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Friday, October 18, 2024

Popular Now

Watch: New study’s findings on mRNA jab-induced heart damage ‘off the charts’

World health expert Dr. John Campbell criticised New Zealand health authorities for continuing to push the mRNA jab as safe in ‘unethical’ advertisements.

The study ‘is an international paper in a reputable, peer-reviewed journal’, Campbell told his 2.8 million YouTube followers.

The study was conducted by the Department of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Institute in Basel, Switzerland, and will be published in the European Journal of Heart Failure, an open-access journal of the European Society of Cardiology.

The study differed from previous ones in that it was a ‘prospective active surveillance study’, as opposed to a ‘passive surveillance study’ where data was collected only as people came forward with complaints about their health post-mRNA jab.

The study is also ‘industry independent’, meaning it was not tainted by funding from companies ‘making the money’.

‘This is a much better quality study and it’s produced quite worrying results,’ said Dr. Campbell.

‘If regulators around the world don’t take notice of the information I’m about to give by this paper, then they are at best in my view negligent. If worse, I don’t even want to think about it.

‘After Moderna booster vaccines in a trial done in Switzerland, there were 777 working people followed up by 777 controls, 5.1% of those who had the booster vaccine had increased troponins indicating cardio myocite damage. So 5.1% increased cardiac marker damage, chemicals in the blood. 2.8% in the 777, that is one in 35… had vaccine associated myocardial injury.

‘Quite astounding, and incredible.’

Troponins are chemicals in the heart cells which assist with contraction. If there’s a problem with the cells, the troponins leak out into the blood stream where they can be picked up with testing.

‘If someone had said to me, you could have had this vaccine, as I did, but by the way there’s a 2.8% vaccine associated myocardial injury I would’ve run a mile. I’m furious at not being fully informed about this, and you should be too. We’ve been treated like mushrooms on this and it’s completely unacceptable.’

‘1 in 35 who received the booster had vaccine-associated myocardial injury. This is a range of adverse reaction that is off the scale in health care, and yet in New Zealand and other places it’s still being actively and unethically, some might say, promoted. This is just off the scale risks, off the scale, completely.’

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  1. Well those bast**** in government not only are complicit in murder by still promoting this poison, they have also passed the therapeutic bill which will end natural medicine, they will also pass the censorship bill whatever submissions are written against it. Democracy is finished in New Zealand and the dopey population will not have the balls to do anything about it.

  2. Fun watching the media trying to pin 18 year old Bronnie James’ heart attack on the coof and keeping suspiciously quiet about Sinead O’Connor…

  3. Time for any political party or individual who keeps pushing this to opt out of politics….the least we should expect from govt is safe standards in medical care….

    • I have within my group of friends, family, acquaintances and neighbours , and counting only the ones where you know who is vaxxed, well over a third that are either constantly sick or have contracted disabling disease. Over ONE THIRD!
      On top of the for some severe side effects of ‘vaccination”, the whole lot of them [ALL OF THEM] fell ill with covid, about half of them multiple times and severely.
      The contrast to the non-jabbed could not be more obvious!

      The problem New Zealand faces is that our law makers, ALL parties in parliament, have colluded in the covid-polit-crime. Who could oust them from parliament?
      And what judge would take them on?
      What police officer would follow his oath?
      And the military? What military?

    • Many die from flu every year. This time they died of COVID. My doctor usually sees hundreds of flu patients, he saw ZERO flu patients! Something’s fishy…..

  4. i am old. Never took flu vax for old people. Did nt take vax covid either.
    I will go when my time has come.
    Doctors try to scare us with death. It is their living. We all have to die. And don t think a doctor will save you when your time is up

  5. The study only talks about myocarditis – which just under 3% developed.
    Then there are those that were not mentioned, that had respiratory effects, menstrual effects, blood clots to the brain, and more,…
    Add those to the equation and it’s not beyond the realms of possibility that way more than 5% (don’t want to be accused of disinformation/misinformation by saying 10%, do we) of recipients of the vax may have had detectable ill-effects had the medicos been looking.
    How many has the vax reputed to have saved??


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