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Watch: UK doctors tell government to ‘Stop the Jabs now’

Doctors for Patients UK news

The doctors also call for an immediate investigation into COVID mRNA injections.

DFPUK was launched in September 2022 and has become a fast-growing group of UK doctors who are dedicated to practising ethical, evidence-based, patient-centred medicine.

The group ‘was borne out of increasing concerns that core principles of medical ethics are being disregarded, such as the oath to “First do no harm”, respect for individual bodily autonomy and the need to obtain full and informed consent for all medical interventions.’

According to a recent press release from the organisation, ‘Many doctors, in the UK and internationally, have become increasingly concerned about the safety profile of Covid-19 vaccines and the continued rollout of these products to the public, including pregnant women and children. Several doctors in DFPUK have submitted multiple Yellow Card reports of adverse events to the MHRA, and have signed letters to the JCVI, MHRA, the RCOG, Prime Minister and others to express their concerns, but have seen little or no response or action taken’

This lack of action on the part of medical authorities prompted DFPUK to produce a video, which has been uploaded to Rumble by CoronavirusPlushie.

A total of 18 doctors and scientists speak in the 19 minute video, which includes General Practitioners, Professors and surgeons.

Dr Ayeisha Malik, General Practitioner: ‘When we became doctors we took an oath to Do No Harm, and that oath needs to be honoured.’

Dr. Ros Jones, paediatrician: ‘We’ve got an increased all-cause mortality. We’ve got increased side-effects from booster shots, and apart from everything else, they are not effective against any of the current variants. It’s simply time to stop the shots.’

Dr. Jannah van der Pol, General Practitioner: ‘My entire career I’ve never had any problems giving or receiving vaccines before, but in 2020 I decided not to have a COVID vaccine because I was concerned about the experimental mRNA platforms used. And in the past couple of years I’ve observed a number of my patients present with severe and debilitating Long COVID symptoms, not after having COVID but after receiving their first or second COVID vaccine, or sometimes their boosters. And I’ve since come to understand the spike protein itself can be extremely toxic to the human body. And I believe we need to stop deliberately exposing patients to the most toxic part of the COVID virus by giving these vaccines.’

Dr. Rohaan Seth, Former General Practitioner: ‘These vaccines are unsafe. They’re not effective. The roll-out is unethical and unnecessary. It’s unecessary to vaccinate children for COVID. It’s unethical to vaccinate pregnant women without any long-term studies. The harms being caused by these vaccines are quite apparent now.’

Professor Angus Dagleish, Oncologist: ‘I have a 6th, 7th and an 8th patient [cancer], who’ve clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine. At first we didn’t put the two together. But when patients said ‘I’ve felt awful since the vaccine’…and the next thing we know, 2 or 3 weeks, or a couple of months later, we’ve got clear evidence of relapse. These relapses are quite aggressive. They are not a ‘gentle relapse… This does not look like a coincidence to me. We need to join forces and see if this is a real effect, and if it is, we must stop all the boosters immediately.’

Dr. Fiona Martindale, General Practitioner: ‘I’m a GP and I’m really concerned about the deterioration I’ve seen in the health of many of my patients since the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccinations… The problems include several heart attacks in fit and healthy 40 and 50 year olds. More asthmatic symptoms in adults with no previous diagnosis. People getting chronic fatigue like symptoms, shoulder pain, inflammation continuing months after their jab…I’m also concerned about the national and international safety data that suggest that something may be terribly wrong with these vaccines.

Dr. David Cartland, General Practitioner: ‘I am astounded and angry this vaccine is being roll-out to younger and younger cohorts…The adverse events data is unprecedented and stacking up week by week in systems that are likely under-reported, such as the VAER system, and Yellow Card system. Medicine is all about safety, and given all the huge safety signal the mRNA injections are giving off we need to stop these shots immediately, pending urgent investigation, for the sake of our next generation and children.’

Dr. Dean Patterson, Cardiologist: ‘Since the COVID-19 vaccines have been launched I have noticed an increasing signal of both myocarditis and myocardilial injury. In conjunction with this I have noticed an increasing signal of thrombosis and other serious adverse events. Prior to the vaccine roll-out I didn’t witness any evidence of myocarditis in relation to the COVID infection itself. In light of my concerns I feel we should halt the roll-out of the vaccination programme and perform a thorough investigation… There is serious harm in the vaccination roll-out, and until proven otherwise, these vaccines are not safe.’

Dr. Anna Forbes, Integrative Doctor: ‘Many of my patients have been telling me they are increasingly unwell to varying degress since the COVID-19 vaccinations… I believe this whole situation demands immediate and deep investigation.’

Dr. Tony Hinton, Surgeon: ‘I know many people who’ve had the COVID vaccine and then caught COVID. I also know a lot of people who’ve had side-effects following the COVID vaccine. So what do we think? Safe and effective? Or just stop the shots?’

Dr. Julia Wilkens, Obstetrician and Gynecologist: ‘Almost half a million reports [of adverse reactions], which is about 1 in 114 people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine. This includes 2,362 deaths. It also includes over 30,000 acute cardiac events and almost 300,000 nervous system disorders, as well as many more serious and potentially life-threatening conditions. While these numbers cannot be taken as proof of causality, these numbers are huge and unprecedented, and are also reflected in the adverse reporting systems in the US, in Europe, and by the WHO.’

Dr. Caroline Lapworth, General Practitioner: ‘It’s not possible and irresponsible to declare a new pharmaceutical product safe in pregnancy. Time is needed to monitor the unborn baby and then the growing child…It’s not evidence-based medicine to tell women to take these shots. We have got to stop the shots.’

Dr. Tess Lawrie, World Council for Health: ‘There’s more than enough evidence here to show the COVID injections are not safe and they’re not effective. Let’s stop the shots now.’

Dr. Claire Craig, Co-Chair HART: ‘It’s time to stop these shots and start an investigation into these cardiac excess deaths.’

Dr. Elizabeth Evans, Director UKMFA: ‘There is now overwhelming evidence showing the COVID vaccines are neither safe nor effective, and that the risks far outweigh the benefits, particularly for the young and healthy. This violates a fundamental principle of medical ethics that we must first Do No Harm. The roll-out has also been done in a way that undermines the ethical process of informed consent, with coersive policies and messaging, exaggeration of benefits, and failure to fully disclose risks. It is time to halt the roll-out. We must stop the shots.

Dr. Angela Musso, General Practitioner: ‘COVID-19 vaccines are not safe and effective due to insufficient evidence.’

Dr. Billy Ralph, General Practitioner: ‘These COVID vaccines are not as safe and effective as alleged. And they’re especially not safe or effective for children. So, stop the jabs.’

Dr. Ali Ajaz, Forensic Psychiatirst: ‘COVID-19 jabs are not safe, and are not proven effective. This is the experience of frontline doctors across the world and published scientific research. If you look for it you will see it. It’s time to do the right thing. Let’s stop the jabs now.’

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  1. Let us all never never give up on independent thorough investigations of these covid 19 “vaccines,” persistence does pay rewards.
    Remember when most Dr’s rubbished our doubts and questions. Here we are seeing more and more Dr’s speaking out. Thank you all.
    These Dr’s may well experience the silence as we initially did. Yet they too will be listened to and respected in time, after persisting with their messages.
    NZ Parliament……🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗 currently
    These people who authorized the emergency act and the so called “vaccines” were well aware of the affects from the beginning. Intentional harm😡

  2. These experimental mRNA injections are just doing what they are supposed to do. The information is all over the internet. Bill Gates and his grinning wife told the truth. They want to reduce the population. NZ Govt parties National, Act, Labour, Maori, the Greens and the ‘academics’ involved are well aware of what is going on and pay the media to keep churning out the propaganda. I’ll bet the farm not one of those pro-jab grifters or their families have had mRNA in any of their televised injections. Nobody even needs to pay them to push the narrative now – just threaten them with the real thing and watch the fear in their eyes.

  3. Will the unhinged corrupt jabbers ever stop? I’m guessing not until they start to face criminal charges, then then they’ll all be shouting “but I was just doing my job”.

    We’ve all seen this movie before, Nuremberg 2.0, is just a matter of time.

    By way of anecdote, my mother’s best friend has just been rushed to hospital with heart problems, no issues before her recent ‘safe and effective’ booster.

    Nothing to see here, and correlation is not causation. Yeah right.

  4. They ALL had placebos of saline injections…and yes, they knew what they were doing, and who they were doing it to!
    That was the reason for the un-armed uprising at Parliament…maybe next time things will be different, with the availability of 3D printers turning out home-made firearms, with no fear of repercussions from the makers of the same due to their government DELIBERATELY ABUSING THEM OVER THE LAST 3 YEARS!
    WHEN that happens, the NZ Police and the NZDF will need to stand-down, and let the Citizens Arrests to proceed, as well as High Court proceedings re; CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and MANSLAUGHTER CHARGES as a minimum.
    IF the High Court refuses to hear the cases, or throws them out or indefinitely reserves it’s decision, then the court should be dissolved and the cases referred to The Hague.
    If that is cancelled, then the formation of a Provincial Court by the Citizens will need to come into effect.


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