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Thursday, June 27, 2024

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US State mandates Ten Commandments posters in all public school classrooms

Louisiana news

Louisiana has enacted a law requiring every public school classroom, from elementary to university level, to display a poster of the Ten Commandments.

Signed by Governor Jeff Landry, the Republican-backed measure views the commandments as foundational to state and national government. The posters, featuring the commandments in large, readable font, must be prominently displayed by 2025, though no state funding is provided for the posters. This law is expected to face legal challenges from civil rights groups, arguing it violates the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, which separates church and state.

The move by Louisiana follows similar legislative efforts in other Republican-led states, such as Texas, Oklahoma, and Utah. The mandate also includes a context statement explaining the historical role of the commandments in American education.

Past legal precedents, including a 1980 Supreme Court decision striking down a similar Kentucky law, suggest a contentious road ahead. The court previously ruled that displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools served ‘no secular purpose’ and was inherently religious, highlighting the complex intersection of education, law, and religion in the US.

Image credit: Adrian Curiel

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  1. I bet the talmuduc zionist cultists are angry.
    They believe Jesus boils in excrement in hell.
    No wonder they freely commit genocide.
    They obviously prefer the Godless transhumanist agenda where God is removed totally. This leaves….. Evil.
    We are witnessing this in groomerica now. Moral bankruptcy.

    • I’d pay a premium to watch the woke, clown-haired millennial school teachers hiss like serpents as they cross the classroom threshold each day and see the commandments on the wall.

      It would probably burn their skin like acid.


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