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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Injunction filed in Australia against Pfizer and Moderna over failure to obtain GMO license for COVID jabs

mRNA GMO news

Legal proceedings were filed this month by Dr. Julian Fidge, a Victorian GP.

Proceedings seeking an injunction to stop the use of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID jab products in Australia have been adjourned, as the court timetables the case towards a hearing.

The case centres around the failure of the two companies to obtain a GMO licence for their mRNA COVID products. Documents filed by Dr. Fidge claim the LNP (Liquid Nano Particle)-mRNA complex ‘fulfils the legal definitions under the Gene Technology Act in Australia, for being called properly genetically modified organisms (GMOs),’ said Julian Gillespie, a former barrister who has come out of retirement to consult on the case.

Fellow Big Pharma outfit AstraZeneca is not included in the litigation, as it did obtain the necessary GMO licences.

The legal and medical team recently appeared on independent media channel Club Grubbery (CG) to outline the background to the case.

Gillespie said they had hoped to file the case in February, but the delay worked in their favour because it allowed new evidence to emerge.

‘…as a consequence of those delays we were able to come into new information… confirming that both of these products – Moderna and Pfizer, both of their monovalent C19 vaccines and their bivalent C19 vaccines are grossly, excessively contaminated with synthetic DNA that they failed to filter out of the production process.’

‘The MOD RNA, which is the primary constituent of both those products, that’s bad enough, because there’s 40 years of science showing very clearly the high likelihood that that MOD RNA would get into the nucleus and interfere and/or integrate into the human genome, chromosomal natural DNA.

‘This sythetic DNA is a much, much worse situation that we’re confronting because it doesn’t have to go through additional molecular steps for the genomic integration. It very easily integrates into human DNA. It very easily gets itself inside the nucleus of cells, because the way they manufacture this stuff it’s got certain genetic sequences on it, contained within it, which essentially works as a key to opening up the nucleus. It’s a magnet for this stuff to go into the nucleus and do what it does, and that is alter humanity. Change the way our genes operates, in other words disregulate them, up-regulate them, down-regulate them or silence them, that has an enormous array of adverse health outcomes which we’ve likely been observing while we’re talking about adverse events these past couple of years. So they are also likely a consequence of this contamination of the nucleus.

‘Then we’ve got the genome integration issue, and that in science is called ‘transgenic mutation’. You’re artificially altering, unnaturally, the human genome. We must assume that has already started to occur within millions if not billions of people because we’ve got confirmation of this DNA contamination coming out of reputed labs around the world now, and the numbers of labs are stepping up to say ‘we’re seeing the same things’.

Solicitor Katie Ashby-Koppens said the case was simple – ‘These products have GMOs. Pfizer and Moderna failed to obtain the necessary licenses, and as a consequence they were not able to go through the normal risk assessment analysis conducted by the expert body responsible for dealing with GMOs in Australia.’

The full video can be viewed on the CG Facebook page.

A hearing date is yet to be set.

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  1. Who could imagine. Even worse than what the nazis did.
    But the USA gave shelter to many Nazi ” scientists”.
    Covid 19 was fabricated to roll out a poison to exterminate billions of buman beeings. By the US organizations and with the agreement of US government.
    Katherine Watt did a lot of research on US legislation through the years. For the ones interested, she publishes on substack.com

    • The answer to that is a big YES the US Govt passed a Bill on this maybe back as far as 2005. The tyranny of ‘Covid 19’ has been long in the making and everyone that is just starting to wake up to this now are becoming alarmed. Well it is too late. Three years ago as an ‘antivaxxer’ and ‘conspiracy theorist’ when I started ringing the bell on this I was being ostrascized and outed as not keeping everybody else safe. Well who is keeping who safe now ? Here I am still fighting for the brain washed jabbed as they are shedding onto me causing me harm. And when I say to them well I ‘told you so’ 3 years ago they continue to ostracize and blame me for their ‘illnesses’ May their fate await them.

    • oh f*** now I remember getting a jab and the nurse said, “there’s a tracker in this,” and well of course I didn’t know what she meant. This was before Queen Elizabeth 2 passed and I was still her subject. “You don’t need a chip any more, just the jab,” …”Uh?” … “Yes, we can track your brain waves wirelessly now!” she smiled brightly and stepped back, “a few years ago you got an experimental jab and you were quite sick, what, four or five weeks afterwards, yes? You were indentured to the Queen as a writer Yes, she got all the revenue…EMI, the BBC, they all track you…with their alter-egos” (that’s a brain reading device; the tech is known as V2k, Voice to skull.) an example: https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/489331/machine-uses-gpt-to-decode-what-you-re-thinking
      Just so you know, there are many targeted individuals and this sad state of affairs I read as a result of overzealous scientists on research grants who never consider the humanitarian implications of bypassing any legal, moral or spiritual criteria in their lust for prizes and political motility.

  2. Good to see people doing something, the problem is the system in Australia, like NZ in my opinion doesn’t care and isn’t interested. The little people can all eat cake and take the jab….


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