that they had been complicit with. The holocaust survivors know the truth because they have experienced it.
Holocaust denial is illegal in some countries and people who deny this atrocity against a racial group in humanity or attempt to justify it using some historical pseudo-intellectual arguments truly do not have any compassion or empathy: In short, they worship Satan and really are of the same darkness that Adolf Hitler came from.
May be you need a real history lesson, the whole holocaust can be debunked using common sense and actual factual recorded history, not the bull**** story made up by the hook nose shekel gathering Satan worshipping talmudic money changers, Jesus coming soon as the Lion not the Lamb to kick the deceivers and murderers out of the temple once and for all.
I can see from the name you use that you are no good. “Mein Fuhrer”, a very wicked leader who resulted in the death of 6 million Jews and 22 million Russians. ANYBODY who admires something like that from the darkness does not belong in the future of humanity and will not play a part in the future of humanity.
Your comment about “hook nose shekel gathering” shows your hatred and contempt of Jews and your anti-Semitism. You should be ashamed of yourself. You should go out of the basement of your mother’s house and take a deep breath and think about things. Perhaps think about what you are. Perhaps think about being more positive and contributing to humanity in a good way.
So many holocaust survivors have been wheeled out lately. I suppose in ten years we will be seeing 104 year old holocaust survivors, then in twenty years, 114 years old survivors. And so on and so on…
The Chosen People thing comes from Sumeria. Sumerians (who did NOT speak a semitic language) thought they were the Chosen People as well. That didn’t end well for them. Abraham, father of the Hebrews, lived in Ur and would have known Sumerian culture and myths very well including The Flood. Abraham probably thought he was Sumerian. When Abraham made a pact with his new (jealous) god to establish a monotheistic religion, the new god promised to make Abraham and his followers ‘Chosen by him’, ( a familiar and tired old trope even then) and promised them the world in return for their loyalty.
The rest is history, written as the Old Testament, with stories freely borrowed from the mythology and history of everyone everywhere, presented and updated regularly as Hebrew history and believed implicitly by Christians until scholars deciphered cuneiform and found the plagiarism. Then it was decided to keep the truth quiet to ‘maintain the status quo’ – i.e. to keep the greatest form of mind control and the greatest money making scam ever conceived still operating.
New article from New Yorks fine investigative journalist.
“As history unfolds, the Turtle of Truth invariably catches up with and surpasses the Hare of Hoodwinking anyway. But in the case of the Holohoax, there’s an added element that is slowly killing off The Song That Never Ends About the Event That Never Happened — specifically this: The last of the elderly “survivors” ™ with the tattoos on their arms will soon be dead. Without these “Living Testimonials” around to constantly “remind” the teary-eyed chumps of Goyim Normiedom of what zee “Big Bad Nazis” did, the imaginary dead of Bullschwitz become as relevant, or irrelevant, to the younger generations as say, the medieval victims (real victims, in those cases) of the Mongols or the Black Death plague. In short, the H-Card is losing its old Black Magic — and it’s about bloody dadgum time too!
Yes, your games of sleazy slander and loony libel is over, Mr. Dayan. It’s our turn now.
As for the multitude of “survivors, ™” their very “survival” — far from constituting any sort of “proof” of an extermination program — actually, and quite ironically, serves as one of strongest debunking arguments of us “Holocaust Deniers” ™ who understand that the camps were for
wartime internment only. The German “Final Solution” ™ was to establish a Jewish homeland on the sunny African island of Madagascar.
You see, boys and girls, people don’t generally survive “extermination” camps. Once under control and captivity, completing the mass-murder of unlimited prisoners is a cinch. Did not the Jewish Bolsheviks, who truly did exterminate millions of Russian Christians in the NKVD Gulags, prove that for us during the Red Terror of the 1920s? It’s not difficult at all.
So then, how did the German “killing machine” miss so many interned Jews and communists? Whatever happened to that legendary German efficiency? Did Colonel Klink run out of “Zyklon B” ™ bug spray or something? Actually, a few communist con artists literally made that
claim as part of their “miraculous” stories of “survival” ™ — tall tales of hair-raising terror — spun and told for a bag of silver shekels, of course — at your local school, community center, library or the Oprah Winfrey show.
This LIE can’t die soon enough. And when it does, we shall restore the great name of The Great One (that’s Hitler for you newbies and normies) to its rightful place of honor and reverence.”