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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Posie Parker – Free Speech Union to intervene in High Court action

Posie Parker news

The organisation has been granted ‘intervener’ status in proceedings filed to stop Posie Parker from entering New Zealand.

In a press release this morning the Union said:

‘We know that some powers that be would be pleased to see this decision [ie. the decision to allow Parker to enter] reversed. We must ensure the strongest arguments are made in favour of free speech.

‘Crown Law indicated that they will argue that there is no evidence Posie Parker poses a harm to New Zealand. While this is a legitimate defence of INZ’s decision, it is crucial that there is also a principled defence of free speech.’

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  1. If Posie is advocating that a man is a man, and a woman is a woman then she has my support. If she is opposed to trans-genderism nonsense then she has my support. If she is out to save children from perveyors of stupidity then let her speak. Let her speak very loudly..!

    • Certainly has my support. Anyone who doesn’t support her views on the rights of woman and children is obviously up to no good. That includes opposing MPs.

  2. Posie is NOT anti trans she is pro-women who have been women since birth….as all sane people are.
    Why is the only argument the so call Alphabet community don’t want to have the one around trans and mental health?
    I can understand why the trans community is against her because she will not buy into their ideology but the rest of the Alphabet community it would seem to me don’t have a dog in the fight so all this really looks like is reality vs what started as another leftist ideology to help destroy society and bring about their so called socialist utopia. if you think you can change what you were born as then you have way bigger problems than just not being accepted as what you self identify as and anyway why should your delusion trump everyone else’s reality, after all that seems dangerously narcissistic.

  3. The left love to conflate issues by linking things together that are not related in order to cause problems in society.

    There are genuine trans people out there who believe that they are born into the wrong body. Even after having psychological counseling, they are sure that they need a sex change and then do so. However, propagandizing trans ideology is very dangerous as it can suck in vulnerable people and convince them that they need a sex change, including children. They are then guided to have a sex change before any psychological counseling and regret it afterward. A case in point I read a while ago involves a young man from the UK who had a sex change, and the UK health authority did it with no psychological counseling beforehand, so they and he did not know if it was body dysmorphia. Afterwards, he regretted it every day and had dreams where he believed he was “whole” again before waking up and knowing that he was not. It was very hard to read and was a result of propagandizing.

    The trans issue should not be propagandized in any way as it can damage permanently people’s bodies.

    Also, on the issue of trans in women’s sports this seems to be a deliberate attempt to create more problems in society. The simple fix in order to respect women properly and allow trans to compete in sports is to have a trans category. Therefore, for sports were now there are men’s and women’s events, there would instead be men, women and trans events.

    • There’s a certain kind of homophobia to it all isn’t there? I mean stop trying to MAKE PEOPLE conform to heterosexual norms.Its such a bad idea.


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