The PM was asked the question by Sean Plunket of The Platform at a press conference today.
A hot topic in New Zealand right now following on from the Posie Parker controversy, Hipkins struggled to answer what to many is a straightforward question.
‘How do you and how does this government define a woman?’ asked Plunket.
Hipkins hesitated for a few moments before saying the question had ‘come slightly out of leftfield for me.’
‘The…. biology, sex, gender, umm…. people define themselves. People define their own genders…’
‘I’d ask you again. How do you define what a woman is?’
‘Well as I’ve just indicated I was not expecting that question, so it’s not something I’ve formulated, pre-formulated an answer on. But in terms of gender identity, I think people define their gender identity for themselves.
What is a woman?
New Zealand's Prime minister Chris Hipkins can't answer that.
— The Golden Age is coming (@PatriotNz2022) April 3, 2023
Plunket’s Twitter account suspended
The Platform confirmed today that Plunket’s Twitter account has been suspended – permanently. Commentators are blaming a ‘pile on’ by trans activitists looking to cancel the founding editor after he gave extensive coverage to the women’s rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (‘Posie Parker’) during and after her trip to New Zealand.
Platform founding editor @SeanPlunket permanently suspended from Twitter. At least they didn’t juice him!
— The Platform NZ (@theplatform_nz) April 3, 2023
The Platform NZ should rename itself to The DePlatformed NZ.
I wonder if anybody in New Zealand genuinely believes they still live a functioning democracy.
After 3 years of totalitarian government Sean Plunket should have known that ‘journalists’ are only permitted to ask scripted soft questions that reaffirm government policy.
That might change soon when it sinks in that they all got played an that the PM,s office wipes its arse with their OIA requests.
But then they’d have to pay the $55 million back 🙂
That’s the thing, they still don’t get it
Hipkins is a dirty rotten hunt.
Needs to be treated to a night with the traneys
Oh dear, PM Hipkins just dug himself an enormous Nicola Sturgeon shaped hole.
How long will it be before a convicted NZ rapist, wife beater or violent male criminal declares himself ‘a woman’ in order to serve his sentence in a women’s prison.
Exactly. Poor Chippy just suffered his ‘Sturgeon’ moment.
Chippy has had his chips.
That’s why Chippy stumbled. He just saw Nicola Sturgeon’s life flash before his eyes.
What an utterly spineless, cowardly mouse’s response. Welcome to the age of weak men
He knows damn well what a woman is, we all do.
And “pro-jab Plunket” is a little late to the party with his “cutting edge” journalism that Matt Walsh already did better a year ago. He can go play bowls in traffic for all I care. Maybe he just needs bigger glasses (if that’s even possible). Twitter is for twits.
I agree, It is inexplicable that Sean Plunket swallowed the government’s ‘safe and effective’ jab narrative so readily.
As far as I’m aware Sean Plunket and the Platform NZ are still clinging to their policy of jab-injury denial.
Brilliant. Another spectacular own goal from the looney left.
I wonder how many votes Mr Chippy Hipkins just lost with that silly answer.
Goodbye Mr Chips.
Just open another one Plunkie, I am into double figures, you will get the hang of it.
I think several of our past PMs are trannys, be interested in Hipkins DNA test.
I’m not a scientist so I might be wrong, but I don’t think an empty suit can actually have DNA.
I’m a scientist and I can categorically say that empty suits can ‘identify’ as having DNA without actually having any.
Hope that clarifies.
Thanks good to know the science is settled on that.
One technical question:
Can a ham sandwich identify as being a cheese sandwich, or would that be illegal?
Not sure, possibly a good question for the PM.
I’m a lawyer and advise that a ham sandwich can legally identify as a trans-cheese sandwich, however not trans-gorgonzola for obvious reasons.
That’s $1400 + GST please.
Invoice attached.
Chippie not fit to govern
I think New Zealand must have the most inadequate political leader in the whole world. Our PM can not define a woman. Maybe he should go to more pride parades to see what a woman not should look like.
You people should check out (if you havent)
Its a vote block , if you agree with the following and join they will pitch to the minor parties to see who wants to implement the policies to get their vote,,,
Including the NZ Bill of Rights, and all Fundamental, Sovereign, God Given, Human Rights of all New Zealanders.
No Division, Segregation, or
Discrimination of any kind, including Race, Religion, Gender, Political or Medical Status.
Equal opportunity to democratic debate on key New Zealand Law and Policy.
Protection from Offshore, Corporate, or Non-elected Bodies from Political persuasion or interference. Including full disclosure and transparency of any
possible/personal/political conflict of interest of any MP or associate.
The principles of ethical journalism
must apply to an Independent media.
State funded media must have fair
balanced opposition. We want these
values protected.
NZ Statutory Patient Rights, and well established Medical Ethics, based on agreed and International principles
(such as the Nuremberg Code), are sacrosanct to the Health Profession, and are NOT negotiable. NZ Health
Regulators should be independent and free of any conflict of interest, marketing pressure, or other outside
investment influence from Foreign, Political, Corporate, or Pharmaceutical Organisations.
Remove any perceived Security threat of National or Overseas interference to reassure New Zealanders a free and fair NZ Election process is in place.
An independent inquiry into all matters relating to the Covid19 declared pandemic and response.
Procedure to limit emergency powers.
Now there is a manly stance and confident answer🤣. His knees were buckling as he bore the weight of the WEF and UN awaiting his response
well said!
Chippy has just inadvertently offered up the solution to the co-governance lunacy.
Everyone in New Zealand just needs to identify as being Maori.
That was easy. Problem solved.
Chris Hipkins believes if you cut out the insides of a man’s penis and turn it inside out to make a pocket, have his testicles cut off, that makes him a woman if he thinks he is. Of course, that is not true, is it. All that makes you is a gay man who is fulfilling his fantasy by ruining his productive parts. To make himself attractive to men, to have sex with men. He was not born a woman, he can not have children. He is not a woman. He is a gay man.
Brain dead wokester. You can’t be a real bloke if you don’t know what a Sheila is. Bloody disgrace
Some advice for PM Hipkins.
The first rule of holes. When you’re in a hole, stop digging.
It’s Hipkins.
Seems like all your chickens are coming home to roost honey bunch.
And does he know what a dick is?
There is a vehicle in the Manawatu that was born a diesel but now identifies as an EV
France on Fire: “Fires” Everywhere. Who Is Behind them? “Men in Black”
Again, they – the majority of people worldwide – have no clue what’s really behind this LGBTQ propaganda drive.
It pertains to the eugenist agenda, also largely funded by the Soros Open Society Foundation, Gates, Rockefeller, WEF.
Gay people have no children.
What are the pension protests all about really – funding the war in Ukraine
Why are interest rates going up all over the world – funding the war in Ukraine
World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” Revealed
Controversial broadcaster Sean Plunket permanently suspended from Twitter
This LGBTQ nonsense could also be a distraction to the real issue
That Sean has dared to question the official narraitve pertaining to the so called Christchurch attacks
In that saying Tarrant was ‘not a terrorist”‘
It is highly doubtful Tarrant is in fact even in the video
Or even an actor
We see a glimpse of him for 3 seconds which appears to be photoshopped and surreal
Obviously to register his participation in what is fast being revealed as a False Flag
And most probably the reason the main protaginist resigned as PM
Sean is directly over the target at 60ft with searchlights in the crosshairs
Also known as the dam busters
A man is a man
A woman is a woman
Unless they are an Hermaphrodite
When they have the best of both worlds
Then there are ELOHEEM
Who are not men but Gods in 3D in Adamic White only flesh and blood bodies
Psalms 82:6-8