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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Dairy Owners Association slams Labour for lack of action on crime

Sunny Kaushal news

Sunny Kaushal believes crime is skyrocketing, despite government claims it’s decreasing.

Writing in legacy media outlet the Weekend Herald, Kaushal said ‘Where giving 16-year-olds the vote has the Prime Minister giddy with excitement… the death of a dairy worker in her own electorate, generates tea and sympathy.’

Politicians look at official statistics and claim crime is down, but ‘do you feel crime is down, honestly?’ he asked. There was ‘a general loss of confidence in the system.’

Government policy ‘has been to empty the prisons. The prison muster is 22 per cent lower in September 2022 than it was for the same month in 2017. Do you feel safer? As a crime victim myself it’s the opposite.’

The government’s claim crime rates were down had to be put in the context of low reporting rates, as evidenced both here and in Australia, and decreasing police arrest rates.

‘Earlier this year, we found reported retail crime was up in 10 of the country’s 12 police districts while arrests in all police districts were down. More crime, less offences for fewer consequences. This is New Zealand in 2022.’

Kaushal said his organisation had contacted Chris Hipkins, Michael Woods and Ayesha Verrall to discuss a range of strategies but had heard nothing back. But ‘worse’ of all was Justice Minister Kiri Allan. They ‘had high hopes for [her]. She said yes to a meeting but that was in June. Radio silence since.’

‘The first thing we want is for the Government to admit there is a crime emergency, as the only ones who don’t think there is one are in the Beehive or on university campuses.’

Kaushal wants New Zealand to follow the Australian model in the area of self-defence law, where the concept extends to property.

‘Perhaps the biggest thing we need is for the public to join with us to say enough is enough. That we, as a country, have serious issues where families do not care what their children do at 2am. The state’s role is to do the hard gritty stuff. To intervene into dysfunction, whether that’s the army of beggars we see on our streets to the homeless, who are themselves exploited by criminals. This is not care in the community. It’s neglect in the community.’

Vigil for Janak Patel – Ardern jets off to the Chathams

A community vigil for slain dairy worker Janak Patel was planned for tonight. Hundreds were expected to gather to pay their respects.

Despite the tragedy happening in the Prime Minister’s electorate, she has instead chosen to take a trip to the Chatham Islands where the government recently opened a new drinking water and filtration system.

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  1. Cant beieve 16 year olds are going to get the vote. Its insanity. Its a ploy by labour to extend its voting base
    New Zealand is turning to s**t
    You lot voted for her so now you are reaping the reward of 3 Waters, Digital IDs and more


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