President Tsai Ing-wen’s warmongering anti-CCP rhetoric, backed up by Washington theatrics backfired, eventually leading to her resignation this week.
A clear message has been sent to Taiwan’s politicians – focus on getting the economy right and stop the warmongering theatrics.
‘No one in Taiwan wants it to become the next Ukraine.’
Geopolitical experts Alexander Mercouris and Alex Christoforou analyse the results of the latest Taiwan local elections.
While the elections were ostensibly about choosing local officials, Ing-wen’s strategy was to cast them as a referendum on her fanatical pro-US policies.
It backfired spectacularly as voters said they had had enough of political theatre, exemplified by the highly controversial visit of Former House Leader Nancy Pelosi earlier this year.
The main opposition party KMT benefitted the most from the rout. While the party is committed to a ‘One China’ policy, it is one that sees them, and not the CCP in charge of a unified China. Nevertheless the two hosts envisage a toning down of the rhetoric, and a focus on getting the Taiwanese economy performing again.
Other issues swaying the vote were:
- Ing-wen’s proposal to increase the period of compulsory military service
- Economic downturn
- The government’s unsuccessful COVID response
its about time people realizes that the USA sow discord among countries for their own benefit. And that average people never benefit from war, on the contrary. There is only pain and suffering in ukraine. Thanks to US politicians war mongers