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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Russia hasn’t really started anything yet – Putin

Ukraine conflict news

The president cautioned Russia’s rivals against attempting to defeat it on the battlefield.

Russia is ready to engage in peace negotiations with Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, warning that those who reject such prospects should realize that prolonging the ongoing conflict would only make such talks more difficult.

“We do not refuse to negotiate peace, but those who refuse should know that the longer they do, the more difficult it will be to negotiate,” Putin said, issuing a warning to those who might think Russia has already exhausted its capabilities amid the conflict.

We hear today that they want us to be defeated on the battlefield. Well, what can I say? Let them try. We haven’t even really started anything yet.

Putin also said that the West appears to actually be willing to “fight until the last Ukrainian,” which he said is a “tragedy” for the Ukrainian people.

The president blamed the ongoing conflict on the US-led NATO, stressing that Russia’s consistent efforts to create a fair international security system have been jeopardized.

“The initiatives to work together on missile defense have been rejected, warnings about the unacceptability of NATO expansion, especially at the expense of the former Soviet republics, have been ignored,” Putin said.

If the West’s goal was to provoke a conflict between Russia and Ukraine, it has evidently succeeded in that, Putin admitted. On the strategic level, however, the West already lost when Moscow launched its military operation in Ukraine, Putin stated.

They should have realized that they had already lost from the very beginning of our special military operation, because its beginning also means the beginning of a complete breakdown of the American world order.

The president added that the ongoing breakdown “cannot be stopped.”

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Source:RT News

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  1. Vlad Putin is on the right side of history in this instance.
    He pleaded with the West to consider what the West had been doing in the former Soviet Union Eastern European Nations, with the West’s offers of NATO membership in those former Soviet territories, moving their weapons closer to the Russian border, arrogant disregard for Russian borders and the security of Moscow by arrogantly ignoring the Minsk Agreement!
    Former Ukrainian J3wi$h President Poroshenko stated that “We signed on to the Minsk Agreement in order to buy more time for Ukraine.”
    The same modus of the rabid, monstrous Zionist / Communist Talmudic Khazarians and Ashkenazis that appeared in 1917, and murdered 65 million Russian Orthodox Christians is again on the wing, and President Putin will NOT allow this shit to happen again to Russia by these Talmudic monsters!
    Russia welcomes Christians from all over the world, but Israel bans the same, and in many cases assassinates those who would dare visit based on political beliefs and citizenships.
    Stay tuned…

  2. Putin doesnt bluff like the western leaders. NATO can hold just a couple of weeks of land battle against Russia & China, and they will run out of ammunitions. Turkey has the largest army and they are not going to fight for US. The largest Ruropean army was the Ukranian army which is 80% decimated already. Chechens, Cossacks and LPR army is mainly doing the fighting and the russians provide high tech support for the fighting army. Almost all of the russian army is in tact and those involved in the Ukranian operation are getting good rest and they are not over used. Ukraine is now forcing civilian women to fight! Contrary to the MSM propaganda, US has lost the proxy war, and EU countries damaged their economy which will take decade to recover. Public in the West are not told the truth and we are indeed misled.


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