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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Ardern to join the board of trustees of ‘The Earthshot Prize’

The Earthshot Prize news
Image – The EarthShot Prize website.

The Earthshot Prize is part of the Royal Foundation of the Prince and Princess of Wales.

It’s purpose is to find ‘extraordinary solutions to the world’s greatest environmental challenges.’ The Earthshot Prize is awarded to five winners each year for their commitment to environmentalism.

‘It is an honour to welcome Jacinda to The Earthshot Prize team,’ said Prince William in a statement.

‘Her life-long commitment to supporting sustainable and environmental solutions, along with her experience as Prime Minister of New Zealand, will bring a rich infusion of new thinking to our mission.

‘Four years ago, before The Earthshot Prize even had a name, Jacinda was one of the first people I spoke to, and her encouragement and advice was crucial to the prize’s early success.

‘I am hugely grateful to her for joining us as she takes the next steps in her career.’

The announcement today follows Ardern’s appointment by Prime Minister Chris Hipkins as ‘Special Envoy for the Christchurch Call.’

Ardern will be at parliament for the final time tomorrow in her capacity as an MP, when she will deliver her valedictory speech. She was Prime Minister of New Zealand from 2017 until her resignation on 19 January this year. Her reign was marked by controversy during the COVID pandemic, culminating in one of New Zealand’s largest protest’s at Parliament Buildings in Wellington in February and March 2022.


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  1. Audrey Young doesn’t want Ardern below the radar for too long. Personally I have conflicting views. Ideally she’d be so far under the radar we would forget she ever existed…. But then the other part of me want to know what totalitarian dastardly schemes she’s cooking up to unleash on an unsuspecting world. Would it be too much to hope that she has a Saul on the road to Damascus experience?

  2. The trail of destruction, the ruined lives, the devastation, the reckless spending, the division between families and the lies repeated endlessly about the jabs that have killed and maimed so many. 1000 nurses still mandated out of their profession. Doctors, too. It is a trail of enormous betrayal — with every one of the current MPs in that place also guilty. And this appointment shows P. William in a poor light indeed….

  3. Welcome to the team of the Earthshot Prize! We’re so excited to have Jacinda on board, and her experience and dedication to environmentalism will be a valuable addition to our team. We’re committed to finding solutions to the world’s greatest environmental challenges, and she’ll be a great asset to our cause. Thanks for joining us!


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