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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Watch: Donald Trump Jr. calls mainstream media reporter a ‘clown’

Americans were sick of the mainstream media’s ‘lies and nonsense’ about his father, Donald Trump Jr. said.

Donald Trump Jr. sparred with MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff during a heated interview at the Republican National Convention, blasting the liberal legacy media network as “clowns” and telling the journalist to “just get out of here.”

Trump Jr., the eldest son of former President Donald Trump, got into a tense exchange with Soboroff on Monday, the first day of the convention where Trump was formally nominated as the party’s presidential pick.

Trump Jr. first took exception when Soboroff asked him what a second term under Trump, 78, would look like and suggested he was a “divisive figure” in his first term in the Oval Office.

“I don’t think he was a divisive figure at all,” Trump Jr. insisted. “I think the media created [divisiveness] around him. They lied about Russia, Russia collusion, they said that he was a traitor, they went after him in every which way possible.”

He added, “If the media actually starts being an honest broker, talking about the things that he did, the prosperity he brought, the peace deals that he signed around the world rather than the disaster that we’re living right now, I think you’d do everyone in the country a big favour.”

When Soboroff asked if his father would attempt to separate migrant children from their parents after crossing the border, Trump Jr. appeared to link the Obama administration to the same immigration tactic, leading Soboroff to interject, “You know they didn’t do that, sir.”

Soboroff’s persistence led Trump Jr. to tear into him, saying, “It’s MSDNC so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn’t wait, you couldn’t wait with your lies and with your nonsense. So, just get out of here,” Trump Jr. concluded with a wave of his hand.

Trump Jr.’s father, who arrived at the convention two days after surviving an assassination attempt, has made immigration policy a major theme of his campaign following a flood of migrants crossing illegally into the US under President Biden.

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  1. President Trump needs to change his Last Will & Testament in order to appoint Don Jr. to take over the run for President in the event of Donald Trump’s untimely Deep State orchestrated death prior to the (s)election.
    Don Jr. won’t take any s@#t from the globalists or the disgusting MSM either.

  2. “You know they didn’t do that Sir…”

    Ah yes, never forget the left’s ability to boldly and emphatically blurt out “nuh uh” and double down, no matter how provably WRONG they are.

    Trump was almost assassinated, and the MSM clown’s first question is, “why’s your dad such a divisive racist who hates migrant children?”

    These people are cancer 😒

  3. The child trafficking is a huge problem. So many children dissapearing.Had been going on all this time the Biden administration has been at it. Obama too?


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